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My FE7 Playthrough


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Hello, i've been lurking here for a while, so I thought I would make an account and to some sort of run through a game... so I picked this one,

I plan on going through all modes of the game and S-ranking them, but due to time constraints, it will take a long time. Help and advice along the way will be accepted.

Without further ado:

Prologue: A Girl From the Plains

Being LNM, I think everyone knows what goes on here. Standard 5 turn clear, with the WTFhax crit on Batta.

Moving on...

Chapter 1: Footsteps of Fate


My name, being Kent, is kind of ironic in this situation.

Another tutorial plagued chapter, 5 turns for this one as well.

Chapter 2: Sword of Spirits

Followed tutorial, causing Lyn and Co. to go down and visit the houses. 6 turn clear.

Chapter 3: Band Of Merceneries

Recruited Wil, Florina flew to get gold. Lyn bought an iron lance for Florina here for the next chapter. Not much to say about the Lyn Mode Chapters. Sain got bosskill, 5 Turn Clear.

Chapter 4: In Occupation's Shadow

Recruited Dorcas, Kent and Sain took care of the middle door, Florina took out the Merc reinforcements to the north; she can 2 shot them with an iron lance at base level. Lyn took care of Migal, while Wil attempted to do something useful. 8 Turn Clear.

I never knew LM enemies sucked this much.


Chapter 5: Beyond the Borders

Another easy chapter. Recruited Serra and Erk, and trampled everything on the map. I apologize for the lack of detail, but Lyn mode is rather bland. 5 turn clear again.

Chapter 6: Blood of Pride

Enter Rath and Matthew. Matt looted the chests, while my overpowered units destroyed the "assassins". 5 Turn Clear

Turns 40/45 5*

Exp 2432/1750

Funds is too much of a pain in the ass to do right now, i'll calculate it before chapter 10.

Chapter 7: Siblings Abroad

Flew Lucius over the mountain with Florina, but picked up most of the kills with Florina as she is looking very good at this point. Everyone else headed to the east. I picked up a fire tome and a heal staff at the vendor. 5 turns again. Benched Wil and Rath.

Chapter 7x: The Black Shadow

Sain, Matt and Nils went through the treasure room. Matt stole the enemy's lockpick. Everyone else picked up kills, and Florina finished the boss. 6 turn completion. Matthew is 2 for 2 for strength level ups. Benched Wil and Rath again.

EDIT: Thanks dondon.

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Do the S Ranks. I'm still trying to get through LNM and ENM again (not that it's hard, it's just boring) to access EHM to try it again.

Some tips for S Ranking the Normal Modes.

- Watch out for Tactics. I'm serious. Exp is piss easy in Normal but Tactics may bite you in the ass on some maps (Night of Farewells is a 10 turn clear).

- Funds is the rank that you have to constantly worry about. Don't leave yourself with barely any money to use nice weapons. Just promote like 5 people including Hector and/or Lyn and use Harken/Karel, Pent, Marcus and Geitz.

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Thanks for the heads up. I'll keep it in mind. Especially the funds.

Hmm, it seems that my game data was overwritten somehow... Well back to the start I go. I'll change the stats, but the turncounts should be pretty much the same. I'll just edit it if need be.


First, unit stats going into chapter 8.

Unit 	Exp    HP Pow Skl Spd Luk Def Res Wep
Lyn     5.73   20  6   9  13   9   2   1   C Sword
Sain 	7.09   24 10   5   9   5   7   2   D Lance D Sword
Kent 	6.95   25  7   9   9   3   5   4   C Sword E Lance
Florina 4.77   19  7  10   9   9   4   6   D Lance
Dorcas  4.48   31  8   7   6   4   4   0   C Axe
Erk     4.31   20  5   7   8   3   3   5   D Anima
Serra   3.21   19  3   5   9   8   2   6   C Staff   
Nils    2.21   15  0   0  13  10   5   5   Derp
Lucius  4.87   19  7   7  10   2   1   6   D Light
Matthew 4.19   19  4   4  13   4   5   0   D Sword
Wil     4.70   21  8   5   6   6   6   0   D Bow
Rath 	7.22   25  8   9  10   5   7   2   C Bow

Chapter 8: A Vortex of Strategy

I dislike ballistae.

Lucius, Nils and Serra went towards the village, and Lucius took out the shaman and mage hanging around there. Everyone else went directly south. Dorcas got about 4 critical hits this chapter, so he got a lot of exp. Lyn took the bosskill. 7 turns.

Turns 57/65 --> 5*

Exp 4127/2800 --> 5* (I've already 5* this.)

Funds 28947/33590 = 86% 5*

Chapter 9: A Grim Reunion

A Knight's Oath is cool.

Wallace promoted. Dorcas went North to take care of the soldiers, while Sain followed him and went east to take care of the archers around there. Florina blocked the reinforcements in the southwest fort. Lyn killed Eagler. 8 turns.

Chapter 10: The Distant Plains

Ferried Wallace and Erk over to Lundgren, the double teamed him. Lyn was eventually ferried over as well, and seized. Got the energy ring, but didn't use it.

I forgot to record the stats for this chapter, but it's pretty safe to say I S ranked LNM. I'll get the screenshot when I finish ENM.

Chapter 11: Taking Leave

Dorcas started this chapter at level 6.96.

Traded Marcus's Steel Sword to Eliwood, who exchanged it with Lowen's Iron Sword. Dorcas contributed some chip damage, while Eliwood and Lowen picked up most of the exp. Marcus got the dracoshield.

Turns: 7/7

Chapter 12: Birds of a Feather

Dorcas bought 2 Iron Axes and an Iron lance at the armory, and he and Bartre went north so Hector could save his Wolf Beil. Lowen took out most of the right side of the map, with some limited and rather poor backup from Eliwood and Rebecca.

Turns 8/9

Total: 15/16

Chapter 13: In Search of Truth

Matt 5.27 Serra 5.44

Bought 2 Hand Axes for Dorcas and Hector, and an Iron sword for Guy. Dorcas, Bartre and Oswin took the north path, while everyone else went south. Unequipped Marcus lured Guy, who was recruited on the next turn. Hector and Eliwood got a C support. Hector got bosskill.

Turns 9/10

Total 24/26

Chapter 13x: The Peddler Merlinus

Guy and Matthew took out the bottom right corner. Oswin went west and then plowed through to the north, Marcus went to the village, whilst everyone else picked up the scraps.

Turns 8/7

Total 32/33

Unit 	Exp    HP Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl   		Support
Eliwood  6.20   23  6   8   12  9   6   0  C Swd     		C Hector
Marcus   1.08   31 15  15   11  8  10   8  A Lnc/A Swd/B Axe
Lowen    7.10   27  8   6    8  5   9   1  D Lnc/D Swd
Rebecca  4.93   19  7   6    8  6   4   3  D Bow
Bartre   4.38   31 11   6    4  4   4   1  D Axe
Hector   4.17   22  8   6    6  4  10   1  C Axe     		C Eliwood
oswin   11.19   30 14  10    7  5  14   4  B Lnc
Guy      4.30   22  6  11   12  6   6   0  C Swd
Dorcas   8.11   33 12   9    6  6   5   0  B Axe
Serra    6.55   19  4   6   12 10   3   7  B Stv
Matthew  6.73   20  4   6   14  5   5   1  D Swd

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Chapter 14: False Friends

Erk 4.38

Serra went north to recruit Erk, while Oswin, Dorcas and Bartre took out the cavs. Erk soloed the area around the village with the help of Serra, whilst everyone else minus Lowen went through the middle. Lowen bought 2 Iron Swords, Iron Lances, Iron Axes, and Heal staves, along with 1 Fire Tome, and recruited Priscilla. Hector killed Erik. This took 11 turns because I had to wait a couple turns for the pirate reinforcements to get to the land so I could finish them.

Turns 11/12

Total 43/45 5*

Funds 5*

Combat 5*

Survival 5*

Exp 5*

Chapter 15: Noble Lady of Caelin

Units Fielded: Eliwood, Lowen, Rebecca, Bartre, Dorcas, Hector, Oswin, Guy, Serra, Matthew, Erk

Sain 8.57 Kent 8.09 Lyn 8.25 Wil 4.70 Florina 5.59

Kent bought two iron lances for himself and Sain, and they headed north after taking care of the two mercs. Lyn stayed down south, and bought herself an iron sword, and just waited there until the bandit showed up. Florina visited the red gem village, then assisted in combat. Matthew stole the lockpick from the enemy thief, and some other vulernaries. Hector and Oswin lead the charge up into the forest, and Hector eventually got the bosskill. Dorcas and Bartre got their C level support.

Turns 9/10

Total 52/55

Chapter 16: Whereabouts Unknown

Lucius 5.98

Units: Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, Kent, Sain, Rebecca, Oswin, Erk, Priscilla, Guy, Matthew

Oswin stayed behind to take care of the reinforcements, while Matthew headed to the treasure room on the right. Sain killed the archer for the chest key from above the room so I could loot the upper room without Matt. Recruited Raven and Lucius. Not much to be said here.

Turns 13/17

Total 65/72

Time for some more detailed stuff.


Unit         Exp  HP Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Levels        Supports
Eliwood     7.07  24  6   8   12  9   6   1  C Swd             C Hector
Hector     10.77  28 13   8    7  6   12  3  B Axe             C Eliwood
Oswin      13.95  32 15  11    7  5   16  6  B Lnc
Guy         6.81  23  8  12   13  7   7   0  C Swd
Matthew     8.83  22  4   8   16  5   5   2  C Swd
Erk         7.75  21  6   8    9  4   4   6  C Anima
Sain       10.95  27 13   6   11  5   9   2  C Lnc D Swd 
Kent       10.66  29  8  12   11  4   8   5  C Swd D Lnc
Priscilla   4.24  16  6   7    9  7   3   6  C Staff   
Rebecca     8.19  22  7   8   11  9   4   3  C Bow
Lyn         9.52  24  8  11   16 11   2   2  B Swd
Wil         4.80  21  8   5    6  6   6   0  D Bow
Serra       7.88  20  4   6   13 11   3   7  B Staff
Bartre      6.54  33 12   6    5  5   4   2  C Axe             C Dorcas
Dorcas      9.89  33 13   9    6  6   5   2  B Axe             C Bartre
Lowen       8.97  27  8   7    8  5   9   2  D Lnc D Swd
Marcus      1.12  Base
Florina     6.61  20  8  11   10 10   4   6  C Lnc
Raven       5.00  Base
Lucius      5.98  20  8   7   11  3   1   7  C Light

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Chapter 16x: The Port of Badon

Units Fielded: Eliwood, Oswin, Priscilla, Guy, Raven, Florina, Rebecca, Lucius, Lowen, Canas (Turn 1)

I baited the pirates with Guy, who took a few of them out, along with Lucius, Raven, and Oswin. Oswin killed Damien with a horseslayer. Eliwood just went north to pick off the weaker pirates. Florina flew around to the villages for the funds rank. I picked Priscilla over Serra this chapter due to better movement.

Turns 6/5

Total 71/77

Chapter 17: Pirate Ship

Units Fielded: Eliwood, Kent, Sain, Priscilla, Serra, Dorcas, Bartre, Florina, Guy, Canas

The axemen went towards Zoldam with Matt, Serra, and Canas, while Kent and Sain took turns blocking the northern bridge. Matt stole 2 pure waters and a vulernary, along with Zoldam's Speedwings. Florina provided Javelin chip, and went shopping. Sold one red gem. Guy and Dorcas killed Zoldam.

Turns 7/7

Total 78/84

Chapter 18: The Dread Isle

Units Fielded: Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, Erk, Kent, Sain, Lucius, Priscilla, Serra, Florina, Oswin, Matthew, Dart (Turn 1), Fiora (Turn 4)

Kent and Sain got a C Support.

Kent, Sain, Oswin, Erk, and Priscilla went south, while everyone else bar Eliwood and Florina went northeast. Matt stole a mine from the cav, and Florina got the torch staff before recruiting her sister. Oswin got the bosskill, he's close to level 20 now.

Turns 8/10

Total 86/94

Chapter 18x: A Prisoner of Magic

Units Fielded: Eliwood, Dart, Hector, Bartre, Dorcas, Fiora, Florina, Priscilla, Guy, Raven, Lowen, Wil (lol)

Picked a bunch of axemen as this chapter is loaded with lances, and picked the pegs to take care of the mages. Guy got the bosskill, and I finished off the snipers for some nice exp before seizing. Guy has 11 str at lvl 11. I am impressed.

Turns 9/10

Total 95/104

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Your turncounts look good so far, refer to this for a similar thing from an above poster. Maybe emulate the way he lays out his chapter details, one by one, with exp, character stats, and turncounts per chapter. Just to make it a bit more informative. I'll be following this, provided you finish.

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Alright, thanks for the feedback.

Chapter 19: Dragon's Gate

Note: The units I use each chapter will be the upper case ones in the stats.

Erk unlocked the brave bow chest door, and Guy hit the sniper. Priscilla opened the door to the north with and unlock staff, and Kent, Sain and Fiora charged through. Led by Hector, the others went up the middle. Brought and used chest keys, Guy got the brave bow, while Hector got Luna and Blue Gem. Legault stole the member card, and got the other chests. Dorcas killed Darin.

Unit   	Lvl   EXP   HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl        Supports
Eliwood    10    93    27  8  10  13  11   6   3  B Swd          C Hector
Hector 	15    38    31 18  11   9   9  15   4  A Axe          C Eliwood
Lyn        11    50    25 10  12  17  11   2   2  B Swd
florina 	9    93    21 10  13  13  10   4   7  C Lnc
Bartre      9    83    36 13   7   6   5   5   2  C Axe          C Dorcas 
Dorcas 	13    76    36 15  11   8   6   7   2  A Axe          C Bartre
dart   	10    52    36 14   8   8   3   6   2  B Axe
Fiora      11    45    25  8  13  15   8   6   7  C Lnc
Priscilla   7    28    18  6   9  10   9   3   8  B Staff
Guy        11    97    25 11  16  17   8   7   3  B Swd
raven   	7    38    27  9  11  13   3   6   1  C Swd
lowen      11    75    29  9   8   9   5  10   3  C Lnc C Swd
wil 		5    43    22  8   6   6   7   6   0  D Bow
matthew 	9    51    22  4   8  17   5   5   3  C Swd
Sain   	15    37    30 15  10  12   8  12   2  C Swd C Lnc    C Kent
Kent   	14    38    31  8  15  12   4  10   7  C Swd C Lnc    C Sain
Serra   	9    88    22  6   8  13  12   3   8  A Staff
Oswin      17    21    35 18  12   9   6  19   8  A Lnc
lucius      7    56    21  9   8  12   4   1   9  C Light
Erk        10    64    22  8   9  10   4   5   9  C Anima
canas   	9    44    21 11   9   9   7   5   8  B Dark
rebecca 	9    01    22  7   8  12  10   4   4  C Bow
marcus   ??/1    12    Base

Exp 1937/1700

Turns 10/10

Total Turns: 105/114

EDIT: I don't know what happened to my chart there, it was fine before I edited this post.

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Chapter 20: New Resolve

Just bought some more supplies, and headed towards Oleg, and stole his Hero Crest. Florina got all the villages. I bought a little too much stuff, so I couldn't use the arena.

Units used: Eliwood, Ninian, Serra, Dorcas, Bartre, Wil, Lowen, Dart, Florina, Legault, Erk

EXP 998/950

Turns 6/5

Total Turns: 111/119

Unit       Lvl   EXP   HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl        Supports
Eliwood    11    37    27  9  10  14  11   6   4  B Swd          C Hector
Hector     15    38    31 18  11   9   9  15   4  A Axe          C Eliwood
Lyn        11    50    25 10  12  17  11   2   2  B Swd
Florina    10    65    21 10  14  14  10   4   7  C Lnc
Bartre     10    16    37 13   7   6   5   5   3  C Axe          C Dorcas 
Dorcas     16    09    37 16  12   8   7   8   2  A Axe          C Bartre
Dart       11    93    36 15   8   9   3   6   2  B Axe
Fiora      11    45    25  8  13  15   8   6   7  C Lnc
Priscilla   7    28    18  6   9  10   9   3   8  B Staff
Guy        11    97    25 11  16  17   8   7   3  B Swd
Raven       7    38    27  9  11  13   3   6   1  C Swd
Lowen      12    56    30  9   8   9   5  11   4  C Lnc C Swd
Wil         6    19    23  9   7   6   7   6   0  D Bow
Matthew     9    51    22  4   8  17   5   5   3  C Swd
Sain       15    37    30 15  10  12   8  12   2  C Swd C Lnc    C Kent
Kent       14    38    31  8  15  12   4  10   7  C Swd C Lnc    C Sain
Serra      10    86    23  6   8  14  13   4   8  A Staff
Oswin      17    21    35 18  12   9   6  19   8  A Lnc
Lucius      7    56    21  9   8  12   4   1   9  C Light
Erk        10    64    22  9   9  10   4   5  10  C Anima
Canas       9    44    21 11   9   9   7   5   8  B Dark
Rebecca     9    01    22  7   8  12  10   4   4  C Bow
Marcus   ??/1    12    Base
Legault    12    72    Base
Ninian      4    43   

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