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v this question.

What game world would you like to live in?

Pokemon, since for all the somewhat horrifying implications of various Pokedex entries, it seems like a pretty safe and stable place to live in if you keep to the cities/towns.

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What game world would you like to live in?

How do you feel about the Tsukihime remake?

I don't really know. It looks alright from what I've seen but I'm not sure it will ever see the light of day.

I do hope they fix some of the more problematic elements with the original story. what's-her-face getting a route would be nice too.

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What TV shows did you enjoy in your childhood?

Edit: that question was actually meant for shinpichu, but I'm also curious in learning Eric's favourite TV shows as a kid.

Have you played Castlevania Chronicles?

Nope. I've never even played any Castlevania games unless you count playing 10 minutes of the first and fourth game.

Edited by Randoman
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Same question.

Favorite game controller?


What TV shows did you enjoy in your childhood?

Edit: that question was actually meant for shinpichu, but I'm also curious in learning Eric's favourite TV shows as a kid.

I'll bite anyhow: I remember watching Blue's clues as a kid. I watched a bunch of Scooby-Doo as well.

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Do you have any personal rules of things you will never do an online search of ever again? (Eg: I once image searched Richard Simmons to make a sig/avatar of him, and that's something I hope I remember never to do again)

@ shinpichu: Popular Mechanics for Kids, Rupert, and Little Bear come to mind.

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something you destroyed by accident in blind rage?

Did you know lemon juice repels spiders?

I believe so

i do remember reading an article about all the things you could do with lemon juice which includes erasing pen ink

i think

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Favorite win quote in a fighting game?

something you destroyed by accident in blind rage?

I broke one of my Xbox 360 controllers one time I lost a match online in UMvC3. I got so mad I threw the controller to the ground and broke it.

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If you could pick one fighting game special move to have irl, what would it be?

What's your dream girl that you'd be getting?

Someone that makes amazing food and beautiful babies

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Same question.

Do you have any personal rules of things you will never do an online search of ever again? (Eg: I once image searched Richard Simmons to make a sig/avatar of him, and that's something I hope I remember never to do again)


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