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So like, I was playing PMD: Explorers of Sky


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Yeeeeeeah. I intend to finish this one.

Team EmeraldSky

Rank: Bronze

Points Left: 135

Current party:

Connie the Shinx(Male), item: Viridian Band

Level 16

HP: 66

Attack: 33

Defense: 36

Sp. Attack: 32

Sp. Defense: 32




Miu the Eevee(Female), item: Zinc Band

Level: 16

Attack: 23

Defense: 22

Sp. Attack: 20

Sp. Defense: 29


Tail Whip/Tackle

Helping Hand



So like, we did all sorts of stuff. Ran around in dungeons, beating up Pokemon while running around in dungeons. But before all of that...

  • I wake up on a beach, as a Shinx
  • Partner comes in and she's all like, 'Oh my gosh! Are you alright?!'
  • blah blah blah
  • Something of hers gets stolen by Zubat and Koffing
  • We go into Beach cave to get it back.
  • We reach the end and find Zubat and Koffing being huge phalli
  • We smash their faces and get the rock back
  • The we go to the Guild and get in
  • I'm kind of forced to join, but I'm an adorable rad Shinx so it's gravy
  • blah blah blah
  • Marril and Azuril buys things for their sick mother
  • Drowzee is a nice dude
  • I have visions
  • Drowzee pulled a Soul
  • blah blah blah
  • Shoved dirt and rocks down Drowzee's throat and had him arrested
  • Azuril rescued, yay
  • blah blah blah
  • Waterfall, more visions
  • Tearing up Pokemon and recruited a Surskit and Poliwag in the process
  • Press a gem, end up in a hot spring
  • Back to base
  • The blob was Wigglytuff
  • Zubat and Koffing are back, even bigger phallus lickers too.
  • They brought a new nerd, Skuntank. They form Team Skull
  • Radda radda
  • They eat mostly everything,and some apples that Wigglytuff loves, Perfect Apples
  • We go into a forest dungeon
  • Paras and male Combee get
  • Team Skull is at the end, they gas us
  • We head back, Chatot doesn't like 'excuses'
  • Wigglytuff was about to explode on us, Team Skull comes in and gives him a Perfect Apple
  • tnrjsjnoijnuobiiorhrt
  • Chatot is a phallus

Yes. What I've learned; Shinx is one of my favorites, Wigglytuff is cute and Quick Attack was amazing.

More later.

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Alrighty then, second post!!

Team EmeraldSky

Rank: Silver

Points Left: 1215

Connie the (Rad) Shinx, item: Viridian Band

Level: 27

HP: 91

Attack: 54

Defense: 51

Sp. Attack: 48(Shinx Fang is like, fangy)

Sp.Defense: 44





Miu the Eevee, item: Zinc Band

Level: 27

HP: 83

Attack: 35

Defense: 33

Sp. Attack: 31

Sp. Defense: 40


Tail Whip/Tackle

Helping Hand(oh gosh Rivalry makes this helpful)



Man oh man, I went through a lot of crap. Recently I went through a monster house, which is a room full of Pokemon, I went through all of my Reviver Seeds, thought I'd have to reset because I used up my Oran berries too, but I did find another Oran Berry on the next floor, lucky. After that we ran into the boss, a Manetric and a pack of Electrike. I was going to lose if I hadn't given my partner that Oran Berry I found. Anywho~

  • We go on an expedition! Yay! But Skuntank and his butt buddies tag along.
  • We split up into groups, we got stuck with Bidoof.
  • Whoooo we go through a cave!
  • Whoooo we go through a mountain!
  • We get to the camp, Chatot wastes no time yelling at us like the jerk he is.
  • blahblahblah We hear the legend about Uxie wiping memories and then I'm like, 'He had something to do with my memories, totally'
  • We go in, partner finds something warm and shiny.
  • jkdtlfjb We break through and find a Groudon statue.
  • We solve the riddle involving the Groudon statue and my partner can read feet.
  • Skuntank and his butt kissers come in and try to stop us, but Wigglytuff pops in.
  • We go off and explore while Skuntank and co. struggle.
  • Team Skull was going to beat up Wigglytuff be he thrashed them.
  • More caves!!
  • We get through and fight Groudon(what's a Groudon?)
  • He blew up, literally.
  • We meet Uxie and he tells us that that particular Groudon was a fake.
  • Guild runs in and sees pretty lights.
  • We head back
  • blah blah blah
  • We have to stroll in Amp Plains because someone took off with Azuril's toy
  • -stuff in the first part of this post-
  • Dusknoir pops in and saves us(doubleyouteeeff I'm pure electric)
  • Turns out that Team Skull left it there and waited for us to get swamped so they could finish us

  • They ran off when I wanted to crush them

So yeah, that's all that happened so far, I'll fill you in on the rest.

Also note: Since I do too much between chapters I'll keep using bullets.

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