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Fuyuki's Holy Grail War (RP Topic Part One)


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The clock struck 9:00pm at the Kotomine Church. Kirei Kotomine looked up from his work and smiled a little.

"Alright, it is time." Kotomine stood up and began making his way to the sanctuary. He did not know why this war was being run a little different than previous ones, all he knew was that he needed to explain what was necessary. A city-wide letter had been sent out this morning informing all households that held a magus within it that a meeting will be occurring at the Kotomine Church at 9:00pm this night. Kirei looked idly at the grail that sat at the front of the sanctuary, hidden behind a podeium, but otherwise looking like a natural part of the holy scenery.

Kotomine watched as the magi now began to enter, 9:03. The house filled up rather quickly, almost all the seats being taken up.

Hm, seems the amount of magi has increased. I hadn't realized it when I sent the letters. I guess seeing can be believing.

When Kotomine was certain everyone was in and sitting down amongst the benches and chairs in the sanctuary, he began.

"Greetings, fellow magi. As some of you know, my name is Kirei Kotomine. For formality sake, if you must, please refer to me as Father Kotomine, or just Kotomine is fine. If you are one to ignore such things as much as myself, I'll acknowledge to Kirei as well. Now, to the matter why you have all been summoned." Kotomine said, walking over behind the podeium. He grabbed the grail and lifted it up to his face level. Many at the sight of this object would know what this meant.

"As you can probably guess now, the Holy Grail War is about to begin once more. This war has been altered in its workings for some reason, I am not sure why. However, I will carry it out as it is asked. As I've noticed from some of your reactions, you have probably tried summoning Servants already. Well, the grail has restricted this for a reason unknown, and now is the time that the seals have been lifted. Notice-if you will- everyone else in this room. These are fellow magi. I'm certain everyone is aware that those gazing upon an action of the war without being a magus must be taken as priority to eliminate. I do not wish to dwell on this long, but these are those who you may be relaxed about." Kotomine slowly paced the aisles, watching as some people sat up in their seats to look around, or place their hand on the back of a bench to look around easier.

"However, now you also know your potential enemies. Granted anyone can join the war, it is most likely that it will only be magi this time around thanks to the strict seals the grail has preordained this time." Kotomine's voice grew wary as he shot quick glances at several people, giving a sly smile or a grin with hidden intentions.

"The rituals are open tonight. They are open from here forth. You all know the rules, report here once you have summoned your Servant, inform me of your name and which Servant it is. I have a feeling you should be cautious of the time you approach here; however, as many if not most summons will probably occur tonight. You would certainly not want to lose, or lose your life on the first night. Now, would you?" As Kotomine said this last part, he had drawn his face close to a man whose hat covered the sight of his eyes. After a chuckle, Kotomine pulled away and continued pacing around.

"Prepare what gemstones you feel you will need. Tonight is the night your preparations should start, if they have not already, like they should have most likely." Kotomine stopped at the middle rows of benches this time to speak before he returned to the front. He set the grail back where it was, and his attention was caught by something strange.

"Hm...Caster's summon has already been confirmed to me this evening. That is a notice to all of you, in case you had your hopes up of targetting Caster. There also seems to be another strange anomally that I can't pick out right now, but another Servant has indeed been summoned." Kotomine stood at the podeium now.

"Anyways, that is what this meeting was held for. Are there any questions someone wishes to ask?"


Makoto had been glaring around thoroughly to notice every possible person she could in here. There was no reason to try and act subtle about this, see who was hear and learn their face. Casualties that are unnecessary is never something most would want. Her attention grew back to Kotomine when he said another Servant had been summoned. He didn't know which one it was? That worried her. If Saber's opportunities were out of her reach, she would not be happy. Saber had made it to the final battle in every Grail War preceding this one, that made it all the more important to try and seize first.

"Father Kotomine." She started after a brief raise of her hand. She patted her dress down after adjusting in her chair. "You say you can't identify it. How?"

"I cannot answer your question, child. I can only say that it is different than what has happened in the last war, and I cannot identify it. Hopefully I can question the Master when they come by to confirm their Servant." The man responded. "Any other questions?"

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Pulling her bike from the shed behind the house Kimiko glanced uneasily at her watch. 8:30pm. She should still make it if she hurried. In her back pocket was the letter addressed to her father, Samuel Junabara, and a small notebook. This was going to be an importan event. It wouldn't do if she forgot Kotomine's instructions.

Having been one of the last through the church doors she was surprised by how short the meeting turned out to be. Father Kotomine had barely spoken ten minutes when he started asking for questions. Letting everyone know how inept of a magus she was would not do, so she did not ask her most pressing question now. She would wait for most of the magi to leave first.

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Kaguya frowned as the stupid man finished his ranting, and wasn't at all impressed.

Men.... she thought to herself as she rolled her eyes.

As the man asked for questions she couldn't help herself and raised her hand, not waiting long before she was picked. After all, there wasn't exactly much information in the priests ramblings anyway.

"So essentially, you called all of us out here, just to tell us that the war is starting and that you don't know much?" she asked sarcastically as people around her looked at her with disdain. Three things about Kirei had annoyed her; His gender, his occupation, and the fact that she'd been called out this late at night. It was bad enough that she had to travel across Fuyuki to get here, and for what? This shabby speech?

Before the man could respond she decided to persue her complaint, "Would it have killed you to just have mentioned everything in the letter? I mean most of us probably knew what this was about the moment we got the letter. Know our enemies? Right, lets memories a room full of people when less then a dozen of these people will actually be involved."

She could sense people glaring all around her, but was pleased to hear an occasional murmur of consent. Kotomine Church wasn't exactly the most accessible place in Fuyuki, and the meaningless 10 minutes speech hadn't soothed her temper at all.

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Before him was a church. The church that was his destination. It was a small thing, solemnly on a hill and off to a side in a country whose religious beliefs did not stray towards it. But, that did not concern him. He was neither of this country or a religious man. In fact the only reason he now stood before this church was because he was not a religious man--in fact he was what one would say was he anti-thesis of a clergyman. A magus--a magic user.

It had not been by choice that he now would have to rely upon what could be his opposite for this. Indeed, in all ways, this tiny church in this tiny country was perhaps the most opposite of acceptable places for him. He was a magus of in service of the Mage's Association which headquartered itself in the United Kingdom of of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In short, he was a British man working for the Mage's Association's main branch to investigate the inner workings of three specific magic families that quartered themselves in the country of Japan. Or two, and the third just happened to be having a "representative" located in the country.

It was astoundingly little information to go on. But, it was not uncommon. The man had made a nuisance of himself to a few people of position with Clock Tower, and now they turn the ire they hold towards those they cannot punish on someone they could. But it was fine. This was not the first time, and it would not be the last. Each time he had returned from assigned tasks like this, he had gained more infamy and earned less information on his next task. Within two more successes, they might not even tell him where he was going and instead just kidnap him and shove him on the plan to whatever backend of hell needed fixing.


Hell. Well, he was not religious, but that was no excuse not to use associated words after all. Some other users of magic and futilely tried to avoid such nonsense but made themselves into hypocrites. As the man would have pointed out.

Yes, pointing things out was one of the ways he had landed himself in such assignments. But it was only a small one.


He realized he was procrastinating. His contact was supposed to be in this church--a priest, obviously. What a priest had to know about the lineage of a mageline, the man did not know. But, perhaps any of those three had members coming, to seek confession? Well, there were sillier thoughts in this world. Like being given a week's notice to learn an entire language and make your own travel plans to fly nearly halfway across the world. And being caught in airport security for possession of work-related tools.

Yes, that would be quite silly. Though, reality was stranger than fiction.


The man stepped inside. The church was as small as the outside made it appear, so that only the handful of people casually filled the available space within. Magi, one and all; even the priest that arose to greet him with the tongue of the natives.

A week was not enough to understand the deeper intricacies of any language. Even some of the base concepts were still beyond the man. There existed magics and spells that could assist with such a process, but the man had longed turned them down. He had always wanted to do things by his own hand--excepting the times he had stolen theories and ideas from others. Another reason why such an assignment was his.

The man kept his hands fastened to two objects--his wonderful hat and sizable briefcase with metal sides--as he smiled back at the priest who was also a magus. He needed no words, not yet.

It seemed the man from the United Kingdom was to be the last to arrive--and as he slipped to a seat, laid his all-too-heavy briefcase to the ground and carefully adjusted his hate--the priest soon explained.

Such a tale.

But, there had been tale and tale again of the Holy Grail. What made this one any different?

Something enough to have a priest-magus working as a mediator. A contradiction of contradictions just like the man himself. An amusing thought.

Though, the speech also made it clear why the man had been sent. If this was to be a war between magus--including between families that had retreated so far from the sights of Clock Tower--then it would be the perfect opportunity to remove the man as a nuisance and gauge the threatening potential of this Holy Grail. When they put their minds to it, the accomplished higher-ups of Clock Tower were devious. Even winning would do no more than assuage them that this Grail was nothing but another fake--like so many others.

The rituals for the summoning of these Servants--familiars, of course, of a high grade most likely to require a ritual summon--had already seemed to be accomplished by those outside of the Church.

So, not even the priest-magus had all the answers. Or perhaps, he did, and just did not care to tell. With such a contradiction, truth would be easy to lose.

Already though a second question was asked from another of the so-called Masters. Though more a berating than question, she soon got to the point--or at least as far as the man could tell. The man could pick out most of the words immediatly, and noticed one rather amusing one, before slowly going over what he had heard and piecing it together into a clear enough picture.

Really, if memorizing so few people by appearance alone was such a challenge then there wouldn't be much challlenge in her either. But then again, this country didn't have the most diverse of features. Really, he himself and the speaker of the first question stood out by most of the gathered. Which also meant a high chance that one of his target families was that girl.

And really, spying out the Church while any able "Masters" returned was hardly a difficult task.

The man--David Spencer--smiled as he tipped his hat lower and laid his free left arm across the back of his pew. Really, the kidnapping thoughts almost looked more interesting in comparison now.

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"Hmhmhmhm, young child, do you think I would not have done so if I had the option? I must admit, you do have a point. But the sense of your arrogance is only amusing at this point. What is done is done, I suggest your complaining cease." Kotomine responded to the young girl who also asked him a question.

"If there are no more questions, you are dismissed. I look forward to seeing some of you...again." Kotomine's last word held a devilish tone behind it, his grin didn't help hide it. After another chuckle, he soon left to the back of the church again, leaving the sanctuary.


Makoto was one of the first few out of the church. She had to be quick, but not obvious. At a casual pace, she would make for the antique shop back in Miyama. There, she'd put her summon plot into action.

(this post was rather short, but I'm tired, and I'll complete this tomorrow. Anyways, have at it, you may go about summoning as you wish.)

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Ah, finally. With the meeting over and magi leaving there would be less chance of an eavesdropper, and maybe she could get the help she needed, the help summoning a servant. It wasn’t that she was a bad magus per se, she just had below average amount of magical energy. If she was to summon and control a servant strong enough to win this war she would need a way to provide more energy. Hopefully Kotomine knew of a way to do that.

With this in mind she rose from her seat, yawned, and followed Kotomine. A few curious glances were cast her way, but as far as she knew no one followed her. The magus stopped in the ornately carved courtyard behind, silently prayed that he wouldn’t be upset by the interruption, and called out.

“Father Kotomine, I need to speak with you.”

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Kotomine stopped his trek and looked behind him. It was a girl that had asked for him. He turned around, and paced himself towards her. As he grew closer, he realized it was Kimiko Junabara, the girl he was requested to supervise while her parents were away on a business trip.

"Kimiko, glad to see you're still doing well since your parents left. What is it you wish to speak with me about, exactly?" Kotomine replied kindly, yet his strange grin was hard to read while he stared at the girl.


Makoto had managed to make her way to the antique store and get inside by two hours post meeting. It was nearing midnight, and she wished to announce her Servant to Kotomine near that time. It'd be the easiest thing to do.

Makoto had set up a summoning circle in between two of the shelf aisles, having to move them apart slightly. She had moved most of the artifacts away except a few that would assist her in targetting Saber. She had samurai armor, two swords, anything she could find that would lure towards the legendary Musashi Miyamoto. That was her goal, at least.

Her mind began to race as her summoning chant began. She could feel her chest burning as the words came out of her mouth, she could feel the command spells forming onto her.

"Now, I call my Servant forth!" She ordered, finishing the chant. What she hadn't noticed is she'd missed the family crest of an important subordinate family in Feudal Japan on one of the lower shelves. It had tipped off slightly and part of its end was on the circle. She hadn't noticed the entire time, and she still hadn't noticed the six coin crest near her feet as she watched the circle flash into life. As far as she knew, her plan was working well.

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The priest’s expression sent a chill down her spine. She had no idea why her father still associated with this man.

“It’s about Servants. I didn’t want to ask before with everyone there, but… I know Servants require vast amounts of magical energy to control, and I know I don’t have the required amount.” She paused, a bit unsure about how to continue. “Uh.. I'll just get straight to the point. Are there any other ways to provide Prana for a Servant?”

If she had to cooperate with someone, fine. If she had to do something heinous, that was fine as well. There was no question of whether or not she would summon a Servant; she needed that grail.

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Kaguya yawned loudly as she arrived home, in one hand she held a plastic bag which seemed as if it would burst at any moment. As she finished climbing the stone steps she reached into the bag, but hesitated before withdrawing her hand and heading for her room.

"I'm home" she called out as she opened the front door, and turned on the light. She waited a few seconds, but decided no one was home, it didn't surprise her, after all it was nearing midnight. Dropping the plastic bag on the kitchen counter, she reached in and started putting the groceries away. She wasn't in any hurry to summon her servant afterall. It was unlikely anything would happen anyway. She really didn't have any wishes to be a participant either, which was one of the reasons the invitation by Kotomine had annoyed her.

.... Though it would be amusing to see that poker face of his crumble when she succeeded. She played with the idea before glancing up at the clock. "Ah forget it" she muttered to herself as she headed towards her bedroom. It'd been a long unproductive day, and she wasn't going to waste time daydreaming when she could be normal-dreaming. By tomorrow all the servants would be gone, and she wouldn't have to worry about this stupid game... surely.

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So this session was over was it?

After the priest-magus had answered the loud girl's question--no, he simply waved it away in noncompliance.

It wasn't hard to understand why you wouldn't include all information in a letter--too easy to break. Well, unless you could impart certain practicals of defense on them, but simply for a letter--multiple letters-that was impractical.

The man from the United Kingdom closed his little translation booklet as the public answering was over. Perhaps relying on this method wasn't the best-especially after the thoughts of the impracticality of letter defenses-but it had its purpose.

The man exited the Church as quickly as he could, helped by his late arrival placing him in a favorable location. He did not leave because he was in some hurry to call forth a Servant--he in fact he had no idea how to. No, he wanted to be out first in order to spy more effectively the features of all those who may become involved in this "war". He would already stick out, so his policiy of standing aside the Church's doors and watching everyone pass was not a great risk. The man counted each and every person, set to mind their features--facial, body, their walks and the glances they gave him. It would all be useful--even knowing most wouldn't be back.

Eventually the flow had stopped.

Though that was not all those who were inside.

Taking out the priest-magus, and the few who had escaped before the man, there were still too many inside. Well, he had to stay, to ask the priest-magus the intricacies of the ritual, of course. He had hoped to be the only one to get a private talk, but it would seem to be a failure. Well, this way he could identify those who also needed it, so it would work out.

The man lowered his metal briefcase again. He had only carried it because he believed he would quickly need to move again, but he was wrong. So, holding the heavy case for an extended period was a poor choice. It contained the specialties of his trade, and with so many the case had become quite heavy. His arm was not burning yet, but much longer holding it and the pain would have started. It was the only part of his job that he could consider annoying, but his job made it pay to be prepared.

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The man wasn't sure if that is what this place was, but the word he had known from life fit the place well enough. The realm of heroic spirits, heroes who gave up their own afterlife for the chance to forever become a legend, to live on in the hearts of the people, and to hopefully be called upon by the Holy Grail one day...

Yes, one did not become a heroic spirit at random... to cling to that chance at coming back to the world of the living under the veil of the Holy Grail... every Heroic spirit has a wish, a desire they could not fulfill in life.

'That is why I am here.'

The armour clad man looked around. The start of the third Holy Grail war, it was the biggest event this world had seen in years. Their faces... these heroic spirits could not be seen here... not now. Losing one's identity was fatal in such a war, near certain failure awaited a spirit who's summoning was discovered here...

Two had been summoned already. With only five spots left for a shot at the Holy Grail, the occupants of this place were getting anxious. Obtaining that vessel would give one spirit their wish... and the chance to ascend to the true afterlife... how could they not wish for their shot?

The man felt a tingling in his body.

'So, it is my time. Perfect, I shall not fail.'

Jealous murmurs were launched towards the spirit as he dissipated from their world.

A solid form appeared in a small antique shop in Miyama. The girl standing within the summoning circle seemed determined, strong. Inside the circle lay several swords of excellent quality, and a cuirass seeming to have been forged in the Edo period.

In the man's hand the lance he had used in life had appeared along with his solid form, as he now stood in front of the young Master, her newly branded command spell visible to the Heroic Spirit.

"I am the Servant Lancer. Are you my master?"

Edited by Azusa Nakano
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"There are many ways, Kimiko. It depends, young child, what you are getting at. There are ways post summoning, and types of summons that set up a secondary source from the start." Kotomine said, waving his hand with him as he turned around. "Come with me to my study. We shall continue there."


"Excuse me, sir." The man with the briefcase would soon be greeted by a woman shrouded in a cloak. It was difficult to tell any of her features other than the fact that this was indeed a woman.

"But Father Kotomine is busy speaking with someone. However, I am one of his associates, my name is Elise Allenford. Is there something you need assistance with?" The woman asked. The other thing that stuck out from her was that she knew the language this man spoke perfectly, using the tongue of his home country.

"I noticed you are not used to the native language like I was when I first moved here. So I may be able to make this less awkward for you as well." She said, her exposed lips protruding a smile.


Makoto was struck with shock, and disappointment to a lesser degree, when Saber did not emerge from the circle. "You're...Lancer? Awww, I had prepared for this day to get Saber! Shoot, how did I mess up!?" Makoto demanded an answer, looking around herself. Now she noticed the crest at her feet, and it make her slump in posture.

"That's the Sanada's Six Coins crest..." She bent down and picked it up, looking it over.

"Well, which one are you? One of the brothers?" She said, sounding a little irritated in her speech.

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"That I am. My name is Sanada Nobushige, the youngest son of Sanada Masayuki." Lancer stated confidently, seemingly unaffected by Makoto`s words against him.

"It is true, I am not Saber. However, that is no obstacle. For the honour of the Sanada clan, as well as the honour of my Master, none who oppose my, our victory, shall live to speak of it." Lancer continued, looking his master over. She seemed to be in decent shape, and he could feel her magical energy, she was a capable master, that much was certain.

"Now stand with Pride, my Master, and my spear shall pierce through the heavens themselves to grant you victory." Lancer finished, offering his hand to Makoto.

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Kimiko silently followed Father Kotomine to his study and sat in the nearest chair. If her hunch was right, Kotomine might go into of his lectures; it’d be best if she sat down and got comfortable.

“I just need a way to keep a Servant in top fighting condition, as my Prana is insufficient. It needs to be reliable, so a secondary source sounds good… What are my options?”

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