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Class: Virtuoso

Level: 2-1 (400 points)

Raw Stats: HP: 6 MAG: 6 SKL: 6 SPD: 10 Luck: 6 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simp Stats: HP: 18 MT: 6 Hit: 9 AS: 10 Avoid: 16 Def:1 Res: 1

Weapons: Fortune Tome (Water! LUCKY WATER!) (80 points), Force Tome (Blahblahblah-TIDAL WAVE!) (70 points)

Items: Weapon Affinity: Water (?) (?) (60 points. Tome sold for extra points)

Points: 27

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Name: Reign Abrams

Nickname: Unknown

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Class: Level 2 Warlock

Affinity: Water

Weapon proficiency: Anima

Weapon of Choice: Fury(Force Fire Tome)

Inventory: Fury(Force Fire Tome), Friendship Stone, Sovereign Mark(Flotillan Leviathan Symbol)

Raw Stats: HP: 8 STR: 0 MAG: 10 SKL: 8 SPD: 8 LCK: 1 DEF: 2 RES: 2

Simplified Stats: HP: 24 MT: 10 Hit: 8 Evade: 9 AS: 8 Defense: 2 Resistance: 2

Occupation: Outlaw

Nature/Disposition: Calm, sociable and friendly most of the time, but his extremely unbalanced training and background in the ursian military have left him capable of pulling some vicious face heel turns and becoming very hostile under the right circumstances. This generally only happens when something is standing between him and his immediate goals or simply bothering him. As long as he isn't under a lot of stress, he rolls with the punches and has an optimistic or at least carefree outlook.

Hometown: Unknown, but he is native to Ursium.

Connections: His relatives, Raquel, Wynn, Nadine(no longer allies), various soldiers and officers in the military(no longer allies) and a few people from the Far Rim Flotilla.

Backstory: Pending ...


+20(basic tome sell)

-500(levels 2-7)

-70 (Force Tome)

-40 (Power Amulet)

7 points remaining

... ... ... Reign approved :P:

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Might replace Dimitri with this character. Still deciding on which one would be better.

Name: Jamila Apollonios

Nickname: Peanut Butter Jam

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Class: Level 2-1 Virtuoso

Affinity: Light

Weapon proficiency: Light Magic

Inventory: Resistance-Dampening Light Tome, Vulnerary, Skill Book, Enchanted Headband

Raw Stats: HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 3 SKL: 6 SPD: 11 LCK: 9 DEF: 1 RES: 1 (+1)

Simplified Stats: HP: 15, MT: 3, HIT: 6, AS: 11, EV: 20, DEF: 1, RES: 2

Occupation: Runaway/Traveling dancer



Jamila's physical traits show off her diverse heritage. Her brown skin comes from her mother's side of the family, hailing from Rex-Avaz. The dancer's blonde hair and green eyes come from her Ursium father. She often wraps her hair in a ponytail to keep it out of her face. At 5'0" (152 cm) and 95 lbs (43 kg), Jamila is quite lithe, perfect for her given occupation.

Her attire is fairly common for dancers: minimal and revealing. Her lilac vest has gold accents and is worn of a dark blue haltertop. Both are short but enough to cover her chest. This leaves an exposed midriff. Her ruffled mini skirt (think cheerleader) emphasizes her long legs. Her headband is not meant to go on her head; it's small enough to wrap around her left thigh. Her sandals wrap around her calves, reaching just under her knees. Finally, Jamila has a blue hairclip and matching beads to accent her hair.

For times when she doesn't want to attract too much attention, Jamila will don a long brown robe to blend in with crowds.

Nature/Disposition: Optimistic to a fault. No matter how dire the situation, Jamila always believes good fortune is just around the corner. She often tries to spread this cheer to others with varying results (again, think cheerleader).

Hometown: Rex-Avaz/Ursium

Connections: None yet.

Backstory: Jamila was the product of a marriage that made business sense. Her mother's family, spice traders of Rex-Avaz, formed a trade pact with arms dealers from Ursium by pairing their daughter and son, respectively. Once the marriage was complete, both parties parted ways to take advantage of their new items. As a result, Jamila was raised in the desert by her mother's family. The girl always had a keen interest in exploring areas in her homeland and beyond, but her family kept her sheltered. They deemed such haphazard wandering as too dangerous for a young lady. Fortunately, staying within her village allowed Jamila to discover her favorite pastime: dancing. She often performed in groups with her fellow classmates for big celebrations within the village. Still, her heart wanted to see what the world offered.

When she turned 15, Jamila's father was coming back after a long journey across the continent. She decided that she wanted to travel with him and his family. Surely living with traveling merchants would allow her to do all the traveling she could possibly want to do. In addition, she could get to know her father. Unfortunately, his idea of quality family time was to stick Jamila in an abbey to learn light magic and the proper manners of a lady. Life there constrained her more than her mother's family. They wouldn't even let her dance openly, seeing it as far too provocative. It seemed both sides of the family wanted to keep the girl as some caged bird, and she wouldn't have it any longer. She ran away from the abbey to begin a new life exploring the world.

Currently, Jamila is traveling with a merchant. In exchange for the ride, she agreed to help support his security detail. The deal worked out quite well for the girl, as it allowed her dance whenever they stopped into town (earning some gold along the way). It was quite a change from her safe life with her family, but the adventure more than made up for it in Jamila's mind.

Starting Points: 597

To Tier2-1: -400

Vulnerary: -10

Skill Book: -100

Enchanted Headband: -30

Dampening: -50

Points: 7

Empower, Upgrade 1: The bard can increase a single simplified stat across the entire party, excluding hp, by 2 at the cost of 20% of their hp each turn(mt, hit, as, evd, def, res). This stat bonus stacks with those of other bards. This is a free action.

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You could potentially use both characters. Even though this chapter's about to end I think if one was introduced during it the other could still be introduced in chapter 11 once the average posts per week were met. (I'm on my phone so I can't check, but I'm pretty sure it was an average of 5 per week over 6 weeks which means get 30 in and you're good)

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Whoops. Fixed stats, updated items, upgraded tome.

You could potentially use both characters. Even though this chapter's about to end I think if one was introduced during it the other could still be introduced in chapter 11 once the average posts per week were met. (I'm on my phone so I can't check, but I'm pretty sure it was an average of 5 per week over 6 weeks which means get 30 in and you're good)

I might take advantage of that, but I tend to prefer to focus on one. We'll see.

I noticed that the bard's skill was a free action. Does that mean one could use the skill and attack on the same turn?

EDIT: Looking up new name.

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From this point on, my involvement in this roleplay will be limited to just that, roleplaying. I've decided that it's in my best interest, most likely as well as everyone else's, that I no longer participate in statted events.

EDIT: After some talking, I'm going to try a different approach to all this. Considering that the DH fight can be considered abnormal in every sense of the word, I'm going to go into the next statfight on a blank slate, trying out a new train of thought. We'll see what happens in a more normal fight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Raquel levels up, promotes, then levels up again.


Level 2 Virtuoso

HP: 6 STR: 0 MAG: 2 SKL: 7 SPD: 12 LCK: 8 DEF: 1 RES: 3

HP: 18 MT: 2 Hit: 7 Evade: 20 AS: 12 Defense: 1 Resistance: 3

30 points remaining.

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Marella grabs lance proficiency, sells iron lance, buys Precise Lance.

Marella has 7 points left.

Now question. Can she grab the lance from the fallen peg rider and have the lance before the battle? (I still want to do this either way, just trying to figure out)

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Marella grabs lance proficiency, sells iron lance, buys Precise Lance.

Marella has 7 points left.

Now question. Can she grab the lance from the fallen peg rider and have the lance before the battle? (I still want to do this either way, just trying to figure out)

I'm fine with this.

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Same result, so sure, but remember in the rp proper items only sell at half price(half of what you paid when you bought them, not strictly the listed price; this is because of mono-classes and things like weapon affinity).

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Name: Calumeina Valli
Nickname: Lumi
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Class: Dark Flier, level 2/2
Affinity: Ice
Weapon proficiency: Anima (Ice specific) /Swords
Weapon of Choice: Tome/Sword
Inventory: -Defending Sword
-Defending Tome
Raw Stats: HP: 6 STR: 5 MAG: 5 SKL: 7 SPD: 6 LCK: 4 DEF: 0 RES: 6
Simplified Stats: HP: 18 MT: 5/5 HIT: 7 AS: 6 EVD: 10 DEF: 0(5 at full stat shift) RES: 6

Occupation: Former pegasus trainer, now whatever will pay for food

Appearance: Slender, 5'6", chin length electric blue hair, ice blue eyes, will wear long pants and a military style jacket over a plain short sleeved shirt at basically all times due to the cold coming from both flying and also dealing with ice magic.

Nature/Disposition: loves animals and hates the idea of them being harmed, enjoys sparring and using her skill in fighting, bubbly and cheerful

Hometown: Ursentius


Backstory: Calumeina was raised in a family that trained pegasus in the capital city for the government and army. She was in charge of training Star Hunter and had just finished his training when she found out that he was intended for the army. Unwilling to see his life put in danger, she fled with him, intending to never again return home. She has been trained in both the use of ice magic and the sword since she was young. Her mother had been a high ranking member of the military before leaving to join her father in his business. Her father's father was the source of her ability to use magic and was the one who trained her until she was 15, when he died. After that, she continued to use the books that he had left her to improve her magic more and more. She combines her natural ability in both fighting styles to improve her overall fighting ability. Her name means Dove which her parents picked because of their love for flying animals and in the hope that their daughter would be a bringer of peace to those around her. However, she hates her name and refuses to go by it. She also enjoys using her combat skills far more than her parents would have ever wished for.

Mount Name: Star Hunter
Mount Nickname: Star
Mount Gender: Male
Mount Species: Pegasus
Mount Age: 1
Mount Appearance:black fur, grey mane/tail
Mount Personality: Super ladies man, flirty, etc. Very proud, and thinks that his master should look just as good as he does

Points: 644-60+20+20-50-50-500=24

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Faatina + 55 points(142)

LEVEL UP!(-100)

Lv.1 ->2

Hp:5 -> 6

Str:7 -> 8

Skl:7 -> 8

Upgrades Precise Lance to Precise Lance +(will be handled in-RP shortly, -30)

New point total: 12

Arietta + 47 points(104)

LEVEL UP!(-100)

Lv.1 ->2

Hp:8 -> 9

Str:9 -> 10

Skl:7 -> 8

New point total: 4

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Kat's points

56 + 40 = 96

4 more to skill book

Synthia's points

87 + 48 = 135

Level up! -100

2/1 -> 2/2

HP: 4 -> 5

STR: 0

MAG: 8 -> 9

SKL: 8

SPD: 8 -> 9

LCK: 4

DEF: 1

RES: 3

New simp

lvl 2/2 - HP: 15 Mt: 9 Hit: 8 AS: 9 Evade: 13 Def: 1 Res: 7

Heals 18/22-CT 13/17-nonCT

35 points remaining

Valter's points

4 + 40 = 44

-30 upgrade precise bow to precise+ (at some point)

14 points remaining

Oh also for posterity, with the new slayer setup he has a Rogueslayer

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Aneda levels up


6 HP




10 SPD




Simple stats

18 HP, 8 MT, 7 HIT, 10 AS, 13 EVA, 1(5) DEF, 4 RES

29 Points left

Mushirah buys Skill Upgrade 2

85 points left

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