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hey, its the token lost soul


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it's always a forest why? why can't it be a nice place like a tavern, or a chucrh...heck I'd take a desert oasis.... *blinks* how long have you been standing there?

well, where do i start? I'm a general FE player who has yet to find and buy fes 9-11 *sad face* i've played the gba games to a certain degree of knowledge, having only beaten 8, I've seen fe4 all the way through and played it to around chapter 2 and yet to touch the others...aside from 11-12.

what else can i say....I have a somewhat good imagination so I do some stories...thats about it...now someone help me fre my foot without fire.

oh yeah, one quick note, for some reason I seem to be the walking bastian of Typos lately, so if you see quite a few....chances are thats my little curse :)

Edited by darkswiftblade
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Ahem. . .hi! Hope you like it here!




Oh hai.

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thanks for the- *takes cover* I can't, it isn't for sale in my area ;_;

anyway, I hope to make good contributions, along with having fun and seeing what units are good to use in the FEs- I mean what?

anyway, let me just put this cookie down

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thanks for the- *takes cover* I can't, it isn't for sale in my area ;_;

Oh what the heck? If it's not new, there should be some used ones around! Find it, you won't regret it~!

and this isn't because I write stupid things in the SD forums

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