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When did tier lists and debating appear at the FE fandom?


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Also, PEMN hadn't started to pop up on the forums yet, so you can guess how big a mess any attempt to tier characters was.

That started happening in like 2006 from what i can tell. More people were actually understanding the game mechanics and how stats work and averages. Once they figured that out, PEMN came into play. I remember in FEWorld (i believe thats the name of the forum. or was long ago) a lot of character debates and tiers were more personal experience based more than character averages. Hence why so many people were obsessed with Nino at that time. "Nino turns out so awesome for me! She spams everything!" and people arguing her join time and stuff. I didnt run across the whole rule of PEMN until i joined this forum in 08. (of course i wasnt using the internet for nearly two years so i kinda missed the introduction to that rule.)

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