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(FE7) Drafting Tournament...


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Karla, obviously.

C15: 8 Turns

More boring defense chapter. Drew Sealen out on turn 1 with Marcus. His last hurrah. Killed stuff, and got the Silver Axe and Mend.

Name    Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Levels
Hector  10.70 27 13 10  8  7 13  1 Axe B
Lowen   10.53 31  9  8 11  5  8  4 Sword D Lance C
Bartre   8.64 34 11  6  7  5  5  3 Axe C
Rebecca  8.55 20  9 11 12  6  3  5 Bow C

Removed Marcus from stats list. He was 1.91.

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Chapter 13x 8/25 Turns

Got the village, Marcus lugged Merlinus around, Rebecca was sacrificed because Dorcas couldn't dodge anything even while on a forest.

Unit       Lvl   EXP   HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl        Supports
Hector      8     84   26  11  7   8   4  11   1  B Axe          C Eliwood
Eliwood     2     92   19   5  5   7   7   5   1  C Sword        C Hector
Marcus      1     63   Base                                         -
Dorcass     5     34   32   7  8   6   4   4   1  C Axe             -

WTF Dorcas and Eliwood

Chapter 14 4/29 Turns

Hector initially killed the soldiers at the start, then headed south. Dorcas headed south. Eliwood killed the solider near the top, then headed south. Marcus killed everything else.

Unit       Lvl   EXP   HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl        Supports
Hector      9     51   27  12  7   8   4  12   1  B Axe          C Eliwood
Eliwood     3     47   20   6  5   8   7   5   1  C Sword        C Hector
Marcus      3     11   32  15 17  11   9  11   9  
Dorcass     6     47   33   8  8   6   4   5   2  C Axe             -

Chapter 15 8/37 Turns

Unarmed Oswin blocked the top corner, while Matt looted the chests. I fielded Bartre so Marcus could rescue him, and lug him around, so Eliwood could pick up some easy exp. Eliwood one rounded Sealen with his rapier. Marcus eventually took over for Oswin when he was hurting.

Unit       Lvl   EXP   HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl        Supports
Hector     10     42   28  12  7   8   4  12   1  B Axe          C Eliwood
Eliwood     6     67   20   7  7   9   8   6   1  C Sword        C Hector
Marcus      Duty Fufilled. 
Dorcass     7     79   34   8  9   6   4   5   2  C Axe             -

Edited by General_Horace
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CH. 16 9/53 Turns

Ugh. I screwed up this chapter. I dicked around too much trying to get people EXP, and I feel like I could've beaten it a lot quicker. Anyway, I get a large bulk of my team here (Florina, Lyn, Wil), and they are immediately useful. Sain and Kent hide in a corner, Lyn and Wil make their way towards the middle. On the other side of the map, that stupid thief steals a bunch of vulneraries from me, but it doesn't matter. I wipe out everyone on the east side and start to move towards the middle. Erk is killing a lot of stuff, and Lyn/Wil/Flo are nabbing what they can. Florina ferries Hector over the southern edge of the cliff and He takes out the boss and seizes.

Marcus has been removed from my list, as he will no longer be deployed.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   11    27     25  13  10  9   5   15   3   13 B Axe     -
Serra    3     05     18  3   5   10  7   2    6   4  D Staves
Erk      8     16     23  10  9   10  7   5    8   5  C Anima
Florina  5     53     20  7   10  11  10  4    5   4  D Lances
Lyn      5     84     19  5   11  12  6   2    0   5  C Swords
Wil      5     06     22  6   6   7   8   5    2   6  D Bows

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Chapter 16 9/46 Turns

Sain can't dodge a ballistae shot to save his life. Literally.

Eliwood and Dorcas took out the mercs, while Hector rushed towards the boss. Sain took out some mercs and myrmidons. I miss Marcus.

Unit       Lvl   EXP   HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl         Supports
Hector     14     06   30 15  11   10  6   15  2  A Axe           C Eliwood
Eliwood     7     79   20  7   7   10  8    6  1  B Sword         C Hector
Dorcas      8     82   35  8   9    6  5    5  2  B Axe
Sain        6     23   24 10   7    9  6    7  0  D Lance D Sword

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C16: 8 Turns

Threw Hector straight east, through the mountains. Everyone else went south to kill stuff. Kent rescued Wil, while Sain got Lyn. Casually strolled through, Lowen needing to dodge the Thunder mage. He did, and here the 8 turn. Rebecca went off once the main wave was dealt with to grab the Red Gem. Didn't buy anything, couldn't without wasting time. Hector Wolf Beil'ed the boss to death, and seized the following turn.

Name    Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Levels
Hector  12.59 28 15 11  8  7 13  2 Axe B
Lowen   14.25 33 11  9 12  7  8  5 Sword D Lance B
Bartre   9.13 35 11  6  7  6  6  3 Axe C
Rebecca  9.95 20 10 12 13  6  3  5 Bow C

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CH. 17 11/64 Turns

Ugh. I guess I'm pretty terrible at Fire Emblem. Oh well. Nothing too crazy happened. I probably should've been moving faster though.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   14    06     30  15  10  11  6   16   3   13 B Axe     -
Serra    3     84     18  3   5   10  7   2    6   4  D Staves
Erk      10    63     24  12  10  12  8   6    9   5  C Anima
Florina  7     51     22  7   10  13  14  5    7   4  D Lances (Goddess Icon)
Lyn      7     77     20  5   12  13  7   2    1   5  C Swords
Wil      6     47     23  7   6   7   8   5    2   6  D Bows

CH. 17x 4/68 Turns

Easy enough. Florina just flew west, Hector and Erk took out Damian and his crew, killed a couple pirates.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   16    01     32  17  12  11  6   17   4   13 B Axe     -
Serra    3     95     18  3   5   10  7   2    6   4  D Staves
Erk      10    94     24  12  10  12  8   6    9   5  C Anima
Florina  7     51     22  7   10  13  14  5    7   4  D Lances (Goddess Icon)
Lyn      7     97     20  5   12  13  7   2    1   5  C Swords
Wil      7     11     23  8   6   8   8   5    3   6  D Bows

CH. 18 9/77 Turns

Things were going pretty well until I got to Zoldam. I managed to steal the speedwings off him, but couldn't kill him without him killing either Erk or Florina, so I had to wait for Hector and Wil to come save the day. Also, Erk is turning out really well.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   16    49     32  17  12  11  6   17   4   13 B Axe     -
Serra    4     50     18  4   5   10  7   2    7   4  C Staves
Erk      12    25     26  13  11  12  10  7    11  5  C Anima
Florina  8     36     23  7   11  13  14  5    8   4  C Lances (Goddess Icon)
Lyn      8     99     20  5   12  14  7   2    1   5  C Swords
Wil      9     23     25  9   8   11  8   5    3   6  D Bows (Speedwing)

Edited by frat_tastic
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C17: 12 Turns

Not pleased with the turncount, but I did get both the Hero Crest and Knight Crest. Bartre is being underwhelming, while Hector is taking all the good level ups.

Name    Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Levels
Hector  15.92 31 18 12 10  9 15  2 Axe A
Lowen   15.50 34 12  9 12  8  8  6 Sword C Lance B
Bartre  10.93 36 12  7  7  6  6  3 Axe C
Rebecca 12.57 22 11 14 15  9  4  6 Bow C

C17x: 4 Turns

I didn't think charging straight into the enemies was going to work so well. I botched it once, with Hector dying on me, but whatev. Lowen lead the charge, and was the eventual winner of the race to Fargus. Got Canas. Got Devil Axe and Short Bow villages. Damien lived.

Name    Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Levels
Hector  16.81 31 19 12 10  9 16  3 Axe A
Lowen   16.77 35 12  9 13  9  8  6 Sword C Lance B
Bartre  11.75 37 12  7  8  7  7  3 Axe C
Rebecca 13.69 23 11 14 16  9  4  6 Bow B
Canas    8.69 21 10  9  8  7  5  8 Dark B

Dammit Lowen get some defense already! Bartre, get strength!

C18: 3 Turns

Very simple. Rush Lowen to boss, kill boss, fin. Had to get the Guiding Ring, as it was in my way. Hector bought stuff, including 15 Hand Axes, some Javelins, Steel Axes, and a Steel Sword. I still have over 10K liquid cash. Screw the Speedwings as well.

Name    Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Levels
Hector  16.88 32 19 12 10  9 16  3 Axe A
Lowen   18.12 37 13 10 14 10  8  7 Sword C Lance B
Bartre  12.50 38 12  7  9  7  7  3 Axe B
Rebecca 14.23 23 11 14 16  9  5  6 Bow B
Canas    9.35 22 10  9  8  7  5  8 Dark B

I swear Lowen is trolling me.

C19: 7 Turns

Mostly a self improvement chapter. Lowen charged forward, as usual, Hector following behind. Everyone else stayed back to kill off whatever decided to go there. Hector smacked Uhai with Wolf Beil, and Lowen got the bosskill. Dart will hopefully be useful.

Name    Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Levels
Hector  17.39 33 20 12 10 10 17  4 Axe A
Lowen   20.00 39 13 12 15 10  9  8 Sword C Lance B
Bartre  13.52 39 12  7 10  7  8  3 Axe B
Rebecca 15.19 23 12 14 16 10  6  6 Bow B
Canas   10.48 23 10  9  9  7  5  9 Dark B
Dart     9.16 35 13  8  9  3  6  1 Axe B

Lowen finally got defense. Finally.

C19x: 6 Turns

Another self improvement chapter. Lowen promotes in base. Chapter consists of Lowen grabbing Hector, and charging forward, everyone else killing stuff for levels. Lowen got the bosskill because Hector couldn't hit.

Name        Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Levels
Hector      17.41 33 20 12 10 10 17  4 Axe A
Lowen    20/ 2.30 41 15 13 16 10 11 10 Sword B Lance A Axe E
Bartre      14.64 40 13  7 11  7  8  3 Axe B
Rebecca     16.11 24 13 14 16 10  6  7 Bow B
Canas       12.06 25 11 10 10  7  7  9 Dark B
Dart        10.54 36 13  8 10  4  6  1 Axe B

C20: 8 Turns

This will sound familiar: Lowen grabs Hector and charges forward, everyone else killing stuff. Matt got the Brave Bow. Lowen killed Cameron, and Dart killed Darin.

Name        Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Levels
Hector      17.54 33 20 12 10 10 17  4 Axe A
Lowen    20/ 3.85 42 15 13 17 10 11 10 Sword B Lance A Axe E
Bartre      15,49 41 14  7 12  7  8  3 Axe B
Rebecca     17.29 25 13 15 16 11  6  7 Bow B
Canas       14.16 26 11 10 10  7  8  9 Dark B
Dart        13.20 38 14  9 12  4  7  1 Axe B

C21: 5 Turns

Stop me if you've heard this before, Lowen grabs Hector...

In other news, Canas grabbed 4 Flux tomes, and Rebecca got the Elysian Whip. I think (stress the think, it was a while ago when I did this) Canas got the bosskill. May have been Dart. Actually, the more I think about it, it was Dart.

(Forgot to grab stats, Kinship's Bond was too tempting to complete.)

C22: 5 Turns

Lowen charged straight for Eubans. Got Heath, got the Brave Axe and 10K chest. Also, a spare Knight Crest. Recruited Rath for the Longbow.

Name        Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Levels
Hector      18.72 34 20 12 10 10 18  4 Axe A
Lowen    20/ 6.20 45 15 13 19 11 12 11 Sword B Lance A Axe E
Bartre      16.89 41 14  8 13  7  8  3 Axe B
Rebecca     18.91 26 13 15 16 12  6  7 Bow A
Canas       14.44 26 11 10 10  7  8  9 Dark B
Dart        16.11 39 15  9 14  4  8  1 Axe A
Heath        7.34 28 11  8  7  7 10  1 Lance B

Got a question: In C23 (Living Legend, the desert chapter), can you field Matt to grab hidden treasure? I'm curious.

Edited by Mist
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CH. 19 9/86 Turns

Hector went south, Erk and Wil went north and east, and Florina and Lyn went east through the area with the snags. Lyn got the boss kill.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   17    94     33  18  13  12  7   17   4   13 A Axe     -
Serra    4     78     18  4   5   10  7   2    7   4  C Staves
Erk      13    76     26  13  12  13  10  8    12  5  B Anima
Florina  9     05     24  7   12  13  14  5    9   4  C Lances C Lyn(Goddess Icon)
Lyn      11    08     23  7   14  16  10  2    2   5  B Swords C Florina
Wil      11    07     26  11  10  11  8   5    3   6  C Bows (Speedwing)

CH. 19x 8/94 Turns

Florina flew west and killed the pegs/mages, and then poked at Kishuna's guys. Everyone else went down and around to the castle. Wil got the bosskill. Also, Erk is ridiculous.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   18    93     34  19  13  12  7   17   5   13 A Axe     -
Serra    5     34     18  4   5   11  8   2    8   4  C Staves
Erk      14    05     27  14  13  14  11  9    13  5  B Anima
Florina  10    93     24  7   12  14  15  5    9   4  C Lances C Lyn(Goddess Icon)
Lyn      13    00     25  8   15  18  11  3    2   5  A Swords C Florina
Wil      13    70     28  11  12  11  10  6    3   6  C Bows (Speedwing)

CH. 20 7/101 Turns

Simple. Everyone just rushed north. Recruited Legault, stole the Member Card, Hector got the boss kill (and has capped his level). Erk continues to be ridiculous.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   20    --     36  20  14  13  7   18   6   13 A Axe     -
Serra    6     02     18  4   6   12  8   2    9   4  B Staves
Erk      15    75     28  15  14  15  12  10   13  5  B Anima
Florina  13    18     27  9   13  15  16  6    9   4  C Lances C Lyn(Goddess Icon)
Lyn      14    88     26  9   16  19  11  3    2   5  A Swords C Florina
Wil      14    90     29  12  13  11  10  6    4   6  C Bows (Speedwing)

CH. 21 5/106 Turns

Also pretty simple. Eliwood hung back since he was forced, everyone else rushed forward. Got the wyrmslayer and the elysian whip. Wil got the boss kill. Erk gets a perfect level up.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   20    --     36  20  14  13  7   18   6   13 A Axe     -
Serra    6     35     18  4   6   12  8   2    9   4  B Staves
Erk      16    49     29  16  15  16  13  11   14  5  B Anima
Florina  13    96     27  9   13  15  16  6    9   4  C Lances C Lyn(Goddess Icon)
Lyn      15    96     26  9   16  20  11  3    2   5  A Swords C Florina
Wil      16    67     29  13  15  13  11  7    4   6  C Bows (Speedwing)

CH. 22 6/111 Turns

Easy, and I now have Isdaora. Isadora went south with Erk and took out Eubans. Florina did some secret shop shopping. Serra can now start spamming Barrier and Physic to start really gaining some EXP. Erk must be using steroids.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   20    --     36  20  14  13  7   18   6   13 A Axe     -
Serra    7     15     19  4   6   13  8   2    10  4  B Staves
Erk      18    27     31  18  16  17  14  12   15  5  B Anima
Florina  14    70     27  9   13  16  16  6    10  4  B Lances C Lyn(Goddess Icon)
Lyn      15    96     26  9   16  20  11  3    2   5  A Swords C Florina
Wil      17    82     29  13  15  13  12  7    4   6  B Bows (Speedwing)
Isadora  20/2  70     28  13  12  17  11  9    6   6  A Swords/B Lances/D Axes

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Your Lowen is down 6 points from his 20/6 average on defense. DAMN.

I know. But, that's not hampering him at all, somehow. I can still charge through swaths of enemies... and he'll still be living.

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He looks more like Kent than Lowen.

Yeah, I was kinda thinking that.

Also, to re-iterate my earlier question: Can Matt grab items in the desert? I'd like to know before I possibly take a 4 turn penalty for doing so.

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I would say yes. They are not doing any action that is prohibited. All they are doing is moving.

I have a question about Port of Badon, are you allowed to use an undrafted unit (Florina) to fly in front of Fargus without actually using the talk command? This also ends the chapter, but is not against any of the rules, I don't think.

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I have a question about Port of Badon, are you allowed to use an undrafted unit (Florina) to fly in front of Fargus without actually using the talk command? This also ends the chapter, but is not against any of the rules, I don't think.

I believe that should be disallowed, along with using undrafted units to seize castles in Chapter 25. Neither requires the unit to do anything but wait on a certain square, but undrafted units should not be able to do 'actions' that complete chapters.

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I believe that should be disallowed, along with using undrafted units to seize castles in Chapter 25. Neither requires the unit to do anything but wait on a certain square, but undrafted units should not be able to do 'actions' that complete chapters.


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C23: 7 Turns

And now for something completely different.

I used the Robe on Heath, without it, he couldn't have killed one of the bosses. Heath ferried Lowen to one of the bosses, and Canas provided covering fire, so Heath didn't take too many attacks. Grabbed Hawkeye for the Killer Axe, and everyone else cleaned up the starting enemies. Pent killed the other boss. :(

Name        Level HP ST SK SP LK DE RS Weapon Levels
Hector      19.01 35 20 13 11 10 19  4 Axe A
Lowen    20/ 6.77 45 15 13 19 11 12 11 Sword B Lance A Axe E
Bartre      17.87 42 15  8 14  7  8  3 Axe A
Rebecca     19.45 27 14 16 17 13  6  7 Bow A
Canas       16.89 27 12 12 11  8  8 10 Dark A
Dart        16.50 39 15  9 14  4  8  1 Axe A
Heath        8.47 35 12  9  8  7 10  2 Lance B

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