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Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword Lordling Personality Quiz


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This quiz will determine which lordling you are. Please be honest, because many will not agree with their results if they are not honest.

Please be warned that this quiz DOES contain some references to topics that some users may find uncomfortable. May. Since all of these events are fictional, I advise you to take them lightheartedly, as most of these events will never happen to you or affect you in any way. If you DO have a problem with them, please tell me immediately and the questions concerning them will no longer exist. I apologize in advance for any discomfort.

I would also like to point out that I do not project any discomfort, but I will take full responsibility in the chance of it taking place.

1. You like a person, but your best friend is totally into that person. This person asks you out. What do you do?

A. Say no because after all, it's your best friend's crush

B.Accept the offer and hope for the best

C. Say no to avoid upsetting your friendship

D. Give the hottie up? I don't think so!

2. Someone very close to you is on life support. The doctor tells you that they have a low chance of survival. It's your decision: keep them on or take them off?

A. On- Use every medcal miracle to keep them alive

B. On- Stay by their side until they recover

C. Off- So they don't have to suffer

D. Off- Life Support is expensive

3. Assume that you have an older brother. Assume that you have a great relationship with that older brother. Now assume that your older brother just got into a fight with possibly life-threatening consequences. You don't know this, but your involvement in the fight could save your brother's life. What do you do?

A. Beat the enemy down- blood is thicker than water

B. Kill 'im- I don't like bullies!

C. Join in, but don't be much help because fighting is bad

D. Screw him! I might get hurt!

Guess what? Your fiancee just died. How did it happen?

A. Illness

B. Assault

C. Kidnapped and Tortured

D. I have commitment issues

5. Which animal appeals to you most?

A. Elephant

B. Cheetah

C. Bunny

D. Squirrel

6. What color appeals to you most?

A. Red

B. Blue

C. Green

D. Gray

7. What magic appeals to you most?

A. Dark

B. Anima

C. Light

D. Stave

8. What weapon appeals to you most?

A. Axe

B. Sword

C. Lance

D. Bow

9. Which setting appeals to you most?

A. I don't care- as long as I'm fighting

B. Plains

C. Mall

D. Somewhere inside- preferably with AC

10. Favorite curse word?

A. Damn*

B. My goodness!

C. Good gravy!

D. crap

By now you have figured out my pattern. This is for convenience; next time I will not be using a pattern; period. It just meant less work.

If you answered mostly A, you are: HECTOR

You are bold and aggressive. You would rather let your fists do the talking. You also have an extreme loyalty streak to your friends and family. Yet, are you quick to fight? Have you ever gotten into a fight without knowing why? And does your loyalty steak tend to get you into trouble? Maybe you should work on that...

If you answered mostly B, you are: LYNDIS

You are straightforward and blunt. You do whatever you can to preserve your family. You do not beat around the bush. Why should you? Life is so much easier that way! But, does telling the truth all the time make others around you angry? Like a Virgo, you may be overcritical. Maybe you could sugar-coat your next intervention, just a little? It's best to know the truth, but sometimes it doesn't have to a blade...

If you answered mostly C, you are: ELIWOOD

You are mild and calm. Others look to you for leadership. You would make a good ruler. However, you do not like fighting. Does this sometimes get your friends and family hurt? Your natural charisma may be high, but sometimes you must assert yourself physically. Don't let your fears about fighting make you weak: no matter how high your charisma may be, this world is run by the dominant ones...

If you answered mostly D, you are: ERIK

What? You're Erik? Man, that's not fair! WRONG! It is totally fair. You are selfish and brooding, and can hold grudges. Remember when your little brother ate the last pudding cup? You know, it was a Tuesday, you were seven, he was wearing red. Yeah, that's not good. Get some help, because selfishness and envy are the quickest known routes to high blood pressure and cholesterol. Let's face it: diabetes with a risk of heart attack and weight gain are not worth revenge...

If you did not find this quiz satisfactory to your personality, then please, by all means, tell me! I will simply make a more detailed quiz. Thank you for taking this.

Also, there is a specific reason why this quiz is not in a poll form. I didn't think that users would want their answers shined on a plaque for all to see, so confidentiality is best here. Thanks for your understanding!

Edited by sacaendruid
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1. You like a person, but your best friend is totally into that person. This person asks you out. What do you do?

B.Accept the offer and hope for the best

2. Someone very close to you is on life support. The doctor tells you that they have a low chance of survival. It's your decision: keep them on or take them off?

B. On- Stay by their side until they recover

3. Assume that you have an older brother. Assume that you have a great relationship with that older brother. Now assume that your older brother just got into a fight with possibly life-threatening consequences. You don't know this, but your involvement in the fight could save your brother's life. What do you do?

C. Join in, but don't be much help because fighting is bad

Guess what? Your fiancee just died. How did it happen?

A. Illness

5. Which animal appeals to you most?

D. Squirrel

6. What color appeals to you most?

A. Red

7. What magic appeals to you most?

B. Anima

8. What weapon appeals to you most?

B. Sword

9. Which setting appeals to you most?

B. Plains

10. Favorite curse word?

A. Damn*

A=3 B=5 C=1 D=1

If you answered mostly B, you are: LYNDIS

You are straightforward and blunt. You do whatever you can to preserve your family. You do not beat around the bush. Why should you? Life is so much easier that way! But, does telling the truth all the time make others around you angry? Like a Virgo, you may be overcritical. Maybe you could sugar-coat your next intervention, just a little? It's best to know the truth, but sometimes it doesn't have to a blade...

Makes sense, I suppose. I always felt a connection with Lyn. She was the first Fire Emblem character I ever met.

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I got Lyndis.

And is "damn" really that offensive?

You'd be surprised... I've some experiences with "darn" so I thought that anything could happen with "damn".

For instance, Neopets. No surprise, right?

But there was this other thing I used to use pretty regularly and I got kicked off for saying darn, so you can never be sure.

Not to mention the snowball effect. That's bit me in the ass plenty of times.

But I guess it never really mattered, so I didn't really have to be cautious huh?

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I got a perfect mix of Lyn and Hector. With about, two Eliwood answers.

Which makes sense, because I've always gotten Lyn+Hector answers on these kind of quizzes.

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If you answered mostly B, you are: LYNDIS

You are straightforward and blunt. You do whatever you can to preserve your family. You do not beat around the bush. Why should you? Life is so much easier that way! But, does telling the truth all the time make others around you angry? Like a Virgo, you may be overcritical. Maybe you could sugar-coat your next intervention, just a little? It's best to know the truth, but sometimes it doesn't have to a blade...

This is what i got. Actually, i'm quite satisfied. I didn't expected to be Hector nor Eliwood. However, i got a mix of Lyndis and Hector.

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I'm Lydis!!!

"If you answered mostly B, you are: LYNDIS

You are straightforward and blunt. You do whatever you can to preserve your family. You do not beat around the bush. Why should you? Life is so much easier that way! But, does telling the truth all the time make others around you angry? Like a Virgo, you may be overcritical. Maybe you could sugar-coat your next intervention, just a little? It's best to know the truth, but sometimes it doesn't have to a blade..."

This actually describes me quite well

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  • 4 weeks later...

1: B

2: B

3: A

4: A

5: D

6: B

7: D (I'd like to be a staff user because that way I could be useful in the battle and at the same time not participate in fighting so I couldn't be hurt)

8: D (bows appeal to me because I could attack from distance and therefore I couldn't be attacked back)

9: D

10: D

A= 2, B= 3, C=0, D=5

Woo! I'm Erik :D .

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

I got the same exact amount of A and C, with a dash of B, so Am I Eliwyntor?

YAY. I like Eliwood's personality, Hector's just cool, but I'm glad I got a little bit of Lyndis.

Pretty much this. I always imagined I was most Eliwood-like, though.

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