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What is the best question you have heard?

On this thread? I don't know, I don't remember all I've been asked. IRL the best would have to be "What is the hardest thing you've done in your life?" which I was asked by a couple people for some sort of video project. I said "[insert teacher's name and class here]." Little did I know this was part of a presentation for a school assembly and [insert teachers name here] sat right behind me during that assembly.

What is your best school memory?

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Are there any foods that you particularly aren't fond of?

Do you consider yourself a sheltered person?

To an extent, but I'm a lot less sheltered now yet I insist on holding back on things I were told were wrong as a kid like drinking, going to bars, and drugs.

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What is yours?

Probably when I one the school's poetry contest, it's when I first got recognition for my writing.

If a Konami rep is still going to be in Super Smash Bros, do you think it'd still be Snake, another Metal Gear character or perhaps a Castlevania character?

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Hope you don't mind me asking for a more specific answer, but what foods don't you like? Squid, pacbet (a Filipino dish that combines squash and shrimp, which I find a gross combination), and bitter melon are some of my personal unfavourites.

If a Konami rep is still going to be in Super Smash Bros, do you think it'd still be Snake, another Metal Gear character or perhaps a Castlevania character?

I'm starting to buy into the "Pokemon Trainer, Snake, and R.O.B. being cut" rumour (especially since it correlates with the "48 characters and 4 cuts rumour" with Ivysaur and Squirtle being heavily implied to be cut, leaving Snake and R.O.B. as the other two cuts), so I don't think there'll be any Konami characters in SSB4.

Though plausible rumours aside, I'm thinking Sakurai would likely keep Snake over putting in another Konami character (though I really feel like Bomberman would be the most fitting Konami character to add, with Simon Belmont quite close to him. Hudson Soft became part of Konami so Bomberman is technically Konami now).

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What are you anticipating the most for the next ten years?

I'm looking forward to getting into university, I hope I do well, although I don't feel quite prepared. I also am anticipating my first published book, when I get to it. I should really start writing something now rather than later. On a lesser scale, I'm looking forward to a Wii U Zelda and/or Metroid.

Why are you wondering?

Edited by Knight
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Have you thought about going to college rather than university? I'm not discouraging you or anything. It's just that I personally should've went to college in the first place and not university (since I did quite badly in university, yet in college I did really well), and I don't want you potentially making that same mistake.

Why do you ask?

I felt that just saying "yes" to having any foods you disliked wasn't really a complete answer. As for why I asked the question before that, it was the question that came to me at the time, since I ask a lot of personality related questions to you and I don't ask many preference questions and I wanted to switch it up (well, at least I think I ask you more personality questions than preference questions).

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Have you thought about going to college rather than university? I'm not discouraging you or anything. It's just that I personally should've went to college in the first place and not university (since I did quite badly in university, yet in college I did really well), and I don't want you potentially making that same mistake.

I have never really put too much thought into college and I may regret that, but I don't think college is where I want to be. My main goal in life is to be a writer, and I'm probably a little (or way too) optimistic towards that goal, I figured university would be the place to go. I also plan to do stuff in education, become a teacher, but I still don't really have a good grasp on my future. I worry about the future quite a bit, it almost stresses me out.

What do you do as a career?

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How do you personally think you'd do if you were to become a game designer? (you can pick which specific fields you'd take on and which fields you'd want others to do for you. For example, you could choose to do character and level design while you could get someone else to do music and programming)

What do you do as a career?

Stuffing cabinet doors and drawers in cardboard boxes and sorting them out to the proper carts. =/

I graduated from Building/CAD Design from college though (making building blueprints and plans on computer), and I hope to eventually get a job in that field.

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Did you spend time with your family for the Easter holiday, if you celebrate that day?

Favourite Anime?

Hmm... I can't say I have one. Does an OVA count? I really love the Tales of Symphonia OVA.

Whatever you look for in others. If you look for romantic interest first, then go with that angle.

Answer it how you like.

I like people who are kind and respect others.

Edited by Gemma
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How do you personally think you'd do if you were to become a game designer? (you can pick which specific fields you'd take on and which fields you'd want others to do for you. For example, you could choose to do character and level design while you could get someone else to do music and programming)

I'm much more of the story and idea kind of person, I have come up with unique ideas for video games and stories, but it'd be better if things like art, music and programming were done by someone else as I have no knowledge of how to do that. Working on the creative aspects of a video game would be awesome and I'd love to do that, but until then I'll just write stories.

What is your favourite Greek god?

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Very awkward

Do you like most of my themes?

Also whoever asked me a question last time can post it again I guess. I barely come here doe.

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What is the origin of your username?

How bad is the winter where you live?

They're pretty rough. I live in the north east and the winter tends to begin in October and lasts until May. We get several feet of snow, up to a foot on any given day. The harshest temperatures are usually around -55 C and you see those kind of temperatures often in the months of December through February and sometimes earlier or later.

Edited by Viviphy
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What is your most pronounced quirk?

I don't believe in such a thing.

What are your hobbies?

Coding, talking to people, watching things, reading things. I game sometimes, but minimally.

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What is the origin of your username?

This username is just of a character I like from an anime, my original username is a nickname I got when I was like 12 or something and it stuck.

Who is your avatar?

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