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It's definately of of my most favorite and most played games this gen.

However I slowly start to think that it's getting out of hand with the unlockables...

Only thing that bugs the SHIT out of me is the Scout set bonus and the rather obvious imbalance of the Shortstop. Everything else is fine, even with the bloat we've attained.

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I used to think the Shortstop was OP.

Then I decided that I just really, really hate the Scout and that the weapon really wasn't that bad. It fires so fast and is so hard to control that the extra accuracy is almost null after the first shot. The slow was never really prevalent to me, anyway.

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The slow is only even marginally effective for W+M1 pyros, Targe Demos, and rocket jumpers. The kick isn't even close to as hard to control as the F-A-N.

The problem with the Shortstop is the spread combined the the extra rate of fire. It means you can get a solid shot off from rather further away, with the tradeoff being that up close, you're...still better than the Scattergun, due to not needing to control the extra kick.

But it has a lower capacity? The reload is also ridiculously fast.

Incidentally, this is from the perspective of one with twice the Scout hours as the next highest class.

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The slow is only even marginally effective for W+M1 pyros, Targe Demos, and rocket jumpers. The kick isn't even close to as hard to control as the F-A-N.

The problem with the Shortstop is the spread combined the the extra rate of fire. It means you can get a solid shot off from rather further away, with the tradeoff being that up close, you're...still better than the Scattergun, due to not needing to control the extra kick.

But it has a lower capacity? The reload is also ridiculously fast.

Well, yeah, I'm not saying it doesn't outlcass all of the other Scatterguns, but a lot of other weapons are really imbalanced, too. Natascha vs. Sasha, Bonk! is completely useless, the Razorback is completely useless, Backburner is completely useless... I mean, relative to these, the difference between the Scattergun and the Shortstop really isn't that bad. (Of course, the FAN is still useless for the most part, but who cares.)

Incidentally, this is from the perspective of one with twice the Scout hours as the next highest class.

Incidentally, this is from the perspective of one who wants to drop Scout to his least played class because he hates even having it that high on the time-played board.

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Frankly, for pub games, the Backburner is a far cry from useless. Compression Blast is very, very (ludicrously) helpful but autocrits have won me more than their fair share of games even with the buggy as shit hitbox. It's like backstabs stole a whole bundle of degrees from the Backburner, seriously.

Natascha vs. Sasha, spam the fuck out of Natascha as I do for personal reasons, isn't that one-sided. I think Natascha is generally better, but I see people (actual, good, smart people) using Natascha. On the other hand, the only Scouts I see using the Scattergun either spam trade for a Shortstop nao plz or use it because they're more elite for using the classic guns.

'course, now that I've said that I'm sure it has something to do with the set bonus, but eh.

I'd say the next worst primary pair is Black Box vs old Rocket Launcher, to be honest.

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Frankly, for pub games, the Backburner is a far cry from useless. Compression Blast is very, very (ludicrously) helpful but autocrits have won me more than their fair share of games even with the buggy as shit hitbox. It's like backstabs stole a whole bundle of degrees from the Backburner, seriously.

W+M1 Pyros vs. Pyros who realize they have 2 other weapons.

The difference is enormous. I used to use the Backburner(because it looks really cool, actually), but now I just can't think of how I would do without the airblast. I mean, the only times that autocrits really helped me was in incredibly packed areas, like the last stage of Goldrush, second point, and only when the entire enemy team was retarded and decided to stand in the middle and never look back(I mean, pub aren't normally THAT bad.).

Natascha vs. Sasha, spam the fuck out of Natascha as I do for personal reasons, isn't that one-sided. I think Natascha is generally better, but I see people (actual, good, smart people) using Natascha.

you keep saying natascha so i don't know which you're talking about

On the other hand, the only Scouts I see using the Scattergun either spam trade for a Shortstop nao plz or use it because they're more elite for using the classic guns.

'course, now that I've said that I'm sure it has something to do with the set bonus, but eh.

Scattergun actually has a higher DPS, iirc, so there's that.

I'd say the next worst primary pair is Black Box vs old Rocket Launcher, to be honest.

Nah. The health gain really isn't that efficient, and the extra rocket really helps out in a clutch, especially when Ubered. A Black Box soldier is seriously almost useless when Ubered, even if he's not running the Battalion's Backup. I mean, the Black Box is still better, but it's not that bad.

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Yeah, er, on Sasha vs. Natascha the last one was meant to be Sasha. I meant that unlike Scattergun v. Shortstop or Rockets v. Black Box I still see Sasha in my (extremely low-level) play.

Fair point on the Black Box. I actually personally prefer the DH for bunker-busting.

Higher DPS on the Scattergun, though? I dunno about that - though I'm lacking numbers.

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Yeah, er, on Sasha vs. Natascha the last one was meant to be Sasha. I meant that unlike Scattergun v. Shortstop or Rockets v. Black Box I still see Sasha in my (extremely low-level) play.

I use Sasha. Really, though, what you said about the Shortstop applies to Sasha. The only people who really use it are people who don't have Natascha, love classic weapons, or just refuse to use Natascha because they think it's OP (I don't think any TF2 weapons are necessarily OP, though).

Fair point on the Black Box. I actually personally prefer the DH for bunker-busting.

If I could actually aim, I would use the Direct Hit more, probably. 6 headshots in one life as a sniper is my best, and I think it's with the Huntsman...!

Higher DPS on the Scattergun, though? I dunno about that - though I'm lacking numbers.

I'm wrong. I meant base damage, but the faster firing speed probably makes up for that.

I want to get the milkman set so bad for scout. All I need is a mad milk and that hat.

I have Mad Milk. I could trade it to you, I don't need it.

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