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Idk i like splatter and violence but i have never harmed anyone besides me

maybe it is because i hate everything and everyone but mostly me

or maybe it is because to let people that hate me experience pleasure by seeing me sufferung, so that they think"this guy will never appear again" or "that guy deserved it"

Really, i don't know

why the peace?

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What is the biggest lie you have told?

How far would you keep up a lie that protects yourself, but hurts others? Or does it depend on the people it affects?

It does depend. I would go to a lot of lengths to keep up a lie if the cost of it getting out were great, but I would not harm people I care about for it.

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Flare is obsessed with introspection and self-pity. He lacks a reason to look outwards and lives his life in his own head. His ideas of the world and himself are warped because of it. He has yet to recognize that hate is not the opposite of love. His existential crisis will end when he finds out what he wants.

Do you think I am being too harsh?

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It can be. Not always. There is a difference between thinking and worrying, analysis and judgment. Too much judgment is bad. It creates misery. Too much analysis is just waste of energy with no negative effects.

What personality would you want?

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In a way, yes, but it was not my true self and was depressed at the time. I was wallowing in it.

A glass of water is spilled over on a table. What happened?

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Probably ESFJ/ESFP as i don't see any difference between what judging and percieving does since judging comes after percieving, being one process

Fun Fact: the last time i took the test i was INTJ, it was a different website though and about one week ago

Also some of the questions i cannot answer just because of lack of vocabulary knowledge or misinterpreting words

Could you explain me the difference between judging and percieving as i don't seem to know the difference?

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This fourth preference pair describes how you like to live your outer life--what are the behaviors others tend to see? Do you prefer a more structured and decided lifestyle (Judging) or a more flexible and adaptable lifestyle (Perceiving)? This preference may also be thought of as your orientation to the outer world.


  • Often appear planned and organised in their daily routines.
  • Planned and organised.
  • Feel supported by structure, guidelines and standardised methods.
  • Dislike surprises and last minute changes.
  • May gain satisfaction from ticking off completed tasks on a list.
  • Often complete projects in a step-by-step, fashion, and in advance of the deadline.
  • Often appear to have no plan of action and act on spontaneity.
  • Flexible and adaptable.
  • Enjoy freedom and variety. Resist or fight against structure, rules, plans etc.
  • Enjoy surprises and last minute changes.
  • May also use lists. Will probably add to, continually alter or lose the list altogether.
  • Often leave projects until the very last minute, thriving on the frenetic activity that is needed.

Which are you more like?

Edited by Makaze
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Oh, someone knocked it over. If it was anyone else, I would consider that person a fool/not careful. But, it was myself who knocked it over.

That's usually the case at least.

Makaze, I'm going to have to steal that questionnare.

Flare, answer with the first thing that comes to mind.

Imagine you're walking in a forest. Describe the forest.

Watching, sinister, dark, threat, eclipse, lonely, alone, relaxed, comfort, joy, careless, murder, death

did i right?

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Like a cup, if you mean a Standart cup, then a mixture between barrel and an upside down cone which pit was cut off, it is cupped from the surface wise bigger upside and has ground on the surface wise smaller downside, both surfaces show a circle if looked from above, when looked from the side it looks like a parabola which middle was cut off, on its side it has a half circle with its outline having volumina/surface, sticking out of it

you could also mean a mug which is basically the same but it is a barrel 3d wise , 2d wise a rectangle or square with a half circle whose outline has volumina/surface, sticking out of the bareel/rectangle/saquare

If i am alone and i am allowed or told to do anything stated in here:

Ignore it if i am not bored, Stare at it when being bored, pour milk or juice or any imaginable liquid in it before drinking and after washing after checking out if being dirty which turned out to be positive in this case resulting in washing it before pouring juice/milk/whatever liquid in it before drinking it before placing it back or intovthe dishwasher if it was my cup (or if allowed) under the circumstances that any of the items exist in near the cup, overpour the fluid , break it when i am allowed or told to and kill myself with its shards.

of course there are further possibilities but idk what i would do with it, it would depend on the situation

what was the intention behind this?

what would you do?

Edited by Flare
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Ohhh so that it is ok i got it, i already thought you did something like this but i did not expect it to be like a story telling thingy

Its very... watery, seethrough and liquid if it is pure H2O

it could be greenish to blueish to brownish though it depends what in it is

Since i don't know the amounts of water or where the water is, may it be a waterfall or a simple puddle or where to cross be it border between life and death or that beyond the water is the end of the forest

since cross means also making an X in it it is also a possibility

I go though/over it, if it is small enough, i am allowed to and it wont harm me while doing so

I swim through it if it won't harm me in the future and i am allowed and able to swim and swim through it

I go around it if not

i fly over it if i am able, allowed and unharmed after that action

i build a bridge if having resources and knowledge and enough time and the allowance etc

i drown myself in it if it is the border between life and death and this being the only way possible to cross it

Strike through/cross it with anything i am able to do so

I wait until it is no more there and cross if i am able to wait long enough

... really i could continue that list until universe is dead

can you explain how i should even answer the questions?!?!?

am i able to imagine the scenario myself?!?!

Should i question it?

there is more questions but you probably know that i don't understand how to answer tese questions, i know what to but there are so many possibilities how the situation could be that i just cannot describe exept the situation is more detailed and i know whatvto do

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