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favorite movie quote?

have you played Tearring Saga?

Idk, I just kinda read and watch stuff. Which is probably not good.

also, I said desert, not dessert.

pft same thing

the gerudo desert

Do you play Adventure Quest Worlds?


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What's your avatar?

@Tristei: He's just the character I can relate with the most in Fire Emblem and he's every thing I'd want in a character. A swordsmen and wearing red. He's one of the main reasons I love Radiant Dawn so much.

Edited by SSbardock84
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Least favourite thing about your favourite seasons?

@Sylveonzoroark- A lot.

I also nearly forgot the question you asked me then- I've been under the weather for the last couple of days (though I'm a lot better now) and I've slept a lot (42 hours of sleep in 3 days) so I have been really out of it.

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Least favourite thing about your favourite seasons?
@Sylveonzoroark- A lot.
I also nearly forgot the question you asked me then- I've been under the weather for the last couple of days (though I'm a lot better now) and I've slept a lot (42 hours of sleep in 3 days) so I have been really out of it.

it's so cold in winter, and it's so wet in spring

get better soon :c

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Favourite thing about your least favourite season?

@Sylveonzoroark- Again, the cold. Plus, getting ill (Winter is my fave season FYI)

Thank you! I'm nearly there, I think. I've only got a cough now- and considering everything my body has been though in the last three days, it's nothing.

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Favorite holiday?

@Trisitei: I like the storyline and a lot of the characters. I wish laguz were in more games, they are awesome even if I don't use them all the time. I also like some features better like bonus experience points and the skills.

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Your opinion on a crossover between Bayonetta and Kid Icarus: Uprising?

@SSbardock84- Christmas or New Year's Day. Considering that both are near to my DOB, I have always had positive memories of the holidays. :D

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