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(FE7) Drafting Tournament...


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Sorry for not updating in a while, things got pretty hectic for a while with school and all, but now that I've driven myself hard enough to get myself sick and take a sick day, I've got time to play lol.

CH. 26 12/137 Turns

Erk and Isadora took the enemies to the southeast, Florina promoted, saved the village, got the Hammerne and mopped up the baddies around the village, Lyn took care of the mages to the northwest, promoted and then made the wyverns her bitch.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   20    --     36  20  14  13  7   18   6   13 A Axe     -
Serra    11    43     21  5   7   14  9   2    12  4  A Staves
Erk      20/5  36     41  24  16  21  16  17   21  6  S Anima, E Staves
Florina  20/4  49     38  14  18  19  20  8    15  5  S Lances, E Swords C Lyn(Goddess Icon)
Lyn      20/3  19     35  11  23  21  15  8    10  6  A Swords, D Bows C Florina
Wil      20/3  48     37  17  20  18  14  10   9   7  A Bows (Speedwing)
Isadora  20/9  78     38  17  13  22  14  10   9   6  A Swords/B Lances/C Axes (Angelic Robe)

CH. 27 9/146 Turns

I gave Isadora and Florina door keys. Isadora went north with Hector and Erk, Florina went east with Lyn, Serra and Wil. Pretty much just rushed to the throne as fast as I could. Skipped the treasure, and finished the chapter before Karel showed up.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   20    --     36  20  14  13  7   18   6   13 A Axe     -
Serra    12    45     21  5   7   14  10  2    13  4  A Staves
Erk      20/6  58     42  24  17  21  16  17   21  6  S Anima, E Staves
Florina  20/7  47     40  15  19  20  21  9    17  5  S Lances, E Swords C Lyn(Goddess Icon)
Lyn      20/4  57     36  11  23  21  16  9    10  6  A Swords, D Bows C Florina
Wil      20/4  30     38  18  21  19  14  10   9   7  A Bows (Speedwing)
Isadora  20/11 49     40  18  15  22  14  10   10  6  A Swords/B Lances/C Axes (Angelic Robe)

CH. 28 16/162 Turns

There was a close call where Isadora almost died, but she pulled through. I was pissed that I didn't get ANY treasure, especially the boots...I chased that damn thief but he had too much of a head start. Otherwise, no problems. Oh, I hammerne'd the Mani Katti and the Wolf Beil.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   20    --     36  20  14  13  7   18   6   13 A Axe     -
Serra    15    37     22  6   7   16  12  3    16  4  A Staves
Erk      20/7  79     43  25  18  22  16  18   22  6  S Anima, E Staves
Florina  20/8  17     41  15  20  20  21  9    18  5  S Lances, E Swords C Lyn(Goddess Icon)
Lyn      20/5  84     36  11  24  22  17  9    10  6  A Swords, D Bows C Florina
Wil      20/6  34     40  20  23  20  14  10   10  7  A Bows (Speedwing)
Isadora  20/15 31     43  19  17  23  14  11   11  6  A Swords/B Lances/B Axes (Angelic Robe)

CH. 29 9/173 Turns

Ugh, stupid rout chapters. Erk was a fucking beast in this chapter though, and destroyed well over half of the baddies. Isadora and Lyn took out a bunch of the NT and General reinforcement in the middle, Florina got the Warp staff, Hector handled the Wyvern reinforcement near the start. I promoted Serra at level 17.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   20    --     36  20  14  13  7   18   6   13 A Axe     -
Serra    17/1  00     25  8   10  17  14  6    20  5  A Staves, D Light
Erk      20/16 27     49  28  22  26  21  21   25  6  S Anima, E Staves
Florina  20/11 30     43  17  20  21  21  9    18  5  S Lances, D Swords C Lyn(Goddess Icon)
Lyn      20/9  75     39  13  26  23  20  10   12  6  A Swords, D Bows C Florina
Wil      20/8  40     42  22  25  21  15  10   10  7  A Bows (Speedwing)
Isadora  20/18 28     44  20  18  24  17  13   12  6  A Swords/B Lances/B Axes (Angelic Robe)

CH. 30 6/179 Turns

Fielded Florina and Serra, Flo rescued Hector and Serra warped them, they then went and killed Kaim and won the chapter.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   20/2  88     40  21  16  16  7   20   11  15 A Axe, D Swords     -
Serra    17/4  51     26  9   10  18  16  6    21  5  A Staves, C Light
Erk      20/16 27     49  28  22  26  21  21   25  6  S Anima, E Staves
Florina  20/11 78     43  17  20  21  21  9    18  5  S Lances, D Swords C Lyn(Goddess Icon)
Lyn      20/9  75     39  13  26  23  20  10   12  6  A Swords, D Bows C Florina
Wil      20/8  40     42  22  25  21  15  10   10  7  A Bows (Speedwing)
Isadora  20/18 28     44  20  18  24  17  13   12  6  A Swords/B Lances/B Axes (Angelic Robe)

CH. 31 12/191 Turns

Easy enough, although there were some annoyances. Serra got silenced, which was lame, and then Denning hit Florina but she still lived. Got all the treasure.

Unit   Level   Exp    HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wep    Support
Hector   20/5  02     43  24  17  16  9   23   11  15 A Axe, D Swords     -
Serra    17/4  69     26  9   10  18  16  6    21  5  A Staves, C Light
Erk      20/17 52     50  28  22  26  22  21   25  6  S Anima, D Staves
Florina  20/13 93     43  18  21  22  23  9    18  5  S Lances, D Swords C Lyn(Goddess Icon)
Lyn      20/11 08     41  14  28  25  22  11   13  6  S Swords, D Bows C Florina
Wil      20/11 63     45  23  27  21  15  10   11  7  S Bows (Speedwing)
Isadora  20/20 --     46  20  19  25  17  13   13  6  A Swords/A Lances/B Axes (Angelic Robe)

Edited by frat_tastic
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I'm still doing this. Now that the FE 9 draft is done, I can focus on my other 3 drafts...

[spoiler=Chapter 21 - 25]Chapter 21 (4/87)

I gave Hector the Speedwings I had been saving for Hawkeye since he needed it more. Eliwood rescued Ninian and retreated behind Merlinus, while Fiora grabbed Restore and everyone else moved east. Matthew baited Oleg on turn 3 and killed him next turn with Hector after Fiora got the Elysian Whip.

Chapter 22 (6/93)

This might have been quicker if I had sent Matthew east, but I wanted the Brave Axe. Fiora used Isadora's Angelic Robe and Priscilla ferried Hector closer to the action. Then Rath cleared a path for Fiora and Hector to get to Eubans, and Hector Hand Axe'd him on turn 5. Fiora finished him next turn.

Chapter 23 (6/99)

Fiora takes out the enemies immediately west of the start while Rath and Hawkeye deal with the north-eastern enemies. Pent took care of the rest. The only treasure I got was the Ocean Seal.

Chapter 24 (2/101)

Priscilla got the Afa's Drops and Fiora got the other Goddess Icon I've been holding on to. Hector and Hawkeye went to buy Reaver weapons (damn, they're expensive... Thank goodness for the Ocean Seal) while Fiora countered Linus. Her and Matthew combined to finish him next turn.

Chapter 25 (4/105)

Fiora promotes at the beginning of the chapter. Matthew goes for the south-west castle, and Fiora goes for the north-east one. Hawkeye and Hector take on Pascal and the Cavaliers while Rath and Priscilla hang out in the middle of the map. All three forts were captured on turn four after Priscilla finally promoted.

Name       Level  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Hector     20/--  36  19  15^ 11^ 11  19  02
Matthew    20/--  34  12  11  20* 14  07  02
Priscilla* 10/01  20  13  12  11  11  05  13
Fiora      18/04  41^ 14  17  18  14^ 10  14
Rath       14/--  31  13  12  13  06  10  02
Hawkeye    --/07  50  18  16  12  14  14  12

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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  • 4 weeks later...

Almost a month since I last posted progress? Disgraceful...

[spoiler=Chapter 26 - 29]

Chapter 26 (12/117)

I wanted Killer Weapons, so Hawkeye killed Vaida. Besides, it made Chapter 29 easier. Fiora grabbed Hammerne and everyone else just got experience.

Chapter 27 (10/127)

Ugh, Harken takes forever to show up. I could've finished on turn 6 or so but I decided he'll be worth the turns (I hope...). I deployed Marcus to recruit him while Fiora and Rath (who promoted at the begining of the chapter) ferried Hector to the throne. Hawkeye took out the Wyverns around Harken's position and Matthew got the Guiding Ring and Blue Gem for me to sell.

Chapter 28 (16/143)

Mandatory defend chapter. Matthew was ferried from the east side to the west so I could get all of the items, and Harken 2HKO'd Ursula with the Brave Sword.

Chapter 29 (9/152)

Killing Linus is what I drafted Harken for, and he did it quite well. Was it worth it? I'm not sure. Anyway, Fiora grabbed Silvers and Warp before going north to help Rath with the western enemies. Matthew went north at first, then went back south to intercept the Wyverns. Hector, Hawkeye and Priscilla went north-west to cut through the Knights and northern enemies. Once the Wyverns appeared (thankfully, I had killed Vaida earlier, so I didn't have to deal with her here), Hawkeye got Warped back to help Matthew deal with them.

Name      Level  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Hector    20/01  39  19  17^ 14^ 11  20  07
Matthew   20/--  34  12  11  20* 14  07  02
Priscilla 10/13  27  19  18  18  18  05  19
Fiora     18/14  46^ 19  25* 24  17^ 11  20
Rath      16/12  46  22  16  22  09  16  11
Hawkeye   --/15  53  19  21  15  15  15  15
Harken    --/15  43  22  23  21  12  18  12

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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  • 2 weeks later...

Everything up to the Final Chapter, which I'm about to start right now. Interestingly, everyone except Hector and Nils are level 20.

R.I.P. Matthew. Your awesome strength will never be forgotten.

[spoiler=Chapter 30-32x]Chapter 30 (5/157)

I brought Priscilla and Rath. Also, Hector used the Boots because I forgot to give them to him last chapter.

Priscilla Warped Hector east and he took care of most of the enemies. Rath got the boss kill on turn 5 though, so Hector could seize afterwards.

Chapter 31 (12/169)

There's not a lot to say about this chapter. I left Denning alive for a while to kill the reinforcements, and Matthew accidently sent his Lockpick to the convoy after getting the Dracoshield and White Gem, so I didn't get the Body Ring.

Chapter 31x (6/175)

Shopped and hit the arena.

Chapter 32 (6/181)

Rath rescued Hector, then got Sung and Warped forward. Then Hector, Priscilla, Rath and Fiora pushed their way through the forest, Rath and Fiora critikilling Limstella with Killer weapons. Unfortunately, Matthew got criticaled by the Aura!Bishop and died. At least I got Fortify on the last turn.

Chapter 32x (1/182)

Priscilla Warped Fiora, who critikilled Kishuna. I also used Hammerne on Warp, thanks to Nils.

Name      Level  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Hector    20/15  51  29  23^ 18^ 15  29* 10
Matthew   20/--  34  12  11  20* 14  07  02
Priscilla 10/20* 31  22  18  23  23  06  24
Fiora     18/20  51^ 22  25* 27  20^ 14  23
Rath      16/20  51  24  18  24  11  16  14
Hawkeye   --/20  54  22  22  15  17  15  17
Harken    --/20  48  23  23  23  14  18  14
Nils         01  14  00  00  12  10  05  04

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Critical-fest, 2011. Anyway, summary coming soon.

Final Chapter (4/186)

This time, I had some Door Keys so I didn't have to wait for the doors to open. Also, Lloyd was the only boss not killed with a critical. First turn, Hector opened Darin's door, Fiora opened Ursula's door, and Harken was Warped up to open Lloyd's door. Nils sung for Priscilla so she could Warp Athos towards Kenneth's room also. How the Morphs went down, in order:

Uhai: Priscilla used Bolting, then Rath critikilled him with a Killer Bow.

Jerme: Critikilled by Fiora with the Spear.

Lloyd: 2HKO'd by Harken with the Swordslayer.

Darin: Hector critikilled him with the Wolf Beil.

Ursula: 2RKO'd by Fiora with the Spear

Linus: Priscilla criticaled with Bolting, got sung for and killed him with the second hit.

Kenneth: ORKO'd by Athos with Luna.

Brendan: Double criticaled by Hawkeye with the Brave Axe.

On the third turn, after killing Brendan and the Warrior in his room, Priscilla Warped Athos up and he critikilled Nergal with Luna.

Part 2, Athos criticaled with Luna, Rath shot it with Rienfleche, then Hector finished the job.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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I said I'd finish and I did (nevermind the fact that it took me forever). Gongrats on getting the lowest turn-count, though.

Hector B: 206 W: 134

Level  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
20/16  52  30* 23^ 19^ 15  29* 10

Hector was pretty good. 2HKOing pretty much everything, despite having speed problems. He started ORKOing again after promotion though, which was nice. Due to his late promotion he was the only one (besides Nils) to not reach level 20.

Matthew B: 180 W: 91

Level  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
20/--  34  12  11  20* 14  07  02

Thanks to his strength blessing, he was able to keep up good offense for most of the game. He also saved a bunch of turns being able to ORKO everything except Knights and some Cavaliers. Unfortunately, he slowed down later on thanks to his bad defense and sword-lock, and was the victim of an Aura critical on the last turn of Victory or Death. He was MVP of the early mid-game chapters.

Marcus B: 57 W: 47

Level  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
--/06  35  17  18  13  11  10  11

MVP when he was around, carrying the team until Hector and Matthew could ORKO everything. He left one chapter too early for my liking, but whatever.

Priscilla B: 99 W: 50

Level  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
10/20* 31  22  18  23  23  06  24

She was nothing but a liability until she promoted, and still continued to have problems due to her mediocre 10/1 stats. Thankfully, her class EXP boost and the Afa's Drops got her level and stats up quickly, allowing her to be good when I needed her to be. Easily the MVP of the late game, with Warp, Rescue and good offense. I don't believe she's a better first pick than Pent though, considering that she didn't become useful until after he had joined.

Fiora B: 160 W: 90

Level  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
18/20  51^ 22  25* 27  20^ 14  23

Flying utility was as good as ever. Plus she had great offense once she got some experience under her belt. It's unfortunate she can't carry unpromoted Hector. She was MVP of the late mid-game chapters.

Rath B: 128 W: 65

Level  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
16/20  51  24  18  24  11  16  14

He greatly exceeded my expectations, thanks to his Hector Mode stats. His strength and speed rose pretty quickly, letting him contribute very well offensively. Also, he could carry promoted Hector. He was even able to damage the Dragon. I would definitely draft him again.

Hawkeye B: 91 W: 57

Level  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
--/20  54  22  22  15  17  15  17

Unfortunately, Hector's speed didn't keep up, so he wasn't able to get his hands on the Speedwings. Nevertheless, he was still a very useful pick, helping out tremendously once he joined. He even killed Vaida in Chapter 26 so I could buy Killer Weapons.


Level  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Not recruited

I know you shouldn't expect much from the last pick, but Geitz takes it to a new extreme.

Harken B: 56 W: 47

Level  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
--/20  48  23  23  23  14  18  14

Harken was not a good third pick, due to his bad availability and costing me four turns to recruit. I should have taken Isadora third and gotten him next pick. Still, he was good when he was around, I suppose.


Level  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
  01  14  00  00  12  10  05  04

He helped a little in the Final Chapter, and he let me one-turn Chapter 32x while repairing Warp. That's it, really.

Athos B: 6 W: 5

Level  HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
--/20  40  30* 24  20  25  20* 28

MVP of the Final Chapter thanks to Luna, and he even got in a use of Warp on the first turn.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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