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I am performing an AAAA ranked run log.



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Now then, Seisen no Keifu is a game that I got extremely bored with after around 7 chapters into it. However, I believe it was due to me boss abusing and doing all kinds of cheap things that caused it to be that way. So, I'm going to challenge myself this time. I'm going to do the best I can to get all the A's. So, I've calculated up all the possible levels I can possibly get...


...as you can see, there's not a whole lot of leeway to mess up, so I'm somewhat nervous as a result. But, I believe that I can do it. No RNG abuse will be allowed for me.

So, look forward to another attempt at getting through this game, this time, in EXTREME STYLE!! Progress hasn't been so EXTRRRREEEEEEEEMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEE, but I'm chugging along at a steady pace. Here is what I have so far...

Hey guys, I have redone all of Chapter 1 with new and improved strategies and editing! Here you guys go!!

Prolouge Part 1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWmFSnXfcWM

Prolouge Part 2:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QK7Gg0kBHxs

Prolouge Part 3:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xyqXJdCBB8

Chapter 1 Part 1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp3VQLoKQJw

Chapter 1 Part 2:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50r5cF1MpGk

Chapter 1 Part 3:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X0inOmq9SY

Chapter 1 Part 4:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvPx8KOGTik

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Good luck.

Survival is easy (nobody dies, duh), Tactics is relatively easy, but Combat and EXP are the nightmare ones. EXP because to do well in it you have to A: Use everyone, a lot, and B: Let certain choice bosses retreat to their castles, then kill their armies again, especially during Gen 1 when EXP is even more scarce, but of course, you need to balance EXP gains.

Combat is even worse. You can only have up to (or is it less than) 3 deaths in the game, including restarting from a suspend point. That's just insane, it means that if, on average, you have a 99% chance of everyone surviving at the end of your turn, every turn, then on average, you'll fail combat.

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Combat is even worse. You can only have up to (or is it less than) 3 deaths in the game, including restarting from a suspend point. That's just insane, it means that if, on average, you have a 99% chance of everyone surviving at the end of your turn, every turn, then on average, you'll fail combat.

So? How much do you use the Valkyrie Staff anyway? I sometimes end up using it in the final chapter with those annoying peg girls. 25 AS Earth Swords at 1 range with Pursuit, 45% Continue, 23% critical (at least this isn't faced by Celice/Lakche/Skasaher), and awareness and 11 move. I hate those things. Mega-pains. One of them even has some number of stars that I forget and don't feel like loading wod for.

but that's just once. And why would you only have a 99% chance of surviving each turn? do better.

My biggest pain is combining Tactics with Exp. Either one on its own is not a problem. Both at once? I hate that. I'm happy enough to get 3 As and a B.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I'm pretty sure Valkryie staff doesn't wipe the slate for Combat deaths, only Survival deaths.

Also, getting 100% chance of surviving each turn makes it hard to meet tactics I assume.

That said, I'm going to eagerly follow this, as I have an all-A run of my own planned as well.

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I'm pretty sure Valkryie staff doesn't wipe the slate for Combat deaths, only Survival deaths.

I'm aware. He said he has trouble with Combat but not with Survival. In order to achieve survival, you can't let anyone stay dead. If he has trouble keeping his KOs under 4 (0 to 3 deaths is allowed for A Combat rank), he therefore must use the Valkyrie staff at least 4 times. Which is amazingly bad and expensive.

Also, getting 100% chance of surviving each turn makes it hard to meet tactics I assume.

Not really. Probably for exp + tactics it would, though. And I didn't suggest 100%. More like keeping COD under 1%. Any time you rely on someone using avo to survive (ie: they'll die if everything hits) you can't get to 0%. But, for example, if you have 6HKOd at 10% hit rates then the chance of death is 1 in a million. Literally. That's a lot better than 1%.

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Ok dudes, I have started my playthrough! I have already cleared the Prolouge, BUT, I need your guys's advice on something. I have already done a previous, but unfinished log of this game for when I attempted it unranked. If you guys could, I would like advice on what trends I started there on what to keep, and what to axe. This is what I wrote for the prolouge to mid-Chapter 3...


And here's what I did for almost everything else except Chapter 4 and some of Chapter 5, if you still need further reading...


...If you feel like reading, please tell me what you liked and what you didn't. I'm not any excessive boss abusing, obviously.

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I'm aware. He said he has trouble with Combat but not with Survival. In order to achieve survival, you can't let anyone stay dead. If he has trouble keeping his KOs under 4 (0 to 3 deaths is allowed for A Combat rank), he therefore must use the Valkyrie staff at least 4 times. Which is amazingly bad and expensive.

No, Narga, you don't understand. You can still E Combat with A Survival and having never used the Valkryie staff. I should know, I did it on my last playthrough. Combat rank suffers if anyone dies for any reason. It is not solved by hitting the reset button and loading the last auto-save at the start of the turn.

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Any advice on what you want to see in this log Balcer? I'm probably not going to constantly paraphrase the dialouge like I did in my last playthrough, but other than that, I'm still wondering things like, "should I go into exacting detail on exactly what I did every turn?".

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No, Narga, you don't understand. You can still E Combat with A Survival and having never used the Valkryie staff. I should know, I did it on my last playthrough. Combat rank suffers if anyone dies for any reason. It is not solved by hitting the reset button and loading the last auto-save at the start of the turn.

There are two simple ways to avoid this, so I'm not counting your problem as legitimate.

One, save states.

Two, load from the original save before starting the chapter. <- this one really sucks though since you'll have to arena again.

I did read this


before saying stuff.

I'm a little surprised that the saves you create on your own (ie: not the auto-saves) aren't able to get around this. And it's weird that the auto-saves can't either. But oh well. With nearly everyone on SF using an emulator and the patch to play this, asking for save state use to avoid sucking at the combat rank isn't really too much to ask.

Also, it is possible to avoid constantly having a 1% chance of failure anyway. Sure, 0% is a little much to ask for, but like 0.1% or something isn't too hard to do in a lot of cases.

Any advice on what you want to see in this log Balcer? I'm probably not going to constantly paraphrase the dialouge like I did in my last playthrough, but other than that, I'm still wondering things like, "should I go into exacting detail on exactly what I did every turn?".

Maybe not every turn. Certainly not "Sigurd ran 8 spaces over and murdered a guy then killed everyone that came at him on enemy phase". Check Aquilae's playlogs. Give a little more info than that and you'll be fine. Check mine from fe6 if you want and find a middle ground between the two. I gave perhaps too much info, he gave perhaps too little (although he gives a "what he did each turn" thing for many characters, so in some ways his is more informative than mine, but whatever).

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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So? How much do you use the Valkyrie Staff anyway? I sometimes end up using it in the final chapter with those annoying peg girls. 25 AS Earth Swords at 1 range with Pursuit, 45% Continue, 23% critical (at least this isn't faced by Celice/Lakche/Skasaher), and awareness and 11 move. I hate those things. Mega-pains. One of them even has some number of stars that I forget and don't feel like loading wod for.

but that's just once. And why would you only have a 99% chance of surviving each turn? do better.

My biggest pain is combining Tactics with Exp. Either one on its own is not a problem. Both at once? I hate that. I'm happy enough to get 3 As and a B.

This is also replying to generally all the other points you made, but basically, you're strawmanning my point. Firstly, 99% was an arbitrary value, even, say, 99.5% chance of everyone surviving would give you a decent chance of failing (over say, 350 turns, that's averaging at almost 2 deaths with a decent standard deviation). You basically need to be almost completely safe more often than not, or you'll have to restart once or so. Secondly, yes, you can use savestates and that would make it easy (trivial, in fact), but that's a matter of our tools. It's not part of the original game, although for this run, yes, I concede it'll make it easier. And restarting the entire chapter is a huge pain if, say, three enemies get lucky 20% hits on you and kill you at the end of a chapter (although it can happen a few times before you have to restart, admittedly).

And Valkyrie staff? I never use it 1st gen and rarely pass it on. Why would I?

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Any advice on what you want to see in this log Balcer? I'm probably not going to constantly paraphrase the dialouge like I did in my last playthrough, but other than that, I'm still wondering things like, "should I go into exacting detail on exactly what I did every turn?".

Obviously cutting out all of the plot related stuff, save the occasional one-liner where appropriate is a good start. I definitely think you need to tell about what items are carried/grabbed by which people, as well as who saves which villages, so that tracking finances and stuff is accessible. Much of the turn-by-turn can probably be glossed over, though a general description on directions units are sent is always good. You should definitely, in my opinion, give a full list of unit positions at the time of each castle seizure, as well as perhaps a brief list of levels. Only do full stats at the very start of a chapter. Aside from that, I dunno, just develop your own style and try to stick to it.

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So now it's time to get started...

First of all, I'm probably going to differ vastly from the Nico Nico Douga AAA ranked, as it relies WAY TOO HEAVILY on RNG abuse for both it's strategies, and for almost every single level up the characters get, which is quite simply out of the question for me. I play every game as if I'm doing a single segment speed run for Speeddemosarchive.com, not multi-segment. I want to use strategies I can comfortably endorse in a walkthrough.

One strategy I will be adopting from Nico Nico Douga however is that instead of saving all on one save file, I will save to a different file every time I save, like this...

File 1: C1 Verdane (4)

File 2: C1 Verdane (5)

File 3: C1 Verdane (6)

File 4: C1 Verdane (7)

I'm hoping this way, if one of my characters die, I can switch to one of the other save files in order to circumvent that ridiculous rule about a character having a loss and threatening your rank unless you restart the whole chapter. Surely the game isn't so thorough in checking that even THIS won't work? Anyways, moving on...

One thing I've always really liked about this game is how it begins, I mean, the epic text scroll of the Dark Loputousu Kingdom of Old, and the subsequent royalty atmosphere it creates both with the soundtrack, and the way it refers to all of the major powers in such a detached way, even the villains. It's an atmosphere that really tries to make you feel as though you're really playing a game about princes, lords, and barons and all that.

That's always been something I've loved about the series. Aside from FE1, FE6, FE8, and perhaps FE3, most of the games really delved into the power struggles and all the twists and turns that come with these struggles and politics amoung factions of royalty. It gives what's otherwise a fairly basic "good prince fights against evil king" format a lot of depth and flavor. And even though FE1 was fairly basic, it was pretty much one of the only NES games I've ever played that actually tried to have a story, and worked really well. The only other game I know of that was like that was Ninja Gaiden....

I also thought the game did a really good job of introducing our villains, the way Gandolf takes charge, one shots Midir, takes Adean, and just takes charge. It just made him seem really imposing (too bad he later turns out to be a whiny coward).

Of course...that's not to say that this intro doesn't have it's silly moments. Why is Grandbell so trusting to the point of leaving behind only a handful of soldiers to defend against two massive kingdoms, one of which is known to be made up almost entirely of bandits? Then there's moments like this...

The young Lord Alvis of Velthomer, commander of the Royal Guard, had little involvement in governmental affairs.

...Why does the game feel the need to mention this? Why should we care about Alvis yet at this point? Why introduce a character only to immediately say that he doesn't matter in anything that's happening yet? That'd be like in Avatar: The Last Airbender, if the intro said "Ok, there's this guy called Aang who's the chosen one, two eskimo kids who leave their village to help him out against this evil guy called Ozai! There's also an angry burn victim who happens to be his son, who's going to both help and fight against Aang! Oh, and there's also this blind girl, but uh, you're not going to see until almost halfway through the show, so, just forget about her for now".

I mean really...

Sigurd: Grandbell's military is already en route to Isaac. There really is no one left to call on. Verdane's army may be full of barbarians, but it's huge. There are bound to be casualties. I can't get you involved.

:blink:...I really hope you're not being serious Sigurd. Who do you think you are, Samson? The whole purpose of having knights is so that they'll fight alongside you...

Alec: Damn straight. But we'd better swing by the villages before going to Jungby Castle. Those barbarians'll loot the place, kill everybody in sight, then burn it all to the ground. We've got to beat them there and get the villages to strengthen their defenses.

Sigurd: Point well taken, Alec. We mustn't overlook our duty as knights to protect the people.

Alec: Actually, Oifey takes credit for that one. I tell ya, that kid's a strategist in the making. Takes right after that famous grandfather of his, Lord Sesar.

Because clearly this is something you'd need a strategist to tell you.

So, anyways, I already did this map in advance before making this log, so I'll just have to give you the run down, without too much detail.....

Conquering Jungby

Basically, I sent Alec, Noish, and Sigurd down the southernmost path, avoiding as many bandits as I could so that they'd attack Ardan, as Ardan has a miserable time of it trying to get experience in most maps, and this is one of the only ones in which enemies actually start off conveniently close to him. As for the three Chalpy cavaliers, I never had Sigurd kill anyone but the Archers and anyone who could survive his attacks, as Noish and Alec have a much harder time clearing the Arean then Sigurd does, and therefore, a harder time gaining valuable, much needed experience. The enemies themselves were extremely simple, as I had Sigurd always be within three spaces of Alec and Noish in order to boost their Avoid.

Ardan's job was basically killing as many of the initial foes as he could, then allowing Fin to finish off the one Ardan can't kill (Ardan can't stop him from invading Chalpy). After that, he rescued both of the villages closest to him (I didn't have Azel or Lex get the money from either of those two villages).

Cuan's group just charged west, with Fin killing the only two bandits that opposed them. Cuan didn't get any outright kills on this map (that I remember), because again, he has a much easier time clearing the Arena than Fin does, and because he and Sigurd will be getting far more action towards the end of Chapter 1 than anyone else.

With Lex and Azel's group, I just used Lex as bait to attract bandits to kill with Azel, because, as a broken record would say, "Azel has far more difficulty getting levels, yada, yada, yada"...

He really does though, to the point where I'm actually kind of afraid of how I'm going to handle him. He's as slow as Ardan, even more pathetic in the Arena than Ardan is, is VERY fragile, and on top of that, he can't even conveniently boss abuse for experience. He also doesn't get the benefit of the Leg Ring like Ardan does, so he has that working against him to. Hopefully Nico Nico Douga can give me some insight regarding this (besides just RNG abusing Azel to clear a great deal of the Arena like it did).

Midir was also given more priority than even Alec and Noish, but not as much as Fin and Azel, as he can't as easily boss abuse as Alec and Noish can, as he's not very durable, his Strength growth is mediocre, and quite frankly, the only growths he has going for him is his Speed and Skill. So I took Nico Douga's suggestion and gave him the Speed Ring, as Alec and Noish didn't need it as badly as he did, and Fin and Azel were too far away for them to recieve it without losing time...

I spent about a turn boss abusing DiMaggio with both Alec and Noish while weakening the rest of the bandits, allowing for all but one to be killed by the cavalier gang. Sigurd killed DiMaggio then use Canto to conquer, as otherwise, I would've had to have Sigurd do nothing but conquer the castle, which would've been a waste of valuable time....

Turn Count: 7

Conquering Evans

This one was actually pretty tough due to the sheer amount of enemies thrown your way at once (something this game does a lot actually). I often times would Noish, Alec, and Lex kill all of the enemies who had been drastically weakened by Sigurd or Cuan, while I had the more powerful units like Fin and Midir (because Midir doesn't risk counters) attack enemies who had been, say, weakened by Alec or Fin and were closer to full health.

Sigurd, once again, only killed Archers (this time to build up kills on his Silver Sword) while weakening bandits. I also managed to have Azel kill about two guys after he had returned from rescuing the northwest village. As for the last village not mentioned, I had Ethlin get the money for funds, as she cannot use the Arena as a source of revenue as most of my characters can.

After getting to Gerrard on Turn 14, I boss abused him with Alec and Noish, and them only for the fact that they were the ones who did the least damage to him while having reliable dodge and hit rates at the same time. On Turn 17, he became too weak to survive even a team attack from Alec and Noish, so I finally put out of his misery with Sigurd, and won the map.

Here were the final statistics...

Sigurd: Level 7

Alec: Level 7

Noish: Level 6

Ardan: Level 4

Azel: Level 4

Lex: Level 7

Cuan: Level 5

Fin: Level 3

Ethlin: Level 2

Midir: Level 4

Turns: 17

Level Ups: 23

As far as map design goes, I found this one really clever. With how many new characters it throws at you, you have to really work in order to divide experience evenly amoung them, and I also thought they did a really good job of giving the different characters different roles. Sigurd is there to weaken enemies and give valuable boosts to your weak and vulnerable newcomers, Ardan is a slug whom you have to shift enemies around to in order to feed him kills, Lex is there as a tank to bait enemies for Azel to work his way through the levels, Ethlin is there both as a healer, and as a decoy to stick on a forest for enemeis to attack and miss, thereby drawing them away from melee units with less avoid.

It's just that the way they designed the characters here is such a far cry from how they usually do it in this game, where they just throw one or two overpowered and broken units in a map, then do it again in another map. I really wish the designers put this much thought into balancing out the characters more often, each with their own distinct advantages and disadvantages.

The map was also pretty creative as well, in forcing you to divide your forces through three different paths. In addition, I like how they positioned the trees near the village where you're making a stand against the huge mob of enemies that come at you. I was always having to be careful to send someone far to kill an enemy, but not so far that they can't land on a tree. I always had to choose carefully who Ethlin would heal because there was always at least one guy at risk of dieing if he was hit. So, I thought this was a very well designed map that offered plenty of challenges.

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Sigurd    9   39  14  0   13  15  9   11  3   *   Silver Sword, Iron Lance 
Alex      8   37  12  0   12  12  4   8   0   *   Steel Sword, Iron Sword
Noish     8   38  12  0   7   9   4   9   0   6   Steel Sword, Iron Lance 
Ardan     6   39  15  0   6   5   3   14  0   7   Slim Sword, Iron Sword 
Azel      5   34  0   13  9   11  4   2   6   3   Fire 
Lex       11  39  15  1   13  13  8   11  2   7   Steel Axe, Iron Axe 
Cuan      7   36  19  0   11  11  5   10  4   *   Steel Lance, Javelin 
Fin       5   36  10  0   8   11  10  7   0   7 
Ethlin    3  (Do her other stats matter?)     2   Slim Sword, Live Staff
Midir     6   35  12  0   8   15  3   7   0   6   Iron Bow, Speed Ring

Levels: 42

I mostly used RNG abuse to get them this high, although, I'm going to wait until I get a few level ups in Strength before I try to get them further in the Arena, as beating Emmile requires ridiculous amounts of RNG abuse otherwise, and it takes time in this game. Lex beating Emmile was sheer blind luck, no RNG manipulation there.

What's significant however, is that now, I don't need to hold Sigurd and Cuan back anymore. I'm going all out with them now, now that the weaker characters have more or less caught up with them.

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Sigurd    9   39  14  0   13  15  9   11  3   *   Silver Sword, Iron Lance 
Alex      8   37  12  0   12  12  4   8   0   *   Steel Sword, Iron Sword
Noish     8   38  12  0   7   9   4   9   0   6   Steel Sword, Iron Lance 
Ardan     6   39  15  0   6   5   3   14  0   7   Slim Sword, Iron Sword 
Azel      5   34  0   13  9   11  4   2   6   3   Fire 
Lex       11  39  15  1   13  13  8   11  2   7   Steel Axe, Iron Axe 
Cuan      7   36  19  0   11  11  5   10  4   *   Steel Lance, Javelin 
Fin       5   36  10  0   8   11  10  7   0   7 
Ethlin    3  (Do her other stats matter?)     2   Slim Sword, Live Staff
Midir     6   35  12  0   8   15  3   7   0   6   Iron Bow, Speed Ring

Levels: 42

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This is also replying to generally all the other points you made, but basically, you're strawmanning my point. Firstly, 99% was an arbitrary value, even, say, 99.5% chance of everyone surviving would give you a decent chance of failing (over say, 350 turns, that's averaging at almost 2 deaths with a decent standard deviation). You basically need to be almost completely safe more often than not, or you'll have to restart once or so. Secondly, yes, you can use savestates and that would make it easy (trivial, in fact), but that's a matter of our tools. It's not part of the original game, although for this run, yes, I concede it'll make it easier. And restarting the entire chapter is a huge pain if, say, three enemies get lucky 20% hits on you and kill you at the end of a chapter (although it can happen a few times before you have to restart, admittedly).

And Valkyrie staff? I never use it 1st gen and rarely pass it on. Why would I?

3 hits at 20% would be 0.8%. Not quite as low as 99.5%. Also, the tactics requirement is 399 turns. However, you are so not going to be facing those death chances every single turn. Too many turns in which you are running forward or whatever and maybe facing like 1 enemy. Say 300 turns you actually have a risk (even though it's probably less). 99.5% is now 1.5 deaths per playthrough.

Anyway, if his idea works then it's pretty simple to avoid having a death count. And restarting an entire chapter is a huge pain no matter what once you've beaten the arena (that takes almost as long as maps sometimes). However it is an option. I already conceded it's an annoying option.

As for the save states, if you use them like the in-game saves then sure, it's a tool that wasn't in the original game. However the programmers were clearly being dicks about the whole death thing when they set it up to remember through your saves that people died. It's not much different from the in game saves. Just less stupid.

And I use the valk if someone dies through bad luck just because I don't always have a save within the previous 10 turns and it's such a pain to go back sometimes. Only ever used it because of those falco sisters, though, as I said.

And I don't see how it's strawmanning. You gave a value as a % chance of dying. At 1% over 400 turns you'll average 4 deaths. Failure. I said do better. Now you claim it was an arbitrary value. Your new value isn't exactly something to worry over. Sure, 1.5 average doesn't mean it won't go above 3, but it's not all that likely and if you find yourself somehow with 3 deaths heading into the final chapter then clearly you'll just have to reload from the start of the map if someone dies. Oh well. Sure it's a pain, but if you want to beat it and refuse to use save states then you don't exactly have a choice.

My original point is merely that Tactics and Experience taken together is so much more difficult than Combat. Do you still disagree? With a 0.5% chance of someone dying each turn taken over 300 turns, can you tell me the probability of having at least 4 deaths? I could calc for 0, 1, 2, 3 and then take 1 - that but I really don't feel like it. If that probability is >20% I'll say fine, it's more annoying than Tactics + Experience. If that is under 20%, then I'd say it's a small enough chance of ever needing to reload from the start of a chapter that I have a hard time believing it's more of a pain than the other two. 400 out of 500 playthroughs wouldn't need you to do it, and most of the remaining playthroughs would only need to restart once.

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By the way, Narga, how do I check how many deaths my units have?

You have to do that with the fortune teller. Instead of checking for love interests, check "record". It should say #wins and #losses. Losses are deaths, basically. So yeah, in order to find out if your save-plan worked, you'll need to warp the guy that died before reloading back to one of the castles and have them check there.

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Guess what?!? Even my method doesn't work! IT DOESN'T WORK! The game still records your deaths EVEN WHEN PLAYING ON SEPERATE FILES!!! Oh, and it turns out, after more testing, the enemy doesn't even have to hit you in order for the game to decide to tally up a loss. Even if you initiate the battle, then reset before either combatant hits one another, THE GAME WILL STILL RECORD THE LOSS!!

This, is absurd! This is the kind of game mechanic you'd expect to find in an AVGN episode! It's like Silver Surfer, Ninja Gaiden 3, or Battletoads that way!!

Great, now I'm going to have to start all over again!

So, I guess, before I get started again, I have a question, about the formula that decides the success rate of Charge...

[user's Attack Speed - Enemy's Attack Speed + (HP/2)]%

In that equation, is it the enemies HP we're talking about, or the Users?

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  • 1 month later...


Guess what?!? Even my method doesn't work! IT DOESN'T WORK! The game still records your deaths EVEN WHEN PLAYING ON SEPERATE FILES!!! Oh, and it turns out, after more testing, the enemy doesn't even have to hit you in order for the game to decide to tally up a loss. Even if you initiate the battle, then reset before either combatant hits one another, THE GAME WILL STILL RECORD THE LOSS!!

This, is absurd! This is the kind of game mechanic you'd expect to find in an AVGN episode! It's like Silver Surfer, Ninja Gaiden 3, or Battletoads that way!!

Great, now I'm going to have to start all over again!

So, I guess, before I get started again, I have a question, about the formula that decides the success rate of Charge...

[user's Attack Speed - Enemy's Attack Speed + (HP/2)]%

In that equation, is it the enemies HP we're talking about, or the Users?

You've got to admit, though, that the game does a damn fine job of making sure the player doesn't abuse the system. When it says "no more than 3 deaths in a runthrough," it means it!

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You've got to admit, though, that the game does a damn fine job of making sure the player doesn't abuse the system. When it says "no more than 3 deaths in a runthrough," it means it!

Yeah, FE4's rankings are almost as brutal as FE5's.

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