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Character Relationship Chart

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I remember this was mentioned before the game was released, is there a completed one up somewhere that i have missed? How does it work in the game; do you have to complete the chart by recruiting all the characters and then they get added to the chart or is it unlocked after a sucessful game completion? I also remember reading before launch that you can bring up a bio on the characters through the chart, is this still the case?

Sorry if this has been asked (and answered) already, i just haven't been able to find a completed copy of what it looks like yet.

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I don't think you need to recruit characters for them to show on the chart.

You browse by selecting a katakana character to see a list of character's (or nation) names beginning with that katakana character. This will probably be the alphabet in the US version.

Select a character and you'll see a chart of their relations with others the nation's page with character from that nation. Some characters may show up in multiple charts due to their relationships with others. Shiida shows up in Altea and Talys, Katarina shows up in Altea and the assassin's page under a different name for example.

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I kind of want to rip the chart, but it's kind of bothersome since it's spread across so many screens. That and the information doesn't really that useful :S

You wouldn't have a problem with an adaptation of the chart, would you? Kind of like what I did for FE10's chart, except with even more liberties taken.

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im not so much interested so i can learn from it... i already know about the character relations for this game :) its just i was surprised that noone within fire emblem fandom anywhere had apparently put one together yet. to be honest i was thinking there would be an easily ripable completed chart somewhere within the game, i didnt know it was a multilayer thing, i just though it was one big chart exactly like the one you did for FE 10 :)

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I should also mention that seeing characters in the BS or Download chapters will unlock them in the chart, which is why I had Dolph, Macellan, etc unlocked very early.

Normally, it seems you have to have seen the character for them to appear in the chart. Generally, if their sprite appears in dialogue, or if they're on the map in a chapter, you will get them. Village recruitment characters need to actually be recruited though, in most cases.

Sometimes, important story characters, like Gotoh, Camus and Nyna, will show up once they've mentioned in dialogue. Sometimes more information gets revealed later though. E.g. original Hardin will appear in the chart during the prologue, but Emperor Hardin's portrait will remain blank untill he makes a physical appearence.

Apart from the aphabetical searching, you can also select a country from the map. Note, however, that there are a few catagories that won't show up on the map. These are:

'Other Lands': Athena, Feena [link to Nabarl, 'acquaintance'], Ymir, and Rikara [link to Julian, 'mentor']

Feena is actually from Warren, but I guess the town was too small to warrent a chart of its own. The rest are from unknown lands.

'Mercinaries': Dice, Malice [link between 'parent and child'], Ceaser, Radd [link between, but I can't really make it out]

Nabarl [ links to Shiida, Feena and Ogma, all 'acquaintance'] and Samuto [one-way link to Nabarl, 'impersonates', and link to Ogma, 'mentor']

'Dragonkin': Gotoh [link to Wendell, 'mission' probably reffers to sending him to tell Marth of the star shards], Nagi, Xane,

Tiki, Bantu [link to Tiki, 'caretaker']

This area is kind of hard to get to. You need to access Gotoh's link from Wendell (who can be found in the 'Khadein' section)

'Assassins': Aine [link to Katarina, 'same person'], Kleine, Roro. All linked to Eremiya, 'obeys'

One more thing, regarding the 'Doluna' section. This just seems to be a recap of what happened in SD. It's fully unlocked from the begining, and simply contains Medeus (human form sprite) and Gharnef (SD sprite) [no links]. You don't seem to ever get Ghost Gharnef or Dragon Medeus in the chart.

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Is there a spot for MU in the chart? I'm actually curious about that.

They're in the 7th Platoon and are linked to Katarina by Trust.

You named Boah Wendell.

Whoops, that's what you get for doing something like this in a rush >___<

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hahaha, as if by magic.

]9th December 2010[/b]

Added the Altea and Akaneia character relationship charts to the New Mystery of the Emblem section.

Nice work Vincent

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