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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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Yo, so, I have a plan for us to discuss (or at least the beginning of one.)

1: Jam bards AS, defends Al, enabling him to double.

2: Al attacks Bereskarn, doubles, does 4 total damage minimum. Jam likewise doubles, cutting down Bereskarn's res to 6. (Bereskarn only hits on an autohit/lethal but Jam probably tinks unless she gets high damage rolls)

3: Mushirah defends

4: Shad throws magic at Bereskarn, Mushirah takes the attack, does 8 direct damage and takes a maximum of 8 damage (not counting crits/lethals) then counters with a minimum of 2 damage+dice (and isn't doubled because of the AS barding) (Bereskarn should now be at least down to 12 20/39)

5: Hoshi splatters Bereskarn

6: Nadya heals Mushirah

7: Sinbad stims, shoots the Great Bear A, does 29 damage (if he rolls a 1 on damage) Doesn't get countered cause pistol

8a: If Sinbad doesn't kill Great Bear A (we'll call that one GBA), Faatina finishes and charges Garuda A (and doesn't get quadrupled because of the speedy jamboree) deals a minimum of 5 damage+dice, receives a maximum of 10 damage (without crits/lethals, assuming the thing rolls a 6 twice on damage)

8b: If Sinbad does kill GBA, Arietta defends Axel

9a: Synthia heals Faatina

9b: Axel attacks Garuda A, does a minimum of 7+dice (unless he gets a 1 on the hit die), Arietta receives a maximum total of 10 damage (not counting lethals/crits) and does a minimum of 7 damage

10a: Axel attempts to kill Garuda A (misses/leaves with 1HP on 1, x, y/x, 1, y)

10b: Faatina finishes Garuda A and charges something aggressive

If people manage to kill and open up spots, huzzah, we can do more things. But I think we should prioritize the Bereskarn, Great Bear A and Garuda A (since it's the only aggressive who can magic right now, let alone target a whole team, and we have some magic-sensitive people.) After them, I think our priority should be the Tiger and the Hellbears (and we need to keep all dogs away from our dodgetanks, obvs.)

This turn or not (depending on if anything opens up) I'd like to do a team attack with Norbert and Amon (the former defending the latter) against a Hellbear since Norbert's immune to poison (but not to plague, hence his not attacking the Bereskarn) and we might as well take advantage of that.

Edit: Accidentally kept saying spd when I meant to say AS (wrt Jam's bard.) Sorry for the confusion.

Edited by Mercakete
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Merc I'm so proud of you. When did you start doing battle plans? (I am completely sincere, I've been wanting more people to get involved)

EDIT MUCH LATER: I'm a bit sleepy so I haven't double checked much, but I do have a request. To not waste the rest of the turns of Sinbad's stim, could we possibly use him to shoot the second great bear next turn if active enemies/people alive permit?

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With Sinbad hopped up on the chew, we should definitely use him as much as possible for the duration. Also, haven't gone over numbers or anything in depth but that looks fine to me, Merc.

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@ roy: Hahah, thanks. I actually used to come up with plans early on in the rp, but then other people wanted to and I'm a slower reader than most folks so I just started following orders. No one seemed to want to/be available last night, though, so I stepped up.

@ Ether/roy: Does Sinbad have another shot? I agree we shouldn't waste the stim, but I don't see anything wrong with him attacking something else next turn with something else. If he still has more bullets, then let them eat dakka (as needed; we should keep that shot ready for the next 30HPer if we can.)

@ Cynthia: Oh. Uh, ok, let's see about that, then.

@Everyone: Is everyone ok with keeping the plan as-is and just hope for some higher numbers or do you guys think we should adjust to make sure we get that extra 8HP down? Personally, I think we should go ahead with this and then see how the Bereskarn's doing by action 6.

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Yeah, Sinbad has a pellet pouch and bal had him reinstate his pistol earlier. I don't mind going with this and having another person blast the boss in the face if it doesn't die. I was checking to see who else could attack it without getting hit with the plague weapon, and we can either send someone speedy at it (Amon) or have Gytha shoot it since that doesn't get a counter.

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I think that we should reevaluate come Hoshi's action. Cause if it's physically not possible for her to kill it, I'd prefer if someone else went such that she's not taking that plague hit. Cause yeah......... I would prefer to not lose her to plague in her first battle. Even if that means she sits out this round and someone else kills it, I'd still prefer that.

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Boosting AS is viable if it makes people double/not get doubled. It gets two doubles off and keeps Mushirah from getting wrecked. We should check if anyone who hasn't acted after that could possible double an aggressive enemy, and see how much bang we can get for our bard buck.

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Ok, so we talked it over in IRC and it looks like we have a new plan

1. Jam boosts MT by 2, defends Al

2. Al attacks boss, doubles, deals 8 damage minimum. Jam hits the big guy once and lowers his res by 1. If she rolls a 5 or above she does damage.

3. Mushirah defends her CT

4. Shad attacks Bereskarn. Due to Mt being boosted by 2 and res being lowered by 1, Shad does a minimum of 11 damage and Mushirah does a minimum of 4. She takes a max of 8 damage not counting crits.

5a. At this point Bereskarn will be at 16HP or below. If it's at 14 Hoshi oneshots on a min roll.

5b. If we're not comfortable attacking with Hoshi due to 5 minimum rolls from the precious actions (unlikely), either Gytha or Amon could safely attack it to lower its health further.

6. Sinbad stims and shoots Great Bear A in the face. Due to +2 MT it is on its way to destruction. It has no chance to survive make its time.

7a. Hoshi finishes off Bereskarn.

7b. Arietta defends Axel

8a. Arietta defends Axel

8b. Axel attacks Garuda A. Due to +2 MT Axel does 9 min and Arietta does 9 min, which kills it. They both miss on a hit roll of 1. Arietta gets tripled due to talon if either the Garuda crits/lethals or the two PCs both miss their attack.

9a. Axel attacks Garuda A. Due to +2 MT Axel does 9 min and Arietta does 9 min, which kills it. They both miss on a hit roll of 1. Arietta gets tripled due to talon if either the Garuda crits/lethals or the two PCs both miss their attack.

9b. Undetermined, Probably a heal on Arietta

10. Nadya or someone heals Mushirah (Or if Arietta is much worse off, heals her possibly)

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Loss of the bard bonus is causing a slight adjustment to the plans:

With the damage Al did to the Barneskarn (I will never spell this right you cannot make me), Sinbad can shoot it for a clean KO, essentially switching his place with the shad-train, who can easily take over his role as Great Bear slayer. brief irc comments below

[00:14:38] <Balcerzak> shadrak has min 11 on great bear + mushirah cannot mis it for at min 4, and hoshi can clean it up for min 14

[00:14:48] <Balcerzak> 3 chances to get a 2, vs sinbad needs one chance to get a 2

[00:14:50] <Balcerzak> on the great bear

[00:15:11] <Balcerzak> and less damage on mushirah due to plague ticks

[00:15:29] <Merc> Yeah, I'd say we should adjust with that

[00:15:39] <Merc> Bal, want to post the plan in the chat?

[00:15:44] <Merc> Also I'm back

Not sure how much the rest of the plan needs to adjust for lost might just yet, but that is currently being looked at

Ok, so we talked it over in IRC and it looks like we have a new plan

[spoiler=old plans, do not read]

1. Jam boosts MT by 2, defends Al

2. Al attacks boss, doubles, deals 8 damage minimum. Jam hits the big guy once and lowers his res by 1. If she rolls a 5 or above she does damage.

3. Mushirah defends her CT

4. Shad attacks GB. Shad does a minimum of 11 damage and Mushirah does a minimum of 4.

5. Hoshi kill GB (minimum 14)

6. Sinbad stims and shoots Berekskarn.

7. Arietta defends Axel

8. Axel attacks Garuda A. Does 7+dice and Arietta does 7+dice. They both miss on a hit roll of 1. Arietta gets tripled due to talon if either the Garuda crits/lethals or the two PCs both miss their attack. Seems risky...

9. Undetermined, cleanup if Arietta/Axel fail or a soften to make Arietta/Axel reliable.

10. Undetermined, defend on Hoshi?

scorri is worried about characters getting downed to multi-attacks and no defends, also realized hoshi may have IC jitters, may need to have a completely different backup plan for great bear. Or leave great bear alone and focus on a

1. Jam boosts MT by 2, defends Al

2. Al attacks boss, doubles, deals 8 damage minimum. Jam hits the big guy once and lowers his res by 1. If she rolls a 5 or above she does damage.

3. Sinbad stims and shoots Berekskarn.

4. Mushirah defends her CT

5. Shad attacks GB. Shad does a minimum of 11 damage and Mushirah does a minimum of 4. CG is at 15 HP or lower

6. Pete attacks Garuda with Precise Bow, does 9+dice damage.

7a. If Garuda low enough so that Faatina can finish (6HP, aka Pete rolled a 3 on damage or better), Faatina Kills Garuda, charges into Great Bear for 3+dices (GB HP at 12 or lower).

8a. Axel does 5+dice and doubles the Great Bear.

9a. Defend or Heal as needed

10a. Defend or Heal as needed

7b. Arietta attacks Garuda A. Does 7+dice. On top of Pete's 9+dice this is a clean kill

8b. Bert attacks Great Bear, does 3+dice, is immune to poison. (GB HP at 12 or lower)

9b. Axel does 5+dice and doubles the Great Bear.

10b. Defend or Heal as needed.

Okay, hoshi is back in:

1. Jam boosts MT by 2, defends Al

2. Al attacks boss, doubles, deals 8 damage minimum. Jam hits the big guy once and lowers his res by 1. If she rolls a 5 or above she does damage.

3. Sinbad stims and shoots Berekskarn.

4. Mushirah defends her CT

5. Shad attacks GB. Shad does a minimum of 11 damage and Mushirah does a minimum of 4. GB is at 15 HP or lower

6. Pete attacks Garuda with Precise Bow, does 9+dice damage.

7a. If Garuda low enough so that Faatina can finish (6HP, aka Pete rolled a 3 on damage or better), Faatina Kills Garuda, charges into Dire wolf for 3+dice damage and takes dice damage. Dire wolf grapples and becomes piss-easy to fight next turn? Alternately she discards her charge.

8a. Hoshi nukes Great Bear (provided a 2 was rolled for damage somewhere in the three rolls)

9a. Defend or Heal as needed

10a. Defend or Heal as needed

7b. Axel attacks Garuda does 7+dice. On top of Pete's 9+dice this is a clean kill

8b. Hoshi nukes Great Bear (provided a 2 was rolled for damage somewhere in the three rolls)

9b. Defend or Heal as needed.

10b. Defend or Heal as needed.

A note was made that we might want to reserve Shadrak for healing. In that case we can substitute Bert (3+dice) and Axel (2 x 5+dice) for a minimum of 16, allowing the clean Hoshi KO.

In that case the 7b chain is ruled out. Amon could maybe fill in, if Pete rolled high enough, in a similar manner to Tina's 7a case.

[01:35:01] <Cynthia> I guess Norbert and Amon could team up on the Great Bear?

[01:35:08] <Cynthia> Amon triples it I think

[01:35:20] <Merc> Oh

[01:35:21] <Merc> cool

[01:35:29] <Merc> Yeah, Bert could defend Amon

[01:35:38] <Ethereal> I can also potentially toss a poison proc on something

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Wait, you lose the bard bonus if the bard gets KO'd? I didn't know that. Also sorry, I fell asleep with my laptop open last night o__O;;

EDIT: (Also Bal, I still love Sinbad)

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1. Nadya rezes Shadrak
2. Alex rezes Sinbad

3. Sinbad shoots Tiger A (he's still stimmed)
4. Norbert defends Amon
5. Amon attacks Hellbear B
6. If Tiger has 5 or less HP, Lumi finishes. Else, Shad finishes.

7. Hoshi kills Hellcat B
8. Aneda defends Lumi.
9. Synthia heals Sinbad (shifts from skl)

10. Gytha defends Synthia

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Hello everyone. It's been a long time and after some major shit went down in 2013, I'm pleased to say that everything is a-ok again. :)

With that in mind I'm afraid that I can't really join this battle with Chelsea because she's getting the boot, NO this does not mean that she will die (I know you all want more despair IC, too bad~ :P) That being said I am not quitting this RP and Chelsea is not getting killed off, rather she will be used as an NPC and she will safely be at a place. If I want to, I can bring a new and improved Chelsea 2.0 Some other time. (Twice the rezzing, Twice the bewbies, Three times as fast as a regular Chelsea. XD)

But yeah for anyone who wants to know when she left, she left before meeting up... with Schwarz (Dragon jerk) killing off Stupid Sexy Marella. So she knows about the stuffz and that is important because this next character I'm making is friends with Chelsea. Thankfully he is not as anime as she is. ( I know you're crying because now we don't have painfull animu writing from number one waifu.)

So yeah he will know some stuff not everything but the basic gist.

He will also be a kick-ass knight. Because we need heavy metal! XD

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1.Alex Heal Bert
2.Nadya Heal Hoshi
3.Synthia Heal Tina
4.Hoshi kills Garuda B (hits on 2+)
5.Tina defends Hoshi
6.Bert defends Amon
7.Amon+Bert kill Hellbear B
8.Arietta defends Axel
9.Axel attacks Direwolf B
10.Empty move pending results of Axel+Arietta

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(So the people who were supposed to be taking me to school left me in Georgia after we spent several days trying to contact them, and they texted us the time they were going to pick me up last night. Now my dad has to drive me 12 hours on his own. I'm not particuarly happy right now.)

Edit: Al doubled, then boss countered with active weapon which was bite. Myrm class skill lets Al use all his attacks before the counter.

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1.Shad Heal Bert
2.Nadya Heal Hoshi
3.Synthia Heal Tina
4.Hoshi kills Garuda B (hits on 2+)
5.Tina defends Hoshi
6.Bert defends Amon
7.Amon+Bert kill Hellbear A
8.Arietta defends Axel
9.Axel attacks Direwolf B
10.Empty move pending results of Axel+Arietta

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1.Hoshi kills Garuda C
2.Pete attacks Hellbear C (does 18 min)
3.Alex heals Lumi

4.Lumi defends Pete
5.Synthia heals Pete (shifts from skl)
6.Mushirah defends Nadya
7.Nadya heals Mushirah
8.Al attacks Hellbear D (does 18 min)
9.Aneda kills Hellbear
10.Arietta attacks Hellcat A

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1.Nadya Revive Hoshi
2.Alex Revive Shad
3.Arietta defends Axel

4.Axel attacks Great Bear (hopefully kills)
5.Hoshi attacks Garuda D
6.Mushirah defends Shad
7.Shad attacks Tiger B (uses Nosferatu)

8.Gytha shoots Tiger B (hopefully kills)
9.Lumi kills Hellcat A
10.Tina defends Hoshi

Basically, even if minimum damage happens, Great Bear will have 7 HP left at the start of PP and Tiger B will have 8 HP left at the start of PP. Making both of them hopefully easy to take down and letting us use the other BPs to take down the remaining 4 enemies.

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So if Siege tome doesn't get unlocked soon, which... I really doubt it will, I need to switch out Synthia's tome. I don't know what to, though. Bulwark is probably the best choice but I didn't really want a bulwark tome on her. The +MT ones just make her a worse Zach/Hoshi/Shad though, so I don't know what to do. Advice please?

Also probably not going to do more non-com posts this fight because that shit doesn't work out for me ever and I'm tired of fucking it up.

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Nadya attacks Hellcat C: did 15 damage
Alex attacks Hellcat C (6+dice)

Pete shoots Direwolf D (5+dice)
Shad finishes Direwolf D (10+dice, needs a 2 to hit)
Hoshi attacks Direwolf C (13+dice, needs a 2 to hit)
Amon attacks Hellcat D (1+dice, three times)
Synthia attacks Hellcat D (9+dice twice)

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