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Risk: Now with SF Players!


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Dude. Tables is in the Diplomacy one too. >_>

And I had to sit it out. Not fair.....<whine>



Isn't it first come first served? So what if he's in the diplomacy one? Life and lightning IIRC are in there too, your point? I wouldn't agree with tables going out of the game just so psych can come in. But i suppose its up to tables.

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Now I just need orders from Tables, Lightning, Life and Spike (I am NOT calling you by your current name anymore).

Oh yeah, some other things.

Manoeuvring: You can move units between 2 territories as long as the 2 territories are connected, whether by sea route, being adjacent or there being (your own) controlled territories in between. So, you can send people from Brazil to Southern Europe if you control North Africa, for example.

Cards: Preliminary rules: The one where there are 45 cards, 3 of them being JOATs. All non-JOAT cards have either an infantry, a knight or an artillery on it. 3 artillery, 3 infantry, 3 knights or 1 of each means you can get reinforcements. We're playing with the golden horse (so first cash-in gets 4, second cash-in gets 6 etc.) and when you have 5 cards, you MUST cash in.

Edited by JB25
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This is a friendly reminder to everyone to check this goddamn topic before making stupid replies to the role PMs.


The golden horse is at 4.

May be a bit hard to see, but ehh. It was the best I could do.

It is IET's turn.

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Hm, Red has made the typical schoolboy error, that's... WTH LIFE I EXPECTED BETTER!

Anyway my entire turn:

Reinforce obvious place

Attack Central America, move everyone in

Attack Western US, leave 3 people in Central America

Reinforce everyone to Alberta

End turn

Cease algorithm if at any point I have 8 or less people left in my largest territory and tell me (if that happens I accuse the RNG and JB of teaming up against me)

Disclaimer: Spike and Spykor, I'm not specifically attacking you, I'm just taking a bit of territory. Feel free to annihilate any of my territories outside of North America.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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All of IET's troops attack Central America and get gunned down. The RNG blatantly ignores him and sets his troop count to 1. Spike laughs at his face.

I Eat Tables sends 3 units to Eastern USA

Eastern USA (17) attacks Central America (2), Eastern USA (15) conquers Central America.

Central America (12) attacks Western USA (3), Eastern USA (12) conquers Western America.

11 units are sent from Western USA to Alberta.



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so we put our turns here?

PM me. Tables put his orders in here because... I dunno why.

Also, when I tell you the reinforcements you receive, please put in the rest of your actions taken for the turn or I might just go to the next player.

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I put my orders down because the results of them become obvious anyway :awesome:.

Anyway, if someone takes South America, then I'd like to offer a border treaty with them (protip: Someone wants that, it means you have a continent with effectively one border that isn't into Asia)

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Tables, I'll offer you a peace treaty between NA and Asia since I'm going to *hopefully* control Asia. Not an alliance but more of a non-aggression pact, especially once we both have Kamkatchka and Alaska.

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Psych sends 2 units to Eastern Australia and 1 unit to New Guinea.

Eastern Australia (7) attacks Western Australia (3), Eastern Australia (6) conquers Western Australia.

1 unit is sent from New Guinea to Western Australia.



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