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Team Tournament


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Copain? + Fox VS. Hika + Zeph

TRG + Princess Kilvas VS. ChaosNinji and his little bro

Toa Lord Sothe + Zero VS. Knife + Dr. Dorian

You don't know who you're fighting next round.

Matches will be 4 stock, no friendly fire, and items to whatever setting you choose.

The matches will be played 2 out of 3.

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Nah im actually taking breaks from TOS 2 quite frequently. If you dont play it as much then you enjoy it more. If lyle princess and TRG can we can do our fight tonight (im off work on wednesday but my friend (who also brawls alot if anyone is partnerless that day) is coming over but we may do TOS 2 most of the time since me and my sis want another human player)

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Shouldn't you give him more time? The tournement fights aren't till wednesday.

They actually start Sunday, which is... now. The only people fighting on Wednesday are Serene and Princess Kilvas vs. MaSu and Lyle. For everyone else, they better get these first round matches done by Wednesday. Of course this is assuming we don't have any late players (coughCGVcough). I'll give him till monday to respond though, send him a PM if he won't read the topics.

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They actually start Sunday, which is... now. The only people fighting on Wednesday are Serene and Princess Kilvas vs. MaSu and Lyle. For everyone else, they better get these first round matches done by Wednesday. Of course this is assuming we don't have any late players (coughCGVcough). I'll give him till monday to respond though, send him a PM if he won't read the topics.

Ok thx for the extra time

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It's impossible actually. I'm just giving people the time to do it by Wednesday. If either team does not fight within that time period, the team that has made more of an attempt to play will move on and the other team will be disqualified.

Also, when can Raven and CGV play?

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I see I'm known for being a late player...

Anyway, I can probably battle today, but not right now. I have to get lunch first, then I'll see if I can

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Yeah I can't play this match till Wensday because I lost all the data for it. Also I need the FC for everyone that I'm facing, because if you delete all your data you lose even your FC online

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Yeah I can't play this match till Wensday because I lost all the data for it. Also I need the FC for everyone that I'm facing, because if you delete all your data you lose even your FC online

... I'm not sure if that's a valid reason, but I'll let it slide. I'm just too nice. Okay, Serene's team and the team he's facing will be facing from Wednesday to Saturday. No exceptions.

Also, CGV is the only one not ready yet. Fox, can you tell me when he regularly gets on?

Has no one else attempted to do their matches yet?

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I'm kind of worried about lag in this particular match. I have 2 reds and either an orange or a yellow with Knife. I'm not too worried about necessarily losing, but inevitable slowdown won't be fun.

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Hopefully, we'll get no lag. I got the same problems as you (2 reds with Raven and CGV + plus one yellow-orange with you). The day we fight better be a damn good day for Nintendo's servers. Although, the matches I've had with Raven so far are fine even though he's red.

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