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Have you ever had a cheesesteak?

Do you also like Michalis and Maria?

you clearly haven't read my LP

I'm more or less neutral on Michalis. He should have stayed dead in FE12, tho.

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Same question.

Are there any style choices you're not too fond of in terms of things like nose/lip piercings, dyed hair, tattoos, coloured fingernails, etc?

Piercings really freak me out, even ear piercings.
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Favorite kind of sandwich?

@Shinpichu- Both, I guess.

Same question that I asked previously, but with the additional piece of information.

myself: I prefer short hair but I'm too lazy to get it cur regularly so it tends to get long.

on others: Long hair, I suppose, though it's not a huge deal.

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Opinion on Zelda II?

What's the newest game you've played?


I don't know, actually. The most recent game I've aquired and played is Shovel Knight, but that isn't actually that new....

Newest one I've bought is Mario Make but I haven't actually played it yet. >_>

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