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He's still only level one. If he doesn't level up, he won't be very effective in combat.

Here, use this ...

LEVEL UPS: When enough points are accumulated, outside of battle a unit can purchase a level up for a price. When a unit levels up, they can increase any three stats by one point each. No more than one stat point can be applied to any given category per level up. Below is the cost for each individual level up.

Tier prices


lvl2: 60

lvl3: 70

lvl4: 80

lvl5: 90

TIER2: 100

lvl2: 100

lvl3: 110

lvl4: 115

lvl5: 120

TIER3: 125

lvl2: 125

lvl3: 135

lvl4: 140

lvl5: 150

Total: 1520

Tier specifics (Can be used to keep track of stat point totals)

Tier1: (start off with 20 stat points distributed depending on chosen class.)

lvl1: 20

lvl2: 23

lvl3: 26

lvl4: 29

lvl5: 32

20 stats at level 1 with an additional 3 stat points per level with a total of four level ups. (+12) Total=32


lvl1: 36

lvl2: 39

lvl3: 42

lvl4: 45

lvl5: 48

36 stats at level 1 with an additional 3 stat points per level with a total of four level ups. (+12) Total=48

Tier3: (no human or player characters can reach beyond tier 3 level 5)

lvl1: 52

lvl2: 55

lvl3: 58

lvl4: 61

lvl5: 64

52 stats at level 1 with an additional 3 stat points per level with a total of four level ups. (+12) Total=64

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I don't mind approving him now but I do have one more question about Aoto. Particularly his name. If he's not Kigenese and has a kigenese name(essentially), I want to know if he has any kigenese relatives or the like(basically anything that would explain why his name is what it is).

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Alright, so if you're going defensive your build is going to change depending on 3 things.

-Do you want to be able to attack at all? If so, you'll have to add some skill and str. If not, those points can all go towards defensive stats.

-Do you want a bulwark? They allow you to protect two people at once or protect the same person twice. However, they take up the slot used for armor. With a large pack (extra 80 points for this) you could have a bulwark and one armor or two armors.

-Do you want your wyvern to be balanced or specialize in a single defensive stat? (def or res)

No matter what you do though, you need 2 things at final stats. A lot of HP is needed for any tank, and he'll need at least 9 speed to not be doubled. Wyverns can have more, but above 11 and it starts becoming useless for them because of their low luck. So speed ideally should be between 9 and 11. The higher it is, the less he gets doubled.

So here are some maximum stats for wyverns.


HP:18 STR:21 MAG:12 SKL:15 SPD:15 LCK:13 DEF:18 RES:12

These are maximum final stats. You can only max three, but I'd recommend only maxing one or two (or none) and spreading out points to be more balanced. The only stats you won't need for any build are mag and luck. If you go pure defense you don't need str or skill, but str can be used with defending weapons to raise defense or res if you decide to raise one simplified stat very high.

Here are the maximum stats for the level you will probably be starting at (though by the time he joins it might be 2/2 because of average point gains next battle)


HP:9 STR:11 MAG:4 SKL:7 SPD:7 LCK:5 DEF:9 RES:4

Wyverns get +1hp +2str +1def on promotion, and you would have 12 points to spend with a max of 4 in one stat.

For comparison, here are the stats of our current wyverns

John 2/1 (soon to be killedretired)

HP:9 STR:8 MAG:0 SKL:6 SPD:4 LCK:1 DEF:8 RES:0

Warden Lance

Steel Shield

HP:27 MT:8 HIT:6 AS:4 AVO:5 DEF:17 RES:0

Katrina 2/1 (retooled after John's departure, might be retooled back to original though. She feels like a clone right now...)

HP:8 STR:8 MAG:0 SKL:6 SPD:5 LCK:1 DEF:8 RES:0

Warden Lance

Imperial Tack

HP:24 MT:8 HIT:6 AS:5 AVO:6 DEF:14 RES:4

I just realized this is really frickin long. So I'll just finish here. Don't forget items! Shields, mount armor, mount tack, bulwarks, armors, defending/barrier weapons, and iron runes are good defensive items for wyverns.

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and as for how the final product will look, you can reference my generic wyvern thing on the previous page, if you'd like. It was made with current points, so you can compare costs and what have you.

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Allright so, I managed to take some time to develop my stats and purchase armor. All in all, these are my stats at level 2-1

RAW STATS: HP: 7, STR: 8 MAG: 0, SKL: 5, SPD: 7, LCK: 1, DEF: 7, RES: 1

SIMPLIFIED STATS: HP: 21, MT: 8, HIT: 5, EVD: 8, AS: 7, DEF: 7, RES: 1

Then I purchased the Leather Mount Armor which increased my defense by 1, cost 30 points and I'm saving 40 more to upgrade the armor to Steel.

So now I have 81 points....

I need help with weapons this time. Can someone tell me what kinds of weapons I would profit from the most?

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You can buy the steel armor instead of upgrading later. Anything not in tier 4 can be bought at joining. Also, your wyvern will start with one iron weapon for free. You can sell it for an extra 20 points towards a better one. There are a lot of good weapon choices and if you didn't see already the full list of items is on Phoenix's profile.

EDIT: As for specific weapons, I'll compile a list of some good options. You don't have to pick one of these, mind you.


Copy&pastes from Phee's profile

Precise Weapon(T): 40

A very easy to wield weapon which permits the wielder to land attacks much easier. With this weapon, the wielder's accuracy increases by 50%. It can be upgraded to 100% hit increase for 30 points. If upgraded once more, it becomes a Seeker Weapon.

Slayer Weapon(T): 60

Wicked weapons crafted specifically to slaughter certain types of fighters. Hit and Might are multiplied by 1.5 when facing the specific unit type targeted. These weapons can be reforged for 20 points, causing the Slayer bonus to be 2.0, instead of 1.5.

Warden Weapon: 80

A high-quality defensive weapon that uses the wielder's Defense stat and 3/4 of the wielder's Strength stat to reduce damage. This can be made with a Defending Weapon and 30 Points.

Advanced Barrier Weapon: 80

An upgraded Barrier Weapon that uses 3/4 of the user's strength and all of their resistance to determine overall resistance. Can be made using a Barrier Weapon for 30 points.

Killer Weapon(T): 70

A weapon designed for lethal hits. The user gains a +/- 1 modifier on the skill die, letting Critical, Lethal, and autohits occur more often. Tomes can have the Killer trait, as well. Can be upgraded to Lethal Weapon for 30 points.

Light Brand: 80

A holy weapon that is able to strike both Resistance and Defense. Whicheever stat is weaker, is the stat the weapon will strike. Can counter at range. It functions on both weapon and magic triangles gaining the light effects on the Magic Triangle.

Rune Weapon: 80

A vampiric weapon which restores the wielders' health equal to half the damage inflicted. This weapon always targets the enemies' Resistance and counters at range. It functions on both weapon and magic triangles gaining the dark effects on the Magic Triangle.

Silver Weapon: 80

A high-quality weapon made out of silver. They increase Might by 50%. These weapons can be reforged for 20 points, becoming Sacred Weapons.

Blitz Weapon(T): 80

A special weapon able to cause far more damage to healthy opponents. While enemy hp is above 50%, MT increases by 65%. These weapons can be reforged for 20 points, becoming Assault Weapons.

Composite Weapon(T): 80

A weapon designed and built with more parts and elements than a standard one. They are specially designed to penetrate external armor and perform more efficiently than standard weapons. The weapon completely ignores all numerical defensive(Def/Res) bonuses given by the target's equipment when used to attack. Can be upgraded to Synthesized Weapons for 20 points.


-Equipment in the Applicable Bonus negation slots can be ignored.

-Applicable Bonus negation slots: Weapon, Special Weapon, Special Item.

Brave Weapon(T): 90

A weapon that inspires the wielder to charge forth. It allows the wielder to launch an additional attack, raising the the maximum number of attacks to four, if the wielder could triple his opponent.

Really anything on this list would work well, it just depends on what you want to do.

Edited by roymbrog
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But buying it outright is gonna cost a LOT of points and it makes more sense to simply wait until I get access to Connor so I can upgrade the armor for less points than I would purchase. Benefit exceeds cost that way.

Then my next question, how does inventory work?

I know I can only carry one piece of weapon and armor but what about items? How many can I carry?

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6 slots

Weapon slot 1

Weapon slot 2

Special weapon slot

Consumable item slot (things like vulns and elixirs go here)

Special item slot (armors and reuseable items)

Book slot (skill book upgrades, dual book, and triangle book)

The large pack allows you to have an extra of any of these slots. Technically you could have 4 weapons if you spent the points for it.

Not sure why Steel armor costs 10 less points through upgrades. Can anyone remind me if this came up before?

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I decided what I'm changing Katrina to (again)

I didn't like the last one, we have another wyvern now though so I'm not going to worry about it. This should be the last change.

Rune axe

Imperial tack

Raw Stats: HP:8 STR:7 MAG:0 SKL:7 SPD:5 LCK:1 DEF:8 RES: 0

Simplified: HP:24 MT:7 Hit:7 AS:5 Evade:6 Def:8 Res:4

Again, the costs are the same, so I'm just gonna go edit stuff...

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Name: Mushirah

Nickname: None

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Class: Magician

Affinity: Earth

Weapon proficiency: Anima (Earth)

Weapon of Choice: None

Inventory: Defender Tome, Barrier.

Plot inventory: A lot of paper, pencils in her pockets, and a rather large backpack. Also a 15 lb shot put.

551 points
400 for tier 2
50 for the tome
30 for the barrier

Raw Stats:

HP : 8
STR: 0
MAG: 8
SKL: 5
SPD: 6
LUK: 1
DEF: 2
RES: 6

Simplified Stats:

HP: 24
MT: 8
HIT: 5
AVO: 7
DEF: 2 (6 with defending tome)
RES: 6 (7 with Barrier)

Occupation: Map-Making

Appearance: 5 foot 4 inches tall, shoulder length blue hair in a pony tail, grey eyes, some black capris and a baggy white shirt kept in place with a simple yet stylized vest, wears long black boots and over all of that she wears a rather large cloak to keep her warm on those cold nights, and to hide her stunning figure (giggity).

Nature/Disposition: Easy going but she can get pretty defensive. Impulsive and absent minded from time to time, depends what you bring up around her.

Connections: none beyond a few "club members" she may have nominated and forgot.

Hometown: Tremere

Backstory: In Rex-Avaz she was born and raised, in the port town of Tremere is where she spent most of her days. Fishing about, relaxin, learning magic from her parents on the side, when a couple of spots just started lookin so good! She started drawing pictures of her neighberhood, and she got in one little all nighter and her mom and dad got confused and said "You'd better get moving and learning to put that incredible eye for detail you've got to good use".

... OK what? Ugh, Will Smith, get out... just stop that please.

OK here's what's actually happening. Mushirah lived in Tremere and really did learn the basics of magic from her father, who wasn't the greatest magician who ever lived but he was in Mushirah's eyes. Just a very nice guy, though he had his lazy streaks, who cared for his family. Her mother, on the other hand, encouraged Mushirah at an early age to be more artsy like she was. She'd give Mushirah a few 'challenges' such as drawing a random object or a place in the port from a certain perspective and she was always impressed with the accuracy. Nowadays, Mushirah travels from place to place and is trying to map out the entire world. Why? She felt the need to, and drawing locations on paper gives her a sense of accomplishment, a sense of ownership and pride.

Edited by ReformBlade
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Synthia's points: 25


Total: 87


Valter's points: 69


Total: 104

Valter promotes! -100 points


1/5 -> 2/1

HP: 5

STR: 6 + 1 *ding*

MAG: 0

SKL: 7 + 2 *ding*

SPD: 9 +1 *ding*

LCK: 2

DEF: 1

RES: 2

New total: 4

New stats: HP: 5 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 9 SPD: 10 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 2

HP: 15 MT: 7/14 Hit: 9/13/18 AS: 10 Evade: 12 Def: 1 Res: 2


Katrina's points: 11


Total 56

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