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Where are your favorite places to go to relax?

I don't leave the house very often so I relax on the couch or the floor, I don't really have a bed right now so those are my only options.

Do you have a candidate you're wanting to win the election, if so and you don't mind to share it whom is it?

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What is paradise?

Anything slow. More painful is worse. Burning alive, probably.

I think it's a cruise line.

Did you know being burnt at the stake probably isn't so bad as one might think? Once the nerve endings are dead at your feet you don't feel the fire and you actually die from asphyxiation from the smoke.

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What do you think is the worst then?

Well Vlad the Impaler used to set people on dulled sticks that would slowly work it's way through them sometimes taking them a week or 2 before they ultimately bled to death on the pike that sound pretty painful. Then there's being drawn and quartered where they'd score your limbs by ripping flesh out and pouring molten lead in the wounds before the horses would rip them off and your torso would then be dragged still alive until you bled out. Finally the Blood Eagle seems pretty painful where they'd cut your back open, pull your ribs out your back and remove your lungs from your body so they're exposed so they can watch you suffocate to death.

What show are you seeing at the matinée?

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How do you feel about public speaking?

I like to think that I'd love my children the same regardless of their gender.

I don't like public and I don't like speaking.

What did you eat today?

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Opinion on the jpeg image format?

What did you eat today?

For breakfast I had pop-tarts, an omelette with ham and cheese, and two biscuits.

For lunch I had pizza and some fruit.

I have not had dinner yet.

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Opinion on the jpeg image format?

I'd rather use a lower color palette png than a jpeg in almost every situation. I also feel that with the advancement in computers the jpeg has outlived it's general usefulness.

Gif, pronounced jiff or gif (gift minus the t)?

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Favorite music artist?

19th/early 20th century or medieval period.

Ronnie James Dio prolly may he r.i.p.:'(

Why are you interested in people's thoughts on the jpeg format?

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What did you have in your tacos tonight?


...If it weren't for the gutter my mind would be homeless. I had a generous portion of meat stuffed in the shell sprinkled with cheddar cheese and dehydrated onions.

Shouldn't you know?

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Do you prefer corn or flour tortillas for tacos?

Shouldn't you know?

I suppose so. I guess I asked you because you're an artsy person, sorta, and I like to see people's opinions in their areas of expertise/interest.

As for Shezy, I guess I was just searching for something to ask him about.

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How would your real life friends describe you, personality-wise?

If I had any real-life friends I'd tell you, but I really don't have any at least not anymore.

Do you have an opinion on Jpegs?

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Do you prefer corn or flour tortillas for tacos?

For reall hires images I don't mind them, but PNGs are better.



Are you aware tacos are life?

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