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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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I was going to wait until I had more to add but ... eh. They've been there for too long now without anyone noticing.


-Item list updated
-Deadly series weapons added.

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Small announcement: I'm trying to wrap up some things, the avian article, a few old spriting projects, a canon update, and other stuff like that, so I can post all that stuff with the chapter 12 opener for no apparent reason(feel like I'm actually making progress on things). I'm planning on having as much done by the 19th as possible, with the chapter 12 opener being posted by then whether all the planned entries(written segments meant to go in it) are done or not, so I'd appreciate it if any retroes involving my characters are finished up by then(unless I'm not the one posting the retro, but finishing them all by the chapter 12 posting will also help keep any TS related IC issues to a minimum). Thank you for your time.

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Good to hear ... though managing to post all this crap by tomorrow is going to be tough(speaking of what I do have finished ... there's plenty more I don't have finished yet and some stuff I've just plain started ignoring lol)

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It's been a long day and my schedule's pretty much FUBAR at this point, but despite this I'm still going to try to get chapter 12 up tonight or somewhere between 12am and 6am(PST). Need a nap or something first though so I can write coherently again. In the meantime, you guys can brainstorm chapter titles since I haven't come up with one yet. No guarantee I'll pick any when I get back but at least I'll have some ideas to work with. Right now I've got nothing.

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Return of the Emblem: Raq(uel) 'n' Roll

Return of the Emblem: Grit Yer Teeth

Return of the Emblem: Murphy's Malice (Anything that can go wrong will)

That's all I got After thinking for 30 sec.

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Divergent Paths

A Path Less Traveled By

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With the upcoming party split, I've set the "TEAMS" tab in the spreadsheet to keep track who's going with which team lead. Since I only knew three people, it therefor comes down to everyone else placing their characters in the correct spot.

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-Avian Article finished. It can be viewed and subsequently gawked at here.

-V3 (Magic) Canon updated. It can be viewed and subsequently gawked at here.

8 conventional spells added, a few advanced spells added, and spell requirements updated.

More updates pending once I'm less wired, but wanted to get those out of the way because "FOR GABBIE'S LEGS' SAKE, IT'S ABOUT TIME!"


Second update:

-OP updated.

-Map updated(note: I'm looking into some things to redo the entire map in a prettier way so I only did some minor changes to get things up to date for the time being. Hopefully we'll have a newer better overall look sometime in the near future.)

-Battle posts now count per character instead of two per rper. This should address the imbalance in rper importance during player phases. Battle post limits will be much higher in the future to compensate.

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