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What is the least important emotion, and why?

What were your role models like when you were younger?

The chosen ones were adults who wanted to be kids again. They became youth leaders because they were having a mid life crisis or something like that. The ones I chose were my friends. They were rebellious and free thinking. Showed me new ways to look at things.

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Nope! My sign fits me extraordinarily well. I didn't even know my sign or what it meant until two years ago. It fits like a glove. Chinese too (Monkey).

What about yours? Do you think there is any basis for them?

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That some coins are designed with the head facing the East to symbolize facing the rising sun.

What about you?

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@shezzy: I prefer extroversion. I think it is easier to manage extroversion than intro version, where it might be more difficult for an introvert to break out and take positions better suited for more extroverted types.

If saving yourself meant erasing your memories of the people you love the most, would you do it?

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Yes. I can make new memories. Damned if I do, damned if I don't. May as well take the chance.

If you had to lose all but one memory, what memory would you keep?

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What memories would you want to lose, and why?

@Makaze- for me it is hatred. I don't get why hating someone can help you in life. (And, before you ask, I do hate a couple of people (ergo I'm a hypocrite). But I don't want to hate them. :( I want to be one of those people that doesn't hate others, but I have still got a long way to go before I can achieve that..)

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If you had to lose all but one memory, what memory would you keep?

I would aim to keep whatever memory will help me most to move on after losing everything else. I don't think it will something family related, as that would probably add to fustrations for trying to remember a family I don't recognize anymore. I don't think it will be something about where I have lived, either. May be something related to faith.

If you had to take an important memory from some one, what memory would that be? Why?

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What was the saddest story (can be any fiction) you have ever seen/read/played?

What memories would you want to lose, and why?

Memories of embarrassments that had no bearing on my life.

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Depends on the situation. I (try to) diffuse it with humour most of the time. It's more embarrassing after the fact than during.

What about you?

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If you could have dinner with any person from history, WHAT WOULD YOU EAT?

i'd eat fried ice cream.


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Why do you like Pichu so much?

I eventually accept it as an experience that shaped me. Though, until I reach that point, I too try to diffuse it with humor, but almost 100% of the time to no avail.

What's your pokemon typing?

I don't.

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Do you think that we'll ever find the "Answer to The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything"? If so, how long will it be before we find it? If not, why?

@Xyr- I would take a horrible memory from someone that I cared for, as I don't want them to suffer.

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@Shezzy: I see a lot of sad stories in games and books I read, certainly irl. In games, the death of Zack in CC:FFVII was pretty hard even though everyone knew going in how it would end. Aerith is also apparently the biggest death in all FF. In real life there are always terrible stories. I once heard of this one single mother of 3 young kids who had terminal cancer; stuff like that just hits you, and is really everywhere. The world does not lack from misery and pain.

What do you like most about this thread?

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What is your greatest fear?

Do you think that we'll ever find the "Answer to The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything"? If so, how long will it be before we find it? If not, why?

Nope. No matter how much you know, you cannot know that there is nothing more to know. There is always, always room for doubt.

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What is that story for?

What is your greatest fear?

Nope. No matter how much you know, you cannot know that there is nothing more to know. There is always, always room for doubt.

Hmm...car accidents. Or rather, being in one.

But I thought the answer was 42

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Not bad. Not bad at all. Only complaint is the slight lack of development of the twist. Need James to be more personable. Quote him more.

What is your greatest ambition?

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So, do you play MMORPGS?

I don't at the momment. I'm hoping to get into Final Fantasy 14 some time soon, but I'm not sure.

If you got lost on a forest, desert, deserted island, etc, do you think you could survive, assuming no outside help arrives for a year?

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Do you play any sports?

Not bad. Not bad at all. Only complaint is the slight lack of development of the twist. Need James to be more personable. Quote him more.

What is your greatest ambition?

I'll remember that for next time.

My greatest ambition...I think I'm still looking for that one.

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I dont like HHH

i think you are basically fucked if you made a bad impression once or did something awful

its too social

and if you don't know anyone, you have bad chances getting along with others

especially when you did do something awful

also you will be often ignored if you are not interesting or have no clue of whats going on

when you could have a power, what would it be?

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Myers-Briggs personality?

ISFJ - Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. According to that thing, that is. (Though I don't know if I'd put any stock in it.)

@Flare: I take it you're not very social. If so, how come?

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What was the first Fire Emblem game you've played?

I dont like HHH
i think you are basically fucked if you made a bad impression once or did something awful
its too social
and if you don't know anyone, you have bad chances getting along with others
especially when you did do something awful
also you will be often ignored if you are not interesting or have no clue of whats going on

when you could have a power, what would it be?

Ice powers so I can sing "Let It Go" and be all awesome. That or being able to transform into a dragon. Mostly the dragon power.

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