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Hatari's Splices


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Thanks to all my beta reviewers for their help and advice.

5th Competition -- Karel, Lucius, Beran Edits in Progress


4th Competition -- Idoun, Leygance, Mordred


3rd Competition -- Eliwood, Saul, Desmond


2nd Competition -- Gale, Roland, Tana


1st Competition -- Seth, Fargus, Dieck


Edited by Hatari
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Most of us just use paint ;) Don't worry about it.

As for the sprite... Well, it's a pretty clean splice. Maybe one, two very small shading issues that I can unzoomed, but, otherwise, pretty good for your (I'm assuming) first try.

Maybe change the hair color, to make it less Karel? Iunno.

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As for the sprite... Well, it's a pretty clean splice. Maybe one, two very small shading issues that I can unzoomed, but, otherwise, pretty good for your (I'm assuming) first try.

Maybe change the hair color, to make it less Karel? Iunno.

Haha, astra said the same thing...that it was clean. As for the rest, yes, that is my first splice. Karel, Kent, Eliwood :wub: The shading was the hardest part, since I had to add it, I'm better at recoloring. If you can tell me where to shade, I can probably fix it.

Make it less karel...Hmmm, I never considered a hair color change...Black might work or red since kent had red hair, but that might be too much red...*debates * Maybe I'll mess with it after I finished the female splice I'm working on.

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See original post for second splice.

Thanks to Astra and Chalis for helping again ^_^.

Yes, I know her jacket is plain, but I'm not all that great with customization, so I didn't want to risk it. Maybe when I get better at splicing.

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Hmm, pretty good for a starter. I see potential~

Zooming out I didn't really see them but zooming in I see some issues more. I kind of fixed a few of the ones that took the less work obvious ones.

I'm not really one to correct you, but it should help a little bit.


Don't forget to enter the competition, sometimes. That's how I mostly got better~ :3

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LOL, I knew the second one (which is the top one in your pic) had worst shading. (Kent's armor is still hotter). Yeah, Thanks Soluna. I'll have to go back eventually and fix a bunch of the shading. (I terrible at it because it's not something that is already there, but something I gotta add myself)

Yep, I intend to go back to the first competition and start from there, though astra said to do both the old and the new ones.

They are simple non-customization splices, since if it was customization my lack of artistic talent would completely ruin the splice.

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Dat's not bad :o

I'd just try and make the parts used a little less obvious.


[Assuming you mean the competition splice (geese, oujay, noah)]

>_> I have poor, very poor, art skills, so any type of customization (including shading) is usually horrible until astra/chalis get a hold of it to correct me...

I'm better at cropping the pieces I want and putting them together and I enjoy recoloring...Generally, I go pixel by pixel with the pencil tool in paint to do my work, though I've been using the eraser method to do quick recolors when I'm messing with color schemes.

If there is an easy way to make the parts less obvious, please share. Otherwise, lol, I guess it'll come with time :P.

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Using hair in armor/trims/accessories And meshing hair together as well as armor/clothing.

Using armor for head gear

Rotating and flipping.

Mass c+P

That's what I usualy do.

Ahhh. I see. Rotating and Flipping but not stretching or skewing right? And I never found using armor for head gear attractive in most cases. True, some people can pull it off, but meh, as a rule, I generally don't like the way it looks. Thank-you for the other suggestions though.

I'm working on a sprite from the first splicing competition. I'll try using hair in trim there, but lol, I doubt it'll turn out great. Someone will need to fix unsure.gif.

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Haha, I just don't find it very attractive in general. Though, like I said, some people pull it off well. Maybe if something looks like it'll fit well, I could try, who knows. Haven't run into anything that works well to my liking yet >_>.

I splice for fun really and lol, compare to the others, mine are simple and pretty bad...oh well. Practice Practice.

To be honest, I prefer bishie characters over the more...manly characters. So oujay > geese. Which is reflected in my splices and who I use as a base. The current one I'm working on, from the first splice competition features seth as the base, instead of the pirate or the other guy. But the clothes are terrible...XD pirate guy and the other guys needs more usable clothing or something...

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I love the design . <3

The collar seems a bit off though. It looks like it is glued to the neck so I would ref. some other collars to make it look like it is separated from the neck.

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I love the design . <3

The collar seems a bit off though. It looks like it is glued to the neck so I would ref. some other collars to make it look like it is separated from the neck.

I actually didn't edit his collar on either side...I edited a part of the trim on both sides, but nothing collar wise as far as I can tell...

Edited with a small shading fix...

Maybe more shading will help? I don't know XD. Shading is terrible.

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FE8's colors are more saturated than FE7's, they just look bad together.

Ah, lol astra good timing, though what is saturation...

and I suppose recoloring sooner rather than later would be a good idea, same with the roland base one too...* sigh * there goes the gale splice, put back on hold...

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Ah, lol astra good timing, though what is saturation...

and I suppose recoloring sooner rather than later would be a good idea, same with the roland base one too...* sigh * there goes the gale splice, put back on hold...

Saturation is basically the intensity of the color. Something that has low saturation is relatively muted, while something with high saturation is generally very vibrant and colorful. (NOTE: Saturation =/= Brightness. Brightness handles the intensity of the *light* on a color. A red color with high brightness is more pink, while a red color with low brightness might be "blood red" in color.)

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