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What's your favorite console?

Who's your most favourite villain of all time?

Yeah, FE4 is quite dark and tragic compared to other FEs (there's also the child hunts that add to the dark feel). However, I found it didn't do a good job in getting you attached to the characters, since the story was more political than personal, but it may be just me.

On my student council t-shirt, I put my name as Randoman, because of all the ridiculous things I'd do in Student Council, like punching microphones during speeches and bleeding from the punch afterwards, singing campaigning lyrics to Kirby music, running flour blowing contests at pep rallies, running jello eating contests, among other very random things. I was thinking of having my name as Evastio, since that's a really cool sounding name that I used a lot online, but I thought that people here would hate me a lot for my FE4 hate (which had a really big fanbase back in the day) and that I'd be tainting the name Evastio since so many people would associate it as bad, so I stuck with the less cool Randoman.

That's hard, um...The first one that came to mind is N of Pokemon fame. He's actually a nice guy. Absolutely love his eccentricity and character development. I really like his character design too.

Wow, I wish I had such an interesting story behind my username. I simply make up names by smashing letters and syllable together until I like the result.

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Favorite platformer?(single game)

Preferred way of calming down after something angers you?

I watch an LP from entertaining guys like the Super Gaming Bros. or BrainScratchComms. I used to watch Game Grumps too, but...yeah.

Anyway, I also listen to this: [Link]

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Besides FE, are there any games or characters you think get hated too much and are underrated?

I guess currently, it's New Super Mario Bros. U, for being a multiplayer co-op game, having really dynamic and hectic level design, and for having a really nice balance in difficulty (the hazards and enemy density is quite hectic compared to previous Mario games, but you're always given enough heads up about them).

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What kind of music do you listen to, Interest?

Does saying I listen to VGM count or do I have to be more specific genre-wise? Because I pretty much enjoy all sorts of VGM ranging from chiptunes to orchestral pieces.

What brings you to here? =)

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So what's your favorite color, Interest?

(What does VMG stand for?...I do not like how everyone likes to abbreviate so much.)

Why did you join this game?

At first, I just wanted to ask a specific person a specific question, but then I was like "Why not just join?" Poof, here I am now.

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So what's your favorite color, Interest?

(What does VGM stand for?...I do not like how everyone likes to abbreviate so much.)

It stands for "Video Game Music." It's a broad genre of well...music from video games. My favorite color is... (50,000) Shades of Grey...(or Silver, as reflected by the hair color answer ;D).

What motivated you to write fanfictions?

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What country are you from?

Besides FE, are there any games or characters you think get hated too much and are underrated?

Custom Robo, my favorite game of all time that gets NO new entries in its series anymore because the company is a bunch of lazy bastards. 6/10, Ign? Burn in hell, you assholes. /rant

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To be honest I'm not a big fan of it because I don't like minty tastes. I'm fine with it compared to others though (bleck black licorice).

That gif is hilarious, btw. Do you actually enjoy cannabis culture?

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For you, what is the best hair color for Cynthia?

To be honest I'm not a big fan of it because I don't like minty tastes. I'm fine with it compared to others though (bleck black licorice).

That gif is hilarious, btw. Do you actually enjoy cannabis culture?

Nope. Drugs will make my brain look like blue cheese. Gonna go do homwork now, answers may come late.

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Would you reccomend Genealogy of the Holy War?

Depends on what content I'm looking for but in general? HCBailly.

Lemme clarify ze question. Do you like jokes related to 420, swagyolo, etc? =)

Yessir. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSgb35PBdS4 <- this kinda stuff cracks me up (pun fully intended). Gonna leave for a while, answers will be late again :Kappa:

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