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^Ever used PKHack?

What video game would you like to live in?

Even though someone else already answered, it's my duty to give an additional answer.

Much fun as it would be to live in an action style world, I'm absolutely pathetic when it comes to athletics and combat. I could, say, battle with little robots through Custom Robos (can't remember name) or Gotcha Force Borgs or lead Pikmin, but otherwise I'm probably more suited to living in Animal Crossing. . .

Or, y'know, I could go with the "Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman!" World and laugh at human heroes marching to their underground doom. :P:

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Coolest thing you've ever done?

^ Why did you join SF?

If memory serves, this was the "Favorite non-lord character" question.

There are way too many (really, I like the supporting characters more than the main lords most of the time). But for the sake of answering the question, Lex.

I just thought eh, why not, and did it anyways since I visited the site a lot

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Favourite Konami game series?

That's between Silent Hill and Suikoden for me. I love them both but I'll have to give it to Silent Hill as I've played more of the games rather than just Suikoden 1 and 3.

Do you enjoy open-world games over linear/non-exploration based games?

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Coolest thing you've ever done?

That's between Silent Hill and Suikoden for me. I love them both but I'll have to give it to Silent Hill as I've played more of the games rather than just Suikoden 1 and 3.

Do you enjoy open-world games over linear/non-exploration based games?

Absolutely! That thought alone makes me wish FE 2 was remade just for that feature.

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Do you plan on keeping contact with high school friends after you graduate?

Also, since you didn't read back at all those posts in the "Last to Post" thread, I'll say it here: it meant a lot to me that you drew that picture for me when I said that I felt envious that you got a drawing for your birthday. I mean, I didn't even officially ask, yet you did that for me as a suprise gift.

Coolest thing you've ever done?

Probably doing blood donations ever since Grade 12.

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Do you plan on keeping contact with high school friends after you graduate?

I would like to, yeah. I've been to two different high schools so I have two friend groups and as a result, I know it'll be much harder to keep in touch with all of them but I've heard from a few over the summer and I think I'll do my best to keep in contact with as many of the ones I really like as I can. With the internet, it should be pretty easy but you never know.

Favorite Mario game?

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FE game you've played and like the least?

Do you plan on keeping contact with high school friends after you graduate?

Also, since you didn't read back at all those posts in the "Last to Post" thread, I'll say it here: it meant a lot to me that you drew that picture for me when I said that I felt envious that you got a drawing for your birthday. I mean, I didn't even officially ask, yet you did that for me as a suprise gift.

I'd like to, yeah.

Hehe~. I just felt bad. It's not often that someone says they're envious of me for anything. ^^;

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FE game you've played and like the least?

So far I still haven't played too many of them but I really don't like Blazing Sword. I keep trying to play further into the story but my interest in it disintegrates very, very quickly. Otherwise I've loved the others I've played fully and can't single them out to be my least favorite.

Favorite method of transportation?

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Who's your favorite author?

I'll say Philip K. Dick because I love all of the things I've read by him and his style is nice. I know there are several other authors I like that could fit this bill but he's the one that always comes to mind when I get asked this question, so it must be for a reason.

You liked Awakening the least, but did you like any characters from it?

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What is your favorite dessert?

You liked Awakening the least, but did you like any characters from it?

Yes not including the bonus teams. Say'ri, Phila, and Old Hubba (the old man is freakin' amazing)

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Favorite kind of cake?

Awakening, but I think you already knew that ;P

Tossing that question right back at ya, Crizzie.

Also Awakening, but you also knew that. :P

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If you were to cosplay as a character at an anime/comic/video game convention, who would you cosplay as? Disregard the specific kind of convention it is among the ones I listed and just focus on the character you want to dress up as. Eg: so you can cosplay as a game character at an anime convention, an anime character at a comic convention, etc. Also disregard how hard or cumbersome it'd be to wear the costume.

I would like to, yeah. I've been to two different high schools so I have two friend groups and as a result, I know it'll be much harder to keep in touch with all of them but I've heard from a few over the summer and I think I'll do my best to keep in contact with as many of the ones I really like as I can. With the internet, it should be pretty easy but you never know.

Favorite Mario game?

I can't really bring it down to one specific game, since Mario practically encompasses every genre (even FPS with Yoshi's Safari). New Super Mario Bros. U, Mario Kart Wii, and Super Mario Galaxy come to mind.

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If you were to cosplay as a character at an anime/comic/video game convention, who would you cosplay as? Disregard the specific kind of convention it is among the ones I listed and just focus on the character you want to dress up as. Eg: so you can cosplay as a game character at an anime convention, an anime character at a comic convention, etc. Also disregard how hard or cumbersome it'd be to wear the costume.

For anime, it'd be Japan from Hetalia. For a video game, I'd be Olivia from Awakening, yeah. They both fit my personality, lolol.

I'm gonna shoot your question right back at you.

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If you were to learn how to use a medievil weapon in real life, what weapon would it be?

For a video game, I'd be Olivia from Awakening, yeah. They both fit my personality, lolol.

I'm gonna shoot your question right back at you.

Huh? You'd really be okay with wearing something that revealing? I thought you'd be too shy for that.

Well, I already dressed up as Marth a month ago (I even showed you the photos). But if I had to dress up as someone else disregarding how hard the costume would be to make, Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV and Max from Bomberman come to mind.

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