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Feaw's Mappies and Sprities and thingies~


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Yeah, but I'd need to switch the hands, so the the hand currently holding the axe hold reigns. Plus, more FE classes don't hold reigns (how do you propose Nomads could use bows if they were holding reigns?).

Thanks for the good criticism, btw (just a little more opinions and I'd be confident about it).

Edited by Fawful
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Nomads are just superior. But really, Nomad's riding is part of their culture. For countries like Lycia, Eturia, Bern, or even Ilia, they only ride them to war. But the plains people ride them for hunting, war, and standard travel. At least that's the sense I got. Plus when you're firing a bow, you could technically say their horse doesn't have to move much, since their enemy isn't an immediate threat.

And bending the close side arm to make it look like it's holding reigns won't work? I guess the way their arm's positioned now could be them halting their horse (pulling the reigns way back) with their left hand.

Just my two cents.

Edited by deranger
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  • 1 month later...
Guest ChaosLord

Love you'r maps and sprite's fawful. also is there anyway you could define that the femaleaxe knight is wearing a skirt in anyway? cause at the moment they look like shorts to me. also im in agreement that the axe knight should be holding on to rein of any sort. that or the rider could be holding on to the horses mane?

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She wears shorts, yeah. I'm not gonna give her a skirt becuase pff skirts, and the axe knight is far too manly for that.

As for the reigns thingy... not sure yet. Part of me agrees, but then again, IS barely did it (and yeti neither), so why should I?

Edited by Fawful
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Guest ChaosLord

She wears shorts, yeah. I'm not gonna give her a skirt becuase pff skirts, and the axe knight is far too manly for that.

As for the reigns thingy... not sure yet. Part of me agrees, but then again, IS barely did it (and yeti neither), so why should I?

i prefere shorts too its just you said on you'r update of the female that it was a skirt she was wearing yet it looked like shorts so i was kinda counfused. the axe knight female is far to manly for skirts though but what did you have in mind for the promotion of the axe knight?

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Part of me agrees, but then again, IS barely did it (and yeti neither), so why should I?

Start the revolution. IS's cavaliers (therefore Yeti's social knights and squires) and possibly paladins do it. I see what you mean about yeti's cavalier though.

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i prefere shorts too its just you said on you'r update of the female that it was a skirt she was wearing yet it looked like shorts so i was kinda counfused. the axe knight female is far to manly for skirts though but what did you have in mind for the promotion of the axe knight?

Err whups. I need to make up my mind >>.

Axe knight promo is GK on one side, and a different one on the other side. I'm not gonna spoil anything about that one, tho.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ChaosLord

Err whups. I need to make up my mind >>.

Axe knight promo is GK on one side, and a different one on the other side. I'm not gonna spoil anything about that one, tho.

thats cool. though i think you should make a female greatknight sprite and not just use the male great knight sprite if its going to be in you'r game. though im sure you allready thought of that.

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No I'm actually going unisex with it, just like FE8. I don't see the need to have that one be different for each gender.

The other class will probably be different, though, since it's not as clad in armor as the GK.

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She wears shorts, yeah. I'm not gonna give her a skirt becuase pff skirts, and the axe knight is far too manly for that.

As for the reigns thingy... not sure yet. Part of me agrees, but then again, IS barely did it (and yeti neither), so why should I?

"Barry didn't wash his hands after wiping his ass, and Michael barely does it, so why should I?"

IMO, not a good mentality/excuse. If you honestly believe that you should do the reigns thing, then go for it. If not, eff it and don't. Lol.

and though they are shorts...it still looks like she is pulling an Eirika. Skirt? Fine. Skirt on a horse? Lolwtf you thinking you slutty soldier?

Edited by uMAD
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Eeheeheeheeee.... =(

Yeah, eff those reigns (I was basically implying that in a subtle way, nice of you to put it like that =p).

And lol, if she does look like she has a skirt, I guess I could change it. Does she really look like she has a skirt on?

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  • 1 month later...

^I never thanked you for that, so thanks Char!


I decided the edit IS' female thief sheet (Cath's, not Leila's).

Mainly because the cloak couldn't be changed in color since the colors were mostly skin-colors. And the overall shading and spritan was really derpy (mainly the shoes).

Also no more skirt. Fuck skirts.

So here's an edit of it;


I have no experience, nor any idea how to animate stuff, so we'll have to wait until I get someone to animate it (and prolly also scripting and all shit to make it ROM-insertable).

Uh yeah, enjoy.

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morning feawr, love to see that my post was deleted by your request, we'll talk about that later.

regardless if you're idiotic or something, the point I was making was that Cath wears a skirt. So even if you personally don't like the skirt, it's in the art. And what you've done just looks like pasting cath's head on the male theif's body imo, which isn't impressive for you, I'm a bit saddened.

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Mm.. Something like this:


I only moved a couple of pixels but I think it makes it look less disconnected. You may disagree. :P

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^That looks good, thanks Ecut =).

Yeah, Tang, I was kinda immature about this, and couldve pointed out to Eric what bugged me, instead of getting his post deleted behind his back.

Just so you guys know, this thief edit has nothing to do with Cath. It's just for any thief whatsoever, so people can more freely change the palette for their hacks (and I added pants becuase I can, nothing bad about that).

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Yay triple post.

So I also decided to edit the way the Wyvern/Dragon Lord/Dracomaster's palette is set up.

The way IS did it, makes changing the armor color very hard, since it's linked to the dragon's spikes and belly, and thus the armor has to be light and not too saturated.

My edit gets rid of this, so you can freely recolor the armor without any weird effects on the aforementioned parts.



The axe version (Dei's), and a Wyvern Knight edit will be coming soon, I'm just taking a break for a bit =p.

The tier 1 rider was already good, so I won't be doing that one.

These are all free to be used and stuff~

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Wow, those are all amazing, Nintendo should have hired you when they were making FE7+FE8, I would much rather see animations like this than their somewhat boring animations in game.

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