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<br />Dei, right as you may be, a style is a style, and there's not much you can do to change that ;3<br />
<br /><br /><br />My, my. This sounds rather familiar. Unfortunately, I would have to disagree with you this time. I would not be so quick as to blindly accept artistic liberty before a closer look and a bit of explanation has been given.

If I may:


First of all, Ecut, please do not offer inaccurate examples. They are misleading and may lead to unwarranted bias. Even if you dislike the style, please, at the very least, attempt to reproduce it in its truest form to the very best of your ability, which I no doubt you would have any difficulty with. While your style may have its merits, the simplicity in the official works must not be disregarded.

The purpose of simple shading within games is to keep the level of detail to a reasonable level when animating while adhering to a limited color palette. That being said, I do not necessarily agree with the quality of the official sprites or animation, but I do believe in the principle. Fire Emblem battle sprites are, for the most part, very clean-cut pieces of work with a very direct light source.

Let us take a look at the example above, shall we? I have provided a rough illustration of my view on the matter on the far right, labeled with a J. It is a fusion of the given styles, borrowing a bit here and there from both the "official" and your own spin. There is no fault in refinement - I point here to the outer side of his leg along the previously jagged edge - but there are still many areas that could be simplified. Think of it as a challenge, I say. Conservation is a difficult skill to master, but those who do gain an even greater mastery over shading. As the saying goes, less is more.

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  • 3 months later...

With my recent playthrough of Ocarina of Time 3D, I was inspired to make Link soooo I did!


(OoT palette, TP palette.)

First sprite in quite some time so I am a little rusty. Athos.gif

Enjoy. :)

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Sorry, I've been busy. :( :(

Also, fooling around with Elliot a bit. Not sure if it is going anywhere or not but I kinda like it thus far! Clearly still very much a wip. :)


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With my recent playthrough of Ocarina of Time 3D, I was inspired to make Link soooo I did!


(OoT palette, TP palette.)

First sprite in quite some time so I am a little rusty.

I can't say I'm impressed. While you've pretty much got the design down, there are still some glaring character inaccuracies. First, the Master Sword. Frankly, it doesn't look like the Master Sword, apart from being narrow at the hilt (oh, and by the way, it looks like it could be snapped off right there). What you've got here looks more like it could be compared to Eliwood's rapier than an arming sword, the type of sword that the MS is most commonly likened to. For a sword like that, something more along the lines of the Myrmidon or the Falcoknight would make a much better starting point.

Next, the pose in general. It... does not make me think of Link in the slightest. The stance is too open and inviting, as if to say "Stab me, Mr. Moblin". In general, Link takes a narrower, more closed fighting stance, and generally has his shield in front of him, has a wider stance bent at the knees, and hunches over just a bit. It's not enough to give a guy a green tunic and hat and say "this is Link". He has to become Link.

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I can't say I'm impressed. While you've pretty much got the design down, there are still some glaring character inaccuracies. First, the Master Sword. Frankly, it doesn't look like the Master Sword, apart from being narrow at the hilt (oh, and by the way, it looks like it could be snapped off right there). What you've got here looks more like it could be compared to Eliwood's rapier than an arming sword, the type of sword that the MS is most commonly likened to. For a sword like that, something more along the lines of the Myrmidon or the Falcoknight would make a much better starting point.

Next, the pose in general. It... does not make me think of Link in the slightest. The stance is too open and inviting, as if to say "Stab me, Mr. Moblin". In general, Link takes a narrower, more closed fighting stance, and generally has his shield in front of him, has a wider stance bent at the knees, and hunches over just a bit. It's not enough to give a guy a green tunic and hat and say "this is Link". He has to become Link.

Well that is certainly being anal.

This was the stance I was going for: http://thegamereviews.com/userfiles/image/Super%20Retroid/Ocarina/link.jpg Admittingly, the sword could have been up-straight.

Mastersword: http://images.wikia.com/zelda/images/8/80/Master_Sword_(Ocarina_of_Time).png Skinnier at the beginning.

And oh, by the way, my goal wasn't too impress you(not to sound harsh). You've wasted your time typing out all of that because it was something I did for fun in like 30 minutes, not something I spent hours and hours of time researching and planning at.

If it were a sprite I planned on using for something then I'd probably take your cc into consideration but it isn't. I have no intention on changing it so if you are not happy with that than I am apologize to you for that.

Judging by your avatar and the multiple Zelda sprites you've made, I can assume you are a big of fan. However, I do not take so many things into consideration when making a sprite of a character just to make people content.

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Wow, best Nayr-tier crit putdown I've seen yet. He's just offering some advice. At least take it into consideration before flat out slapping him in the face. 30 minutes or 30 hours, a sprite's a sprite, and if it's up in your gallery, you're damn well going to get comments, good or bad. If you don't want/can't take crit, put up a big "FUCK OFF, SIMON COWELL" somewhere in your post. Then maybe you'd just get the petty little compliments about your spritish dabbling you'd rather have.

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Well that is certainly being anal.

You said you were feeling rusty, so I provided some feedback. I call it being thorough, but potayto potahto.

This was the stance I was going for: http://thegamereviews.com/userfiles/image/Super%20Retroid/Ocarina/link.jpg Admittingly, the sword could have been up-straight.

Mastersword: http://images.wikia.com/zelda/images/8/80/Master_Sword_(Ocarina_of_Time).png Skinnier at the beginning.[/size][/font]

Well, then you didn't hit that stance either. Your fighting stance is way more open than that. Putting character accuracy aside, an open stance while the only thing between you and your flesh is a cloth tunic is basically asking for a bruising.

And oh, by the way, my goal wasn't too impress you(not to sound harsh).


You've wasted your time typing out all of that because it was something I did for fun in like 30 minutes, not something I spent hours and hours of time researching and planning at.

No such thing as wasted time. Critiquing helps one improve just as much as practice.

Also, I do this for fun, too. I mean, I'm not making a hack or other fangame project, like practically everyone else on this forum. Why else would I do it if I didn't enjoy it?

If it were a sprite I planned on using for something then I'd probably take your cc into consideration but it isn't. I have no intention on changing it so if you are not happy with that than I am apologize to you for that.

How I feel is irrelevant to the sprite. If you're perfectly happy with where you are right now, then by all means, disregard everything I said.

Judging by your avatar and the multiple Zelda sprites you've made, I can assume you are a big of fan.

Very much so.

However, I do not take so many things into consideration when making a sprite of a character just to make people content.

Again, it's not about how I feel, it's about trying to help you get better. But, I digress.

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Wow, best Nayr-tier crit putdown I've seen yet. He's just offering some advice. At least take it into consideration before flat out slapping him in the face. 30 minutes or 30 hours, a sprite's a sprite, and if it's up in your gallery, you're damn well going to get comments, good or bad. If you don't want/can't take crit, put up a big "FUCK OFF, SIMON COWELL" somewhere in your post. Then maybe you'd just get the petty little compliments about your spritish dabbling you'd rather have.

It doesn't mean I don't want critique but I don't always. I am sure you have never used someone's critique. But I will make sure that from now on that when I don't want something critiqued I will put "FUCK OFF, SIMON COWELL - j e a l o k i t t y" in the post, k? That should make you happy. As for your post as a whole, it is completely unneeded. I am sure that The Blind Archer is more than capable of standing up for himself/herself.

Now I would appreciate it if you would reframe from responding do this because I am sure you'll have something to say. My thread is for my work, not this garbage.

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Yay Ecut is back.

I like the Link sprite but I agree the sword looks a little to thin at the bottom, like it could just snap off.

Also that mug is nice. Not really much else to say about it since its still a wip.

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I am sure you have never used someone's critique.
That goes without saying. However, I do at least make the effort to acknowledge what has been said and give a logical refutation, not to mention that I do, in fact, at least TRY to apply the criticism to my work BEFORE I handwave it.
That should make you happy.

:D You took my feelings into consideration! Oh, Ecut, darling, you shouldn't have~♥

Now I would appreciate it if you would reframe from responding do this because I am sure you'll have something to say.

I'm very tempted to say something about this, but since you asked so nicely, I won't.

As for your post as a whole, it is completely unneeded

My thread is for my work, not this garbage.

Sadly, I eradicated the topic-relevant half of my previous post to save you the effort of throwing my critique back at me like a week-old fish pie (see: first post @ Dei). Perhaps I was too nice, then. Ah, well, no good deed goes unpunished, I suppose.

Still, if you really do need a reason, then I suppose I'd have to say that I'm simply addressing your work ethic; which, more or less, directly impacts your work - aka, the purpose of this topic.

If that isn't enough, then I'll gladly provide all the unnecessary relevance you need to make this post on-topic.

Actually, that sounds pretty good. The critique is as follows:

  • As Dei previously mentioned, the posing isn't entirely accurate, if at all:
    -- Shield
    The purpose of a shield is to block attacks from the enemy. It's essentially a movable wall between you and the hulk with a pointy object of hurt in front of you. That being said, most animu-type characters tend to render this concept moot. Link, on the other hand, stays true to it in the aspect that he does, in fact, hide behind his shield whenever possible, and purposely takes a defensive stance as such. This is also why virtually all LoZ games encourage you to abuse the daylights out of that little slab of metal (or wood) strapped to his right forearm. Digression aside, Link holds the shield to protect his fleshy vital parts, like his entire torso and head. While the groin would certainly be a sensitive and vulnerable point for anyone, it doesn't warrant as much concern as the rest of the body; thusly, the point of holding a shield at the waist is moot. Raise the shield up a bit, and you're good to go.
    -- Sword
    As shown, the Master Sword displays a prominent (and generally useless) ricasso segment which, depending on game and official reference material, varies in size and length. The reference given for the posing shows that the ricasso is much smaller and places more emphasis on the actual blade, which greatly exaggerates the difference in width between the sharpened and dulled parts. The other reference provided, however, shows that the ricasso is the very similar in width to the central tang. In this case, if viewed from the size of a battle sprite, the difference in width would basically be negligible.
    Considering the conflicting designs, the references you provided don't adequately support your sprite. Is it the former or the latter? The former could possibly make more sense in regards to the sprite as it is now. Alternatively, if it is the latter, then the detail is moot. It would be fine to simply select the entire blade, bring it down a pixel diagonally, and still achieve a similar effect.
    -- General Posing
    Depth. The planes and angles are all over the place. The body should be more front-facing, with only a little cheating out. The near leg is a puffy, outwardly bent stick, with one boot longer than the other, and a foot that looks as if it has stepped on a tack. The sword is daintily held aside, as if he were resting his wrist upon a side table...to get the sword as far away from his body as possible. It leaves a very weak impression of the wielder. A good sword arm is strong, with the elbows not thrown out far to the side, but close and down. The far knee looks tumorous rather than bent. His entire pelvis is pushed out quite a bit, as well. All in all, the pose is neither dynamic nor convincing due to conflicting angles. A compact pose leaves a strong, guarded impression. An open one doesn't.
    For reference:
    -- Other
    It would make more sense for the far side of the shield to be bordered rather than the nearer one, as the light source comes from the right side rather than the left. The far boot, rather than looking shiny, looks more like his toe has worn a hole through the tip.

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That goes without saying. However, I do at least make the effort to acknowledge what has been said and give a logical refutation, not to mention that I do, in fact, at least TRY to apply the criticism to my work BEFORE I handwave it.

:D You took my feelings into consideration! Oh, Ecut, darling, you shouldn't have~♥


It would make more sense for the far side of the shield to be bordered rather than the nearer one, as the light source comes from the right side rather than the left. The far boot, rather than looking shiny, looks more like his toe has worn a hole through the tip.

See! This here is useful. Beyond useful. Now, lets see if I can't fix Link... Thanks. :)

Ps; To you and tba, I apologize. I reacted decisively and harshly. Having a bad day is no excuse to lash out on strangers trying to help me.

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Yay Ecut is back.

Hey Ecut is back!


(Why is everyone kitty's? I feel so out of place...)

I tried to do what you said jealokitty:


Anything else?

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Well, the sword and stace are better, although I am unsure if the shield is supposed to be cut off on the left (OPV). It might have to and, as I said, I'm unsure.

Oh. And welcome back~

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Well, the sword and stace are better, although I am unsure if the shield is supposed to be cut off on the left (OPV). It might have to and, as I said, I'm unsure.

Oh. And welcome back~

It's the angle he's holding the shield at.

I enjoy these sprites a lot, the TP pallette on the Link is the better one IMO, but that's just me.

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Hey look who's back =o.

Link seems a tad too small, I think. Or he's just crouched a bit too far.

Shield looks odd in the new version.

His suit looks a little too shiny. It's perfectly neat and straight, so I suggest messing with that a little.

I'm....not really a fan of the sprite. But I suppose you're a little rusty after such a long while.

Now, I've read the stuff from earlier. And even though this sprite's not a serious one, and even though you're not going to change it much, you should still listen to critique you get. Becuase you'll learn from it, so it'll make your future sprites better.

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Now, I've read the stuff from earlier. And even though this sprite's not a serious one, and even though you're not going to change it much, you should still listen to critique you get. Because* you'll learn from it, so it'll make your future sprites better.

spell check hee hee

And you're a bit late to the party.As usual...

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I've spelled because as becuase for ages now, and for some reason I like it better that way (it types easier, also), so I don't bother anymore.

...this is a bit spammy though, don't you agree Eric?

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  • 4 weeks later...


Got bored and finally got around to fooling with the line art things that bwdyeti made for a contest or something on FE7x forums. Kinda overdue colon-e.gif.


Shitty but oh well. Looks better shieldless. :) So don`t tell me to put it there ;).

Enjoy and all that jazz. (:

Good bye agaaaaain ~

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well that's interesting. I like it!

Speaking of Seers, there's a Seer class in my game, so with some edits it would fit mine.

I hope you won't mind me using it (whee, I'm starting to feel like Sholes, but solely in your topic XD), but I'm pretty sure you won't.

Just give the word~

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Thanks. :)

And I am not sure yet; if Bwd releases something to make fe games or if I bother to learn how to hack then I would want my sprites unique to my game. You understand, right? :)

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