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Favorite Villian Ever.


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Who is your all time favorite villian. Could be from anything. Anime, video games, comics, anything. So long as they're bad.

Mine: Slade from Teen Titans. So bad-ass it's crazy.

I'm probably gonna post a lot of awesome villians though. But he's the first I thought of.

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Slade, yeah. What a BAMF. Some other favorite villains:


Shishio and Enishi

Priscilla (not the FE one, obviously)



Creed Diskenth


Chao Lingshen

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So many villains to choose from...

Well, let's start with the guy I had as an avatar, sig and personal photo before: Rugal Bernstein!

He's like, this insane guy who is richer than Bill Gates (probably) and has mastered every martial art in the world which is made publicly available. So he tries to become even more powerful, and seeks to steal the power of Orochi (an ancient being of great power). So one of Orochi's 8 Ketsu comes and gives him a beating to teach him not to mess with the Orochi, slicing out his right eye in the process. But Rugal somehow survives his attack (which shows how powerful he already was). Impressed, Goenitz (the guy who beat him up) gives him a portion of the Orochi power, which makes him fall unconscious. After a while, he wakes up and realizes he has succeeded in getting what he wanted. He then gets a bionic eye to replace his missing right eye, and organizes a tournament to crush the best fighters in the world with his new found strength.

He has much more to him than that, but it's kinda hard to explain.

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Galcian from Skies of Arcadia is up there. A simple, intimidating guy who knew what he wanted, knew how to get it and refused to become a bishie at any cost.

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Iago from Othello.

And on another note, his name is Deathstroke. They had to call him by his real name (Slade Wilson) because Deathstroke sounded to bad for kids.

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And on another note, his name is Deathstroke. They had to call him by his real name (Slade Wilson) because Deathstroke sounded to bad for kids.

Yeah, Deathstroke the terminator. I learned of him from the TV show, so thats how I naturally call him. (Stupid sensors <_< )

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come on Naraku from inuyasha

hes a genius he manipulated everyone until his last breath and i think he planned his death too. he is the greatest bad guy ever ****who read the inuyasha manga?

broly from dbz is pretty badass too

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come on Naraku from inuyasha

hes a genius he manipulated everyone until his last breath and i think he planned his death too. he is the greatest bad guy ever ****who read the inuyasha manga?

broly from dbz is pretty badass too

I said Naraku. He's here. Right by Ras ah Ghul.

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