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What kind of women do you prefer, looks wise?

Favorite spot to vacation to?

I don't like taking vacations out of the city (since my house has got everything I need), but if I had to mention one place, New York, I guess? Nintendo World was really awesome and finally seeing New York for myself (with all the towering buildings and the huge crowds) instead of seeing it in movies was really awesome.

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Long straight hair, pretty/cute face, (yeah, I know, those two are the same as yours) sincere smile, not disgustingly fat or bone skinny.

What upcoming games are you most looking forward to (even if they're on consoles you don't own).

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Favorite Fire Emblem boss theme?

Would I get killed if I said "Powerful Foe?"

Because even after playing other FE games I still like that one the most...

Name of the corporation you hate the most?

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Funny, gentle, and trustworthy.

Also, Interest, which one is Powerful Foe?

Favorite Spear using class?

[spoiler=This one]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJCm1FAJigI

Favorite song, or one you find yourself listening to a lot?

[spoiler=This one (or variations of it)]

[spoiler=Or maybe this one]

^Thing you like most about Serene's?

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Tough, but I'd say...a more recent one...

[spoiler=Yeah, really]

It's really a toss-up between both the Golden Sun: Dark Dawn basic boss themes. They were, in my opinion, far superior to the GBA basic boss themes (and are also barely superior to the non-adept boss themes such as Colosso/Briggs).

How about you?

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The battle theme of the Colosso Warriors from the original Golden Sun. <3 Would you happen to have a link to the song, by any chance?

Favorite Golden Sun character?

[spoiler=Pretty boss-ass bass]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZInCKpTIyQ

I would say Dark Dawn Issac (and ONLY Dark Dawn Issac, I wasn't a fan of his younger version by comparison). However, this is tied with Sveta.

Do you think we'll have a Golden Sun 4 (hopefully not in five years)?

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I don't think most of my favorite RPG bosses would be good fodder for the FE series, but I could see Kefka as a trickster and that'd probably be fun.

Which series would you want to see cross over with FE?

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Have you played Dissidia before? If you have, have at least heard of it, or seen gameplay of it, what do you think of it?

Favorite character from FFVI?

Either Locke (for his tragic past with Rachel and his nice, friendly personality), Edgar (for his humour, cleverness, and reliability), or Cyan (for his really tragic story of his whole kingdom dying and him managing to keep his strong personality despite that). I can't really pick between the three.

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No. It doesn't seem like the kind of game that I could get into. I don't like modern war games in general.

What game genres don't you like?

FPS, Sports (if that is even considered a genre).

Do you even lift? Meme that you hate the most?

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Through Shadow Dragon, I had watched a playthrough RD before though.

What about you?

Like most Americans, my first introduction was with Blazing Sword after playing Melee although I could never get my hands on it to play it. The first game in the series I bought was Path of Radiance. It snowballed from there.

Least favorite FE class?

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Sniper. Bias is colored by the stupidly redundant skill of redundancy that they get in Sacred Stones (autohit while the class has highest possible max skill? WHY THE HELL NOT). I also hate bowlock in general.


Falcoknights. I'd rather have a wyvern rider or, more recently, a dark flier.

If you were in a FE game, which class would you want to be?

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Now I shall shoot this question at Interest.

Tough, but I'd say B- Dread Fighter. Dose proficiencies...Sorc, Wyvern Lord, and a couple others are close.

What do you use your internet for besides coming here? =P

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