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FE9 Efficiency Playlog


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Chapter 17

Part 3

10/84 Turns

Another long defend chapter. This video was from my first attempt, not the one where I cleared 17-2 in 2 turns. I could record it again but it's just a defend chapter, and I don't feel like waiting 6 hours for it to upload.

Part 4

1/85 Turns

722 BEXP

Enemy Phase has to play out here due to the positioning set up for 17-2. Marcia needs 3 shoves this time to reach Oliver.

3:54- Marcia has 80 display hit on Oliver with the Short Spear. She pretty much broke the thing in this chapter, but with forged Javelins coming up, that's not a concern.

Unit      Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Support
Ike        1.00  44  18   7  18  19  13  16   9  B Oscar, B Titania 
Titania    9.22  40  16   5  18  18  15  14  10  B Ike, C Boyd
Oscar      3.81  41  18   6  19  21  10  16   8  B Ike, B Kieran
Boyd      18.73  40  17   0  13  16   9   9   3  C Titania, C Mist
Marcia     8.40  38  23   6  21  24  13  17  16  C Kieran
Kieran     3.37  40  19   4  17  20  10  16   6  B Oscar, C Marcia
Astrid    13.26  26  11   4  13  16   8   8   6
Lethe      3.28  34  12   4  10  12  15   9   7
Mordecai   2.23  41  15   2   8   8  10  13   4  C Mist
Muarim     9.16  45  16   4  13  15  11  12   5
Rhys       9.54  24   0  13  10   6  11   1  17
Mist       3.21  17   2   6   5   8   7   2   8  C Mordecai, C Boyd

Edited by Gergeshwan
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I went back and redid chapter 17 in order to cut a turn off 17-2. The new videos were added to the old posts. I didn't record 17-3 because it doesn't matter anyway and due to the time it would take to record and upload.

Edited by Gergeshwan
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