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Is it ever explained

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idk if this is more of a PoR topic or RD topic but in RD it was pretty much explained that herons (+Micaiah) can read the thoughts of others or something like that.

I just don't understand how Reyson fell victim to Oliver and Naesala in PoR.

Was his vision fogged or something?

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I know for a fact that Reyson and Naesala used to be very good friends and grew up together.


Since Naesala is held by Bengion's Blood pact, also explaining how he became king...

Naesala probably met Oliver through ^^ circumstances. He used Reyson to get quick cash and that was about it. I don't recall Herons having Michiah's insight, so that explains how he didn't see it coming.

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The Herons do have insight (Reyson mentions it to Ike in a FE 9 base conversation in Chapter 20, I believe). However, they choose to use this ability; it isn't always on, so he probably trusted Naesala enough not to use it. Particularly since Naesala considers it quite rude for people to peer at his feelings like that.

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The Herons do have insight (Reyson mentions it to Ike in a FE 9 base conversation in Chapter 20, I believe). However, they choose to use this ability; it isn't always on, so he probably trusted Naesala enough not to use it. Particularly since Naesala considers it quite rude for people to peer at his feelings like that.

Yes I remember Leanne reading his thoughts in RD. I don't remember Reyson or Rafiel reading anyone else's thoughts though.

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in a conversation between Micaiah and Neasala, Neasala says something like having his guard let down because he didn't know she had the same ability as the herons, implying he can prevent others from 'reading his mind'.

not sure how he said it anymore, it's been too long ago since I read that part.

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The power of the Herons is also weakened in times of chaos. Maybe the Crimean war was sufficient to weaken his power?

Or he could never have full recovered from the destruction of Serenes until after he and Leanne restored it, which could also have had an impact on his powers.

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in a conversation between Micaiah and Neasala, Neasala says something like having his guard let down because he didn't know she had the same ability as the herons, implying he can prevent others from 'reading his mind'.

not sure how he said it anymore, it's been too long ago since I read that part.

I think it's more like controlling your emotions/thoughts, (reading someones mind is like reading what they are thinking, if you're singing a song in your head, they can hear it when your singing)

I assume Neasala means this

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I've got to agree with Radiant Dragon, I think Reyson trusted Naesala and that's why he didn't "keep his guard up".

But I've got another question (it's not my intention to spam this thread) concerning Naesala and his regime.

What is it about the blood pact that made Naesala king?

I never really got that.

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I've got to agree with Radiant Dragon, I think Reyson trusted Naesala and that's why he didn't "keep his guard up".

But I've got another question (it's not my intention to spam this thread) concerning Naesala and his regime.

What is it about the blood pact that made Naesala king?

I never really got that.

The blood pact killed Naesala's predecessor (who was also the one who signed it). Ever since then, Naesala has been forced to serve the Senate. But I think that at some point, they offered to sell him his country's freedom in exchange for money. That would explain why Naesala does so much to get gold throughout the storyline.

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Naesala had the misfortune of inheriting Kilvas some time after the blood pact was signed (exactly by who is never clearly stated in-game). As a result, he is forced to do the Senate's bidding. However, his actions against Begnion in PoR might dispute this somewhat. I would explain this with the theory that the Senate uses the blood pact to scare him back in line in cases such as this. Of course, this is all speculation and kind of after the fact as far as the postings in this forum are concerned, so perhaps it's a moot point.

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