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2 hours ago, Clarine said:

Just how would you describe your personality using three adjectives?

Cautious and unassuming, yet decisive.

What do you think of other trobadours and valkyries throughout the legends and lore? Such as Pricilla once upon a time in our world, or Nanna, L'Arachel, Mist, Maribelle, and Elise in other worlds.

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4 hours ago, henrymidfields said:

What do you think of other trobadours and valkyries throughout the legends and lore? Such as Pricilla once upon a time in our world, or Nanna, L'Arachel, Mist, Maribelle, and Elise in other worlds.

Oh? Very well, I suppose I can state my sentiments regarding such individuals.

I know not much of Priscilla and truly care not for her.
But of course, I cannot recall much of this Nana individual myself. Needless to say, I have nothing to state regarding this matter.
As for L'Arachel, I do recall such a character being unspeakably popular. As for what reasons, I am simply unable to ascertain to the fact if such is due to her humourous dialogue or simply her personality attracting a vocal minority. How... curious. But of course, I find her green hair to be mildly fascinating, if I am to confess.
Do excuse me, for I know not much of this Mist excepting her relations to the ever so popular Ike.
Maribelle is a most excellent individual but I say, her followers and fanatics are... concerning to say the least. I suppose such can also be stated for many characters of this archetype. Oh, of course—we both share the common interest in our parasols.
As for Elise, I wish not to discuss into this any further, lest I wish to state I slightly envy her hair maintenance.

Simply put, most of these characters are not truly important yet I can value many of their aspects. But most importantly, the attention they attract is simply abhorrent, if not disgraceful. I say, it truly vexes me to witness such peasants remarking upon these characters with uncouth and vulgar sentiments or lust.

1 hour ago, Tuvy said:

Why is everything about your profile so sexual?

I, too, wish to ascertain as to why this is. If I am to say, he is a very... venereal individual to say the least.

Might I ask, just how did you discover this website?

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On September 14, 2017 at 2:40 PM, Slade said:

Which FE character resembles your personality the best?

Hm…well, I haven't played anything before FE6 so there may be someone from the really old games who fits better, but from what I've played I'mma go with Henry. His recruitment conversation was one of the best laughs any 3DS game has ever given me(You see, when a mommy zombie and a daddy zombie love each other very much…), and to be honest his personality speaks to me - I don't really take life too seriously and don't really care if I'm taken seriously, so I come across as a troll a lot of the time, but I do actually care about stuff, and I can be rather disturbingly nonchalant if not cheerful about violence(like the time I wrote about a guy found pinned to the wall by his own rib, torn out and jammed through his throat), so yeah, I'm gonna say Henry.

Are there any Fire Emblem characters you've found yourself liking a lot? If so, for what reasons?

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2 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Are there any Fire Emblem characters you've found yourself liking a lot? If so, for what reasons?

No, such characters do not exist. I am not one to grow attached to fictional characters or even real individuals.

If one does not mind me asking, which Fire Emblem characters have you grown attracted to?

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57 minutes ago, Clarine said:

If one does not mind me asking, which Fire Emblem characters have you grown attracted to?

well, it's definitely not clarine anymore, that's for sure

haven't played every fire emblem, but i like

  1. horseback / flying nobility (lachesis, caeda)
  2. fierce myrmidons (ayra, fir)
  3. cute magical grills (linde, tiltyu)

there are more sexamples within these archetypes in every FE, and i'll most likely enjoy their stories if i play those games. actual attraction, however, is reserved for women i meat in real life ;/

kill, marry, spend a night with: rutger, lance, and dieck

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2 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

well, it's definitely not clarine anymore, that's for sure

kill, marry, spend a night with: rutger, lance, and dieck

Wise choice, I was not expecting an individual such as yourself to choose an acceptable answer.

But my word, I simply abhor such a question. I suppose I can spend a night with all three of them, but not in the suggestive way of course. If one truly must know, I am far more fond of Lance in comparison to the other two.

What is your motivation in life?

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On 9/15/2017 at 1:41 AM, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Your questions are always welcome.

Some of my favorite Fire Emblem pieces include Beauty is a Mad Mistress, Praise this Despair, Pride and Arrogance (both Fire Emblem XV),  and Land of Promise (Fire Emblem VIII).

Let's throw the question to someone else! What's your favorite FE music?

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(Please don't let the previous poster have been Clarine, 'cause that'll be plain awkward...)


Hardest question ever... 

Geez, there are so freaking many to pick from. Bern's theme from 7 is really good. I like 'In the Name of Bern' from 6. Battle theme from 7 is great. 'Into the shadow of victory' from 8. Dang...

Wisdom of Ages from 10 is actually probably my most listened to. So I'm going to go with that one.



If you had the ability to turn into a dragon, what color would you be and would you breath fire or some other element?

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Have you ever had a kolache? If so, what do you think of them?

On 9/5/2017 at 10:43 PM, Gemma said:

How do you feel about Camilla beating Lyn?

Not super happy, but I've long since learned to stop giving a shit about Gauntlets.

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2 hours ago, GuardianGrarl said:

If you had the ability to turn into a dragon, what color would you be and would you breath fire or some other element?

midnight blue, and dark lightning. thanks for reminding me of what my post colour should have been, i'd forgotten about it after being away for 2 odd years. profile aesthetic complete :newyears:

do you own a pair of googles

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4 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

midnight blue, and dark lightning. thanks for reminding me of what my post colour should have been, i'd forgotten about it after being away for 2 odd years. profile aesthetic complete :newyears:

do you own a pair of googles

Hey, just here to help. :^_^:


5 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Have you ever had a kolache? If so, what do you think of them?

Not super happy, but I've long since learned to stop giving a shit about Gauntlets.

Can't say I have ever had one, but would love to try some one day.


Who is the hardest boss in Fire Emblem? (Or the boss who gave you the most trouble?)


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12 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

do you ever become impatient with your "help"

Most certainly and I must say, I shall not condone any foolish individuals testing my patience. Needless to say, they managed to train themselves to a competent state most quickly. But of course, you may simply refer to them as what they are, for I was merely attempting to be politically correct.

If you are to be half-human and half of an animal, what might your choice be?

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a unit build in Heroes you're proud to have made?

On 9/14/2017 at 0:13 PM, Gemma said:

Would you say that you have a lot of people in your life who are a positive influence?

I don't know really
most i can say is that the're in the single digits

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2 hours ago, Trisitei said:

a unit build in Heroes you're proud to have made?

I am not one to be proud of things so mediocre. But of course, my best choice may be equipping Clive with a Brave Lance+.

If you are able to change a single event in the past to affect the future, what might it be?

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3 hours ago, GuardianGrarl said:

Who is the hardest boss in Fire Emblem? (Or the boss who gave you the most trouble?)

can't say there are any "castle" bosses that i had trouble with. FE5 probably had the worst on average, due to the capture mechanic

the most dangerous bosses are those that aren't afraid to leave their castle and meat you on the "field;" gharnef and eldigan come to mind. eldigan is probably my final answer because i'm dating serving his sister

a vampire breaches your castle, subdues your guards and asks where you would like to be bitten. what to do?

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What Fire Emblem games have you played?

On 9/14/2017 at 11:53 PM, buttmuncher.ops said:

the dead are rising. what's ur zombie survivaux plan

Firstly acknowledge that despite the awesomeness of weapons and the fact that the dead are literally walking the Earth, my main problem will be food and water. So, I'd bring my family to a grocery store, carrying with us my small collection of swords - after all, the best weapon to fight a slow, unintelligent monster like a zombie is with something silent and deadly, like a sword. I myself would actually attach one of my swords to a long pole to create some sort of spear/naginata.

Once my family has raided the grocery story for a few weeks and depleted the resources, we'll find another store to raid and so forth - simply to try to stay alive until winter comes and goes. After all, I don't think zombies can survive in the cold, and if they can I doubt they can move when their limbs are frozen. So once winter comes and kills them off, we'll continue surviving, looking for more people to join with and re-establish civilization.

And if everyone is evil or psychotic and whatnot, I'll just have to side with the zombies and help bring the end of humanity.

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58 minutes ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

the most dangerous bosses are those that aren't afraid to leave their castle and meat you on the "field;" gharnef and eldigan come to mind. eldigan is probably my final answer because i'm dating serving his sister

a vampire breaches your castle, subdues your guards and asks where you would like to be bitten. what to do?

Are you possibly entertaining the idea of you being worthy of courting Lachesis? Do not make me laugh.

Oh my, a real vampire is to visit my estate? How unusual. If I am to say, immortality would be a most excellent trait to possess so I shall kindly lean to the side and kindly request the vampire to softly bite me by the neck. But of course, I still cannot condone any... indecent acts they might force upon to me. I, for one, know just how typical vampires are.

If I may ask, how do you imagine the future to look like? More specifically, how do you imagine the world in a hundred years?

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On 9/14/2017 at 0:16 PM, Clarine said:

Oh my, such a place does not actually exist. You shall excuse my short and most disappointing answer as this question was answered numerous times.

If I may ask, how do you motivate yourself to stay positive?

I remind myself how many people are looking out for me, criticize my own selfish tendencies, and think on how I can move forward more selflessly.


What is your favorite activity to soon horseback?

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