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most memorable moments from the times you've played games?

Why that username?

i wanted a new UN because my old one was starting to irritate me

and then Kinumi typo'd the hell out of my name and i thought it was perfect enough for a UN

and that UN being what i'm still using to this day

when i don't feel like doing special themes that is

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Do you play Mario Kart?

most memorable moments from the times you've played games?

There's the time where my roomates and I were playing Mario Kart and we yelled so loud the RAs came and thought someone had gotten hurt

and then they saw we were playing Mario Kart and said "oh I get it now."

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Edit: are you interested in the Genwun Pokemon New 3DS's?

Most annoying sound in the world?

Children crying

or children doing anything, really

Edited by shinpichu
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Same question.

@Shinpichu- I have played Mario Kart in the past (to be specific, DS and 7). I'm not as good as I used to be (I won a ton of online races, I think I defeated a couple of staff ghosts and came 1st in every single cup in all modes) but I'm still fairly decent?

Edited by Irony
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Did you ever collect actual Pokemon cards?

Silliest typo you remember making?

That one time I misspelled Marth as Marht on Smashboards, which ended up inspiring the derp roster. Edited by shinpichu
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