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Are you a morning person?

Lies and balderdash.

Can you define 'morning'? I tend to sleep during the day when I do sleep so I don't really get up in the morning and it's just another period of time to me.

Are you familiar with the Black Swan Theory?

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What is your favorite of your usernames?

Meant for Shezington surely, but the one I'm using by default, I've considered changing it around here, but I wouldn't know what to change it to as I've used this or my actual name for years and years and I don't really want to use my name here.

I don't care for seafood ergo I don't care for tacos with said seafood.

Why pichus?

Edited by Dwlr
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Edit: Your favorite of your usernames?

Why pichus?

Origin of your username?

It's an oxymoron of sorts. Shin (as in Shin Akuma) + Pichu. An OP character plus the worst character in Smash.
Edited by shinpichu
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Now I am.

Least favorite username?

In general? Any username that includes some form or profanity or an 'attempts' to be clever disguising said profanity.

Why do you say Pichu is over-powered?

Edited by Dwlr
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If you could have any kind of animal ears(or some other head ornament like horns or something), what would you want?

Why do you say Pichu is over-powered?

I don't. Edited by shinpichu
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If you could have any kind of animal ears(or some other head ornament like horns or something), what would you want?

I don't.

I'll take fox ears as long as I can get the tail to go with it, but outside of animals I'd take succubus horns if I could get the wings and tail to go with it. If I can't have the matching set I wouldn't really want anything.

I read it as a comma not a period.

Did you know punctuation saves lives?

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If you could become part of any fictional alien species, what species would you want to become?

What's the weirdest phobia you find understandable? (Eg: clowns, robots, puppets, etc.)

Clowns, I guess.
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If you could have the power to turn into one animal, what animal would you pick?

Maybe a horse, something that could get around long distances fairly quickly and wouldn't be likely to get shot on the spot.

If you have 3000 apples and it is 1000 miles to your destination. Your truck can carry 1000 apples and every mile you must pay a tax of 1 apple when you go towards the destination, but nothing going back the other way, what is the maximum number of apples that can reach the destination?

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If you could be any fictional alien species, what species would you want to be?

If you have 3000 apples and it is 1000 miles to your destination. Your truck can carry 1000 apples and every mile you must pay a tax of 1 apple when you go towards the destination, but nothing going back the other way, what is the maximum number of apples that can reach the destination?

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No. Do you?

I was going to get Roy to see if they were worth anything for smash since I loathe playing online then I got a few as gifts so I have a modest collection at this point that I never intended to have.

Favorite fruit smell?

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Would you rather be a dragon or ride a dragon?

I don't know, honestly. I can't really recall any particular fruit smells of the top of my head.

Do I get to turn back into a person later? If not ride a dragon, if I could transform at will I'd like to terrorize a few villages as a dragon.

How do you like your meat and also how do you like your steak cooked?

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What series' fanbases do you dislike the most?

If you could become part of any fictional alien species, what species would you want to become?

I wouldn't want to take that opportunity up since I feel like it'd backfire on me greatly, but if I had to pick one, I guess I'd pick Kryptonian.

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What series' fanbases do you dislike the most?

Call of Duty, Gears of War, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, and Castlevania.

Did you know your sig image is suffering from quality loss?

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What were some of the very first video games you played as a kid?

Call of Duty, Gears of War, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, and Castlevania.

Did you know your sig image is suffering from quality loss?

I didn't actually. Well, I personally think the quality looks decent enough.

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What were some of the very first video games you played as a kid?

I didn't actually. Well, I personally think the quality looks decent enough.

I beat the Legend of Zelda when I was 2, that seems like it'd be one of the first games I played, but it's hard to say since I have a selective memory, plus I hit my head a lot.

There are much cleaner images of that same scene on the internet if you're interested.

Favorite Flash villain?

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Favorite boss fight(s) in video games?

I can't really think of a specific boss fight I like. Maybe the giant Salmander type boss from Lost Planet 2

Do you own a thesaurus?

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