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Mist's Platinum Playthrough


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(Pre-warning: Playlog may be mildly boring. You have been warned. It might pick up later.)

Right, boredom has kicked in. So, I decided I'll actually complete Platinum through without trading over powerhouses from my Pearl save.

Also going to attempt (haha) to not grind as much as possible.

Let's begin. Picked female, named Dawn.

Firstly, I forgot that Platinum had differences to D/P. Different TV show to begin with. My care factor? Big zero.

And Barry charges into my room. I could have been getting changed, idiot! Geez, knock or at least give some warning next time! Friggin...

After that, I head downstairs, leave the house and walk (...) to Barry's house. I enter his room, but at least I gave some warning... after I talk to him, he bails.

Leaving town, Barry is waiting at the T shaped crossroads. And then Prof. Rowan stops us from being idiots. Idiocy is prime in this game.

Pick starter, blah. I pick Turtwig. Barry challenges me to a battle. Love that animation of Barry. GO BARRY DANCE

Barry Fight 1

VS Lv5 Chimchar

What a joke. I 4HKO him while he attacks once and spams Leer. I'm not complaining about a free level.

Cut back to my house, get Running Shoes and Journal (seriously, who actually checks that out of their own free will?), and meet Barry at the crossroads again. To Verity Lakefront, and Syrus Cyrus Blue haired douche forces us to move. I go into the grass to kill a Starly, for shits and giggles.

On Route 201, I get the Potion from the Pokemart dood. And manage to find enough encounters to get Turtwig to Lv8. I wasn't trying.

Sandgem Town. Still as boring as ever. Get Pokedex, TM27 Return, and bought 6 Potions from the Mart. Nicknamed Turtwig "Island". Ran back to Twinleaf without getting into any encounters. Talk to Mom, and run off again after getting the package from Barry's Mom.

Route 202, beat all trainers, Island reached Lv10. Got the Potion laying around.

Jublife City, had the conversation with Looker, and ignored the Trainer's school to go get my second team member. Heading north.

Route 204, picked up Parlyz Heal, and it took until Island hit Lv12 before I even encountered a possible catch. Had to catch 4 before I found a decent nature. Island got to Lv14 by the end of this. The target? A Budew. It was female, and nicknamed it "Rosie". Saved, and that's progress so far.

Name   Nature  Lv  HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Island Naughty 14  44  28  26  20  18  15
Rosie  Rash     3  16   7   7   8   8   8

A few notes:

Remaining party members to collect:





Most of the above was from memory, as I didn't really plan to playlog through.

2nd Gym will be lots of fun...

Edit: Done some calcs, and Rosie can OHKO both Roark's Geodude and Onix with Absorb. Right now. But, it's outsped by both. Lv5 could outspeed Geodude and OHKO with Absorb. That's just sad.

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Jumping straight in, I proceed to the trainer's school to give Barry his Parcel. Town Map get. (Not that I need it...) Picked up the X Attack just sitting there. To get Rosie some levels, I decide to battle the two trainers in the school. Lead Rosie, and switch to Island. OHKO'ed the Bidoof with Razor Leaf. The girl asked if she would have done better if she used Potions. lolol. A OHKO is a OHKO, no Potion can change that. The other one has gotten smarter since D/P, leading with an X Attack on his Starly. It Quick Attacks me for... 3 damage. What a joke. (Mind you, it is Lv6, but still...) Razor Leaf just misses the OHKO on it. Absorb seals the deal. Rosie got to Lv4. And now has 10 Speed, guaranteed to outspeed Roark's Geodude. I repeat, that's just sad. Rosie learns Growth. And I only get a Potion from this. I liked the TM10 from D/P better. :(

Back outside, I meet Mr. Poketch. I have to find three clowns. lolClown. Wait what, there are questions? Crap. But they're so obvious, it's not funny. Collect coupons, Poketch get! Leaving Jublife via the east.

On Route 203, Barry wants to battle. This could be funny.

Barry Fight 2

Starly Lv7

Chimchar Lv9

I lead Rosie, just to swap out to Island. Starly uses Growl. I respond with critical Razor Leaf to OHKO. lol. Rosie got Lv5.

Swap back to Rosie for Chimchar, but swap out to Island again. Chimchar spams Leer, again. I Razor Leaf it for a 3HKO. It only used Leer. What a joke. Rosie got Lv6. That was funny. I took no damage during that fight.

I casually stroll through Route 203, grabbing a Poke Ball, X Defend, and a Repel. Rosie got to Lv11.

Biggest threat on the route: A trainer's Lv7 Kricketot. Failing to OHKO it with Razor Leaf cost Turtwig most of its HP. I just let Rosie clean it up, after he swapped out to Zubat.

Oreburgh Gate, random Hiker gives me HM06, Rock Smash. Meh. Two trainers, easily downed. Rosie got to Lv12.

Oreburgh City. Kid at the entrance doesn't say "noob" anymore. I am sad. Barry's outside the Gym, like before. I enter the Mine, find Roark, and beat all the trainers with Island. Island gets to Lv16. I leave, heal up, and time for the Gym!

Gym 1: Oreburgh

The first Gym. Rock types a plenty here (most also have a ground typing as well.)

You have two options. Skip the trainers and go straight to Roark, or beat them down. For the sake of more experience, I'm choosing to beat them down.

Youngster Jonathon

Geodude Lv11

I lead Rosie and OHKO it with Absorb. Rosie gets to Lv13, and enough speed to outspeed all of Roark's Pokemon. Learns Mega Drain in place of Water Sport.

Youngster Darius

Geodude Lv9

Onix Lv9

Absorb to OHKO both, easy win. Rosie reaches Lv14.

A stats update before Roark:

Name   Nature  Lv  HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Island Naughty 16  48  31  30  22  19  17
Rosie  Rash    14  38  16  15  23  21  23

Leader Roark

Geodude Lv12

Onix Lv12

Cranidos Lv14

I lead Rosie, and OHKO Geodude with Mega Drain. I subsequently OHKO Onix with Mega Drain. Rosie reaches Lv15. I then critical Mega Drain to OHKO Cranidos. I thought this would be a curb stomp. And it was. Coal Badge and TM76 get! That reminds me. After the battle, I give Island Return in place of Tackle. I also give it Rock Smash over Absorb. I heal up, and call it quits.

Name   Nature  Lv  HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Island Naughty 16  48  31  30  22  19  17
Rosie  Rash    15  40  17  15  24  23  25

Okay, I've changed my mind. If anyone wants to suggest other Pokes for my team, I'm all ears. However, a few limitations:

Nothing from the Safari Zone

Only can be found after the 2nd Gym

No troll suggestions (eg Magikarp, Feebas, etc.)

If I get no suggestions from 24 hours after I post this, my team will not change. No exceptions.

Edit: It's been 24 hours. The team stays as is.

I really need to get used to using X to open the menu, not Y. I've gotten so used to Etrian Odyssey...

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Right, next part.

Leaving Oreburgh, Barry decides to run into me from behind. Misconstrue that at your leisure. I take a casual stroll through Oreburgh Gate. And Route 203. Back at Jublife, Looker tells me to get the Pal Pad. Yeah, like I need it. Going north, Rowan and Lucas have Galactic Grunts trying to get Rowan's research findings. In other words, it's team up time!

Galactic Grunt x2

Stunky Lv11

Glameow Lv11

Your first Double Battle of the game. At least these two aren't complete jokes like their D/P counterparts. Lucas has a Lv13 Piplup. I lead with Island. Island OHKO's Glameow with Rock Smash, after Piplup had bashed it with Pound. Stunky followed suit. Post battle, I get the Fashion Case. Which I'll never use.

The trainers on Route 204 South are a joke. Levels less than 10? What a joke. Ravaged Path, boring as always. Island got to Lv17. Route 204 North, trainers are better, but still fairly pathetic. Also, Island got to Lv18 and evolved to Grotle! Yayz! Rosie got to Lv16 as well.

Casually strolled through Floaroma while going to the Valley Windworks. Picked up 2 Super Potions and the Mart. Valley Windworks, there's a Galactic Grunt to fight.

Galactic Grunt

Glameow Lv13

Island almost OHKO's with Rock Smash. I settle for a 2HKO.

After the battle, I run to Floaroma Meadow. Two more Galactic Grunts that are gonna get their asses whupped.

Galactic Grunt

Stunky Lv13

Island 2HKO's with Return. Island reaches Lv19.

Galactic Grunt

Zubat Lv11

Zubat Lv11

I manage to critical Return to OHKO the first Zubat. I find out I don't need it, as Return cleanly OHKO's the other one.

Running straight back to the Valley Windworks, it's time to bash up some more Galactic Grunts roadblocks.

Galactic Grunt

Zubat Lv13

Island just barely misses to OHKO with Return. I Rock Smash it to kill it.

Galactic Grunt

Glameow Lv11

Stunky Lv11

Glameow uses Fake Out for very little damage. It uses Growl, and Island just barely misses the OHKO again. Razor Leaf to kill, after another attack drop. Stunky poisons Island, and I 3HKO it. Island is just missing out on Lv20. I go outside and kill faint enough (all of one) pokemon to get to Lv20. I go to the Pokemon Center to heal. Time for a stats update before Mars.

Name   Nature  Lv  HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Island Naughty 20  66  48  45  31  27  22
Rosie  Rash    16  40  18  16  25  24  26

Commander Mars

Zubat Lv15

Purugly Lv17

Zubat leads with Toxic, Island Curses. It Bites me, I Curse again. It follows with Leech Life, then I OHKO it with critical Return.

Purugly uses Fake Out, putting me in Poison KO range for next turn. It only did 3 damage, though. It critical Scratch's for 15 of my remaining 17 HP. I OHKO it with Razor Leaf. Island gets 666 Exp. I just thought that was interesting. Intentional, or not? I don't know.

No other levels after that fight, so final stats for this session are above.

Notable items on hand:


Escape Rope

Potion x10

Parlyz Heal x1

Awakening x1

Super Potion x2

Cheri Berry x1

Chesto Berry x1

Pecha Berry x1

X Attack x1

X Defend x1

Dire Hit

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I'm back! Picked up an FE7 draft, too busy completing that.

I leave the Valley Windworks. Looker asks about Team Galactic. I apparently say that I drove them off. He decides to investigate. Silly person. Of course I'm right!

I heal up and head up Route 205. I beat every trainer. Island reaches Lv22, Rosie reaches Lv18.

So then I enter Eterna Forest. This woman named Cheryl wants to tag along with me. I've known you for what, half a minute? No way. Wait, what? You heal my Pokemon after every fight? OMG YOU'RE FINE NOW LET'S GO

Eterna Forest with Cheryl: Every fight is a double battle, including wild encounters. Cheryl has a Lv20 Chansey, which has only Egg Bomb as offense. Which, considering Chansey's abysmal attack stat, cannot be relied on for damage. The forest jaunt is basically Island killing stuff. I nominate Lv16 Pachirisu to be the biggest douche, as Charm halves attack. Island reaches Lv25, Rosie reaches Lv19. At the end, she gives me a Soothe Bell. That thing's going to be glued to Rosie until she evolves. I waste no time in attaching it. Back out on Route 205, I ignore all the fishermen for now. I have more pressing matters to attend to. (Underground time!) I decide, what the hell, to slap Honey on the tree here. And then into Eterna City.

Eterna City: I head straight to the statue, only to have Barry run into me. Again. And he reads my mind, and takes me to the statue, where Cyrus blue haired douche is. He mumbles about time and space. Meh, I don't care. I'm a friggin' 10 year old person with Pokemon. I pick up the Draco Plate behind the statue because I can. "When the universe was created, its shards became this Plate." Going back, Cynthia comes up to talk to me. And she gives me HM01. I then go to grab the Explorer Kit. And I'll tell you exactly what I gathered from the Underground in the next update. I'm done with this for now.

Name   Nature  Lv  HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Island Naughty 25  81  58  55  38  34  27
Rosie  Rash    19  49  20  18  29  27  30

On a final note, I'd like some feedback. Anything that I should do? Make more fun of dialogue? A recommended name change for Island? (As I'm in Eterna and the Name Rater is here) Because I think it kind of sucks.

Edit: Wow, short update.

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