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I have a couple of questions.

1. Why was the "Paralogue" created, and

2. What relevance does it have with the main story?
3. When will the current paralogue chapter end? Approximately.

4. I can't think of anything else at the moment. :D

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1. The size of the main group was getting very large, so we thought 2 groups would allow more focus on individual characters both in and out of battle. Also like a 50 person group can cause some contextual issues.

2. Hmm, the Paralogue chapters will be tangentially relevant to the main chapter, but will follow a largely different plotline.

3. The current Paralogue chapter will be ending shortly and merging with the main chapter for a long time after which the groups will be split for a very long time.

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"but will follow a largely different plotline"

"will be ending shortly and merging with the main chapter for a long time"

How different can the plotline be, when the groups will be merging for a "long time".

After the next group split (creation of paralogue 2) how will it be decided who goes and who stays? (Or will it be subject to the needs of the story and wishes of the members/characters?)

Thanks for the answers!

Debating on joining but I was more interested in the paralogue than the mainstory.

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The reason they'll be merged for a 'long time' is due to setup and how long that usually takes us. Currently the plan is to merge both groups temporarily to give people time to decide which one they want to stick with in the long term(while also establishing some things plot-wise). By the time business in Europa is handled, the groups will be split again. In theory, that's a long time from now given our current pace.

The issue of group sizes and 'who goes with who' will be brought up in character, so people should use that to their advantage.

As for differences in plotlines, once the groups are split again, they'll be tackling their own unique problems. Raquel's will always be more relevant to the main plot, but I'm expecting Amon's to be more 'epic' in the short to mid term. Either way, both groups will be heavily involved in emblem shenanigans so Amon's group isn't just some 'thing on the side' happening that has no bearing or importance in the long run.

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So I'm currently in the midst of making my character. Is there a list that tells me what each items does?

For example, what does the "Enchanted Headband" do? Or what effect does the "Invisibility Cloak" have in battle, and how far does the extent of invisibility reach? ._.

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There's a full list of items in Phoenix's profile. :3

Ah yes, thank you very much. Haha. ^_^

Some of the weapons look like this: Gamble Weapon(T): 50

What does the (T) mean? How many uses does each weapon have?

And for that matter, how many items am I allowed to hold? 5? (If it's in the OP my mistake, but I can't seem to find it).

Also am I allowed to have a non-battle significant mount? If I'm not a traditional mounted unit.

Like being a mage who has a horse, for RP purposes.

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T means the weapon also comes into a tome variety. We don't count weapon uses, so infinite (except for things like firearms that need reloading).

You get one item per slot, so one special item, one consumable item, one special weapon, one book etc. If you want to have more than one item of a particular category (you can have two weapons but require Weapon Proficiency/Affinity), you need to buy a Large Pack. If you're unsure what category an item falls under, just ask.

You can have a mount for roleplaying purposes.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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So I'm picking a weapon right now, and at first I was leaning to the blood weapon line. Major power booster, in exchange for some health. Seems pretty fun.

Except I saw silver weapons give a pretty similar boost with NO health taken away. Now, I know I haven't even joined the RP yet, so I'm not trying to be like "Oh ho, change everything to fit my whims!". But I'd like to know the rationale behind this? Perhaps I'm missing something here?

Silver Weapons give a 75% MT increase, and work on the enemy phase.

Blood Weapons give a 90% MT increase, take away 25% of my HP and don't work on the enemy phase (which makes sense because I'd run out of HP in about 2 turns).

If I have 15MT and use a Silver Weapon, that's 26.25 rounded down to 26. Enemy phase, the same guy attacks and I deal 26 again for a total of 52.

I have 15MT and use a Devil Weapon, that's 28.5 rounded up to 29. Enemy phase, the same guy attacks and I deal 15 damage for a total of 44. With 25% health missing.

If I'm doubling the enemy Silver deals a total of 104

Devil deals a total of 88

(^Obviously by the time I get to 104/88 damage, the enemy will be dead either way, but you get my point).

Doesn't seem all that balanced. .____.

(Granted I don't really know how to calculate so my numbers could be waaaaay off)

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PCs never counter on EPs actually. The enemy phase thing only applies to sapping health. So you'd only do the 26 or 28 damage while losing 25% HP for the 28.

And yeah, Blood weapons are kind of meh. If you want the same power with no downside though try the ambush line. It gets the same boost when enemies are over 50% health. There are some class abilities that only activate when you're under a certain amount of HP though (soldier in particular), so for a specialty build blood weapons can be useful.

The health loss for Blood Weapons should probably be reduced or their power boosted, but it's up to the GMs whether or not that's done. They're usually pretty good about sorting this stuff out though when there's a problem (no one's really used blood weapons before, so I don't think this has been brought up in the past.)

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well, PCs don't counter on Enemy Phase, so the Mt boost doesn't really matter behind it. The big thing behind Blood weapons is that they scale with a percentage of health, which can make them ideal for certain stat types. For example, someone with 9 HP can boost 4 times and still have 1 HP left, and if they have so little HP, they are Evd spec'd, so they will likely get taken out if they get hit, whether they drain their own HP or not. For a lass like thieves who have low Str, they can be a great way to get a good increase in damage without really effecting survivability noticably.

Basically, Blood weapons fill a niche. They can be used to finish low health enemies reliably(unlike Ambush), and aren't blocked by shields(unlike SIlvers)

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and aren't blocked by shields(unlike SIlvers)

Ohoho, that little part right there gives me a little hope. Haha.

I guess I'll just wait around for a GM to see what they say and make a decision based on that. Thanks for the answers though guys.

Also can I sell back weapons for the same amount of points I bought them for?

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Also there are things that pop up occasionally called swap meets. During these you can sell equipment for full price instead of half price. These, thus far, have only taken place in capital cities and are implied to continue to be just that exclusive.

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Yeah, PCs don't counter on Enemy Phase (except for Magician ability), so damage output there isn't important.

Blood Weapons have the advantage of not being shut down by armor/shields and work well in combination with several class abilities (like Soldier or Shaman). Also, Silvers are 50%, Blood Weapons are 65%. Legendary Weapons are 75% and Devil Weapons are 90%, but you can't buy those yet anyway.

There are swap meets, but I wouldn't rely heavily on them as they are very few and far between.

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Yeah, the not countering on enemy phase and passing through shields changes things up a bit.

I'm not rolling with either Shaman or Soldier, actually going Myrmidon but whatever. I'll stick with Blood Weapons just because it should make things more interesting. Right? Because Blood boosted Astra should be pretty sweet.

Hahaha. Ehhh.

Am I allowed to carry an Iron Sword and a Blood Sword at the same time? Or do I need to buy the Weapon proficiency thing to use both? (Because at that point, I might as well get another weapon.)

(WAIT. Just had a stellar idea. I'll get the Blood Sword and get a Rune Sword later. Lose health, gain it, lose, gain. Hohoho. This could be fun indeed.)

Alright, I've got the appearance section down.

Finished stats.

Finished inventory for the most part. 76 points left to spend. (Assuming I didn't make any errors calculating but that can be fixed later)

Now I just need a backstory and maybe mount.

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By default you can only carry 1 weapon despite having 2 weapon slots. In order to make use of the second slot, you need either [insert weapon type] Weapon Affinity which costs 30 points to use a weapon you already have proficiency in or you spend 60 points and get a second weapon proficiency.

Remember, you start off with a free weapon proficiency and an iron/basic weapon/tome of the appropriate type. Anima tomes can be of any element and is entirely cosmetic.

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Also, some classes aren't capable of gaining a second weapon type. (i.e., soldiers can only use lances (unless some deal is made with the GMs).) For those, it costs 30pts instead of 60pts.

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Sup vestige.

First thing that's an issue is that your character doesn't have the basic stats of the Myrmidon class, which are:

HP: 3 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 1

You currently have 0 RES, so stats are off.

Nextly, you have to have a maximum of 36 stats raw, including promotion bonuses. This means your stat spread should be:

HP: 3 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 7 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 1 + 12 stat points.

You're currently at 60 stat points, so you need to subtract another 24 points.

There are also stat caps, which translates to in this case you can't invest anymore than 4 points in any given stat. Basically, do not surpass these numbers in specific raw stats:

HP: 7 STR: 7 MAG: 4 SKL: 11 SPD: 11 LCK: 6 DEF: 5 RES: 5

Lastly, you pick +1 or -1 as a skill roll modifier upon buying that skill book.

Hope this helps.

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Well if you want you can buy a Blood weapon instead of a Cursed weapon for an additional 20 points, in which case the 40% boost becomes a 65% boost, ie when using the weapon it would go from ~9 might to 11 might. Sidenote: In simple stats you can place beside the raw might (9 if J), where J would be the name of your weapon. It makes it easier if for some reason people aren't checking the sheet.

Also, you could maybe invest in some equipment or other items. Phoenix has a full list of the items on his profile, and you're only restricted by your level and non-unlocked Tier 4's.

Even excluding the above, it looks good to me, so I'll pass it off to the GMs.

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Not sure what this means: Sidenote: In simple stats you can place beside the raw might (9 if J), where J would be the name of your weapon. It makes it easier if for some reason people aren't checking the sheet. Probably because I'm dumb. Haha. Care to elaborate just a bit?

And I upgraded to a Blood Weapon and bought a Vulnerary, with the points I have left, got any suggestions for what I might need right now? Or what I should save up for and get in the near future? I'm unfamiliar with the battles, the enemies, and the equipment they carry, so.

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Alright so let's say we have this unit, let's say a level 1 hero (2-1 mercenary) with a Silver Sword.

He has raw stats of:

HP: 8 STR: 9 MAG: 0 SKL: 9 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 2 RES: 1

His simple stats would be:

HP: 24, MT: 9 (13 if SS) Hit: 11 AS: 5 EVD: 7 DEF: 2 RES: 1

Basically, in brackets is the might with certain weapons equipped. In your case, might would be 7(11 if BS/J) where BS/J is one or the other and stands for Blood Sword or Jahannam, depending on how you want to refer to it.

As for battles, it varies by battle to battle, but perhaps some of the Mail line could work, as it boosts your defense and nullifies physical slayers.

Also Phoenix just brought up some issues with your backstory, namely that most of the maidens (government officials and women) are mages, so fire magic should not be persecuted, and that it is highly unusual for women to be executed, in a society like that. He suggests you revise your backstory a bit.

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