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Same question.

@Dwrl- Obviously not hot/spicy foods. I have a huge sweet tooth, especially for chocolate, fudge, caramel, marshmallows and other really sweet things. Savoury food wise- Ramem, Toad in the Hole, Sunday Roast, Dim Sum... I'm a foodie.

Though there are foods that I dislike...

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Same question.

That's a complicated question for me. I can't really eat a lot of things without getting sick and so some of my favorite foods flavor-wise I don't like to eat. The safe answer is poultry though. I like chicken and I like turkey flavor-wise and it doesn't make me terribly ill most of the time so it's probably my favorite foods. I'm a fan of Papa John's pepperoni pizza though the next day I'm completely incapacitated from eating it, it's one of the few things I'm willing to eat in spite of it.

Would you eat a squab?

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How nationalistic/patriotic are you?

Would you buy contraband in Oklahoma? (Keep in mind any fictional work in which somebody is injured or killed in any way is technically contraband)

Why would I be in Oklahoma?

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How nationalistic/patriotic are you?

Why would I be in Oklahoma?

I'm not, as long as I'm left alone more or less I'd live anywhere and I'm certainly not flying any flags or anything.

'Dunno. To buy contraband maybe?

Why would you be in Oklahoma?

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How much do you know about Oklahoma?

No reason to be there.

I know that a school teacher called the cops on an elementary school student for defacing school property when the permanent markers they were required to bring to said teacher's class bled through the paper onto the desk and additionally that they have some weird laws like the aforementioned "disturbing fiction' laws and that legally to use a permanent marker you have to be over 18.

Why not? It's a sweltering land of misery and despair.

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what made you decide to tell your gender?

It seemed safe enough to do so is all, I'll take it down if it turns out I was wrong.

Do you like Samurai Warriors or just specific characters?

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game series' that interest you?

Do you like Samurai Warriors or just specific characters?

I do enjoy the series greatly

yeah the gameplay is as basic as it can be, but always drives me in has been more the story, the characters, and how this huge cast of people interact with each other regardless of their sometimes huge differences in personalities and fighting styles

but if i was to give a few favorites, i'd say i'm fond of Yukimura, Naomasa, Motochika, Kanetsugu, Kojuro, Takatora and oddly enough Hanbei fsr

must be because for better or worse, the kid is just memorable to me

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game series' that interest you?

I like Gears of War except for judgement, I also really like the .hack games even if at times I feel like they could have put more effort into the gameplay.

Story or gameplay which is most important to you if you had to pick one?

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why play the game if i could give less than a crap about the people who's story i'm playing through, ya know?

If I had to pick one I'd pick gameplay, but if a game has a story I like I'll still play it if the gameplay is sub-par so I feel that a game has to hit one aspect or the other at least instead of being mediocre at both.

PC, console, or handheld?

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Favorite cheese?

Cheddar, but if American is counted by your definition then American. (American Cheese isn't actually a cheese)

Do you like Slow Loris in general?

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