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Same question.

Five pirates are parting ways after finding a treasure of 100 pieces of gold. The pirates decide to split it based on a vote. Each pirate, from oldest to youngest, gets to propose a plan on how to split the gold.

If at least 50 percent of the other remaining pirates agree on the plan, that is how they will split the gold. If less than 50 percent of the pirates agree, the pirate who came up with the plan will be thrown overboard. Each pirate is smart, greedy, and wants to throw as many others overboard as possible without reducing the amount of gold they get.

What plan can the first (oldest) pirate propose to live and get as much gold as possible?

Hell if I know.
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Why do you ask? Are you into programming?

Favorite feature of JavaScript?

I don't know.

The ability to use it on any device with only a web browser.

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Same question.

Hell if I know.

Same question as in the riddle or same question as in do I like my zodiac sign?

The answer to the riddle is 98-0-1-0-1. By offering a coin to the last pirate and the middle pirate the oldest pirate will get 60% of the vote because the youngest pirate and the middle pirate would otherwise get nothing since if they reject the proposals the middle pirate will end up getting thrown overboard and the youngest pirate will get nothing because the second youngest pirate can give himself all the coins with his singular vote when there are only 2 pirates left.

If the latter it's fine I'm just happy to have an animal sign and not Aquarius or Gemini or something.

How big is your dictionary?

Edited by Dwlr
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Same question as in the riddle or same question as in do I like my zodiac sign?

How big is your dictionary?


I don't own a dictionary. Unless you meant my vocabulary.

Do you like sweet potatoes?

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Do you like sweet potatoes?

No, but in all fairness I don't really care for other kinds of potatoes either.

I'm contemplating closing up shop, there doesn't seem to be that much of an interest (prolly because they're terrible.:'() and I'd hate to leave it open and somebody request something and me not notice it, thoughts?

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If you "closed up shop," would you still stick around here?

I'm contemplating closing up shop, there doesn't seem to be that much of an interest (prolly because they're terrible.:'() and I'd hate to leave it open and somebody request something and me not notice it, thoughts?

Well, it's ultimately your choice but if you really want my opinion...

For me personally, I'd love to get a sig image but I'm not entirely sure what of...also, I notice a lot of users tend to either not use "sig images," or if they do they use official/fanart rather than images like the ones you produce. And those that don't tend to stick to a single image for a longer time, so they don't tend to go looking for new images often.

At least, that's my impression, I dunno if it's accurate or not.

IDK, I'd keep it open, but again it's up to you.

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If you "closed up shop," would you still stick around here?

I'm not sure. I came to slack my boredom and well not a lot of Fire Emblem threads here actually interest me and I'm not really a Nintendo fan anymore so the majority of the other gaming threads that are actually active don't interest me either. I usually just open up a shop anywhere I go to give me something to do on the side, but there isn't really a 'main attraction' for me here. These sort of threads are a mild diversion and the community itself is fine, but I'm just not sure if the forum as a whole is a fit for me. I used to enjoy entering Signatures of the Week on other forums, but the ones I used to frequent became a total popularity contest any time a mod would enter they'd get 90% of the votes and the other times towards the end when they started giving out prizes pretty much every single vote went to somebody on the voters friend list. I mean I didn't really enter them expecting to win or anything like (I'm well aware I suck), but it'd be nice to have a non-rigged vote since some of the other sigs were vastly superior than some of them that one. I recall one entry that was literally an official image with a single c4d set on top and a few gradient maps to slightly change the contrast and color scheme and it won. I really don't know what I want to do to be honest, I feel like I'm in a rut no matter what I do it doesn't hold my attention. :/ Maybe I can talk to a mod or something to set one up here, there seemed to be some expressed interest when Jedi was talking about it, but it seems to have not went anywhere.

Do you know if this forum allows flash elements in a signature? Like roll over events or spliced single image links?

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Would you do a sig for me? :D

Buster Wolf or Power Geyser?

Buster Wolf, I'm still salty from eating Power Geyser over and over (plus it feels more epic, like a Falcon Punch)

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What are you preferences for women, looks-wise? (Eg: long, straight hair, innocent looking face, etc.)

Favorite Flash villain?

I can't really pick between Captain Cold and Reverse Flash. Captain Cold I really like for his "bad guy with restraint" persona, being really calculating and smart, yet still having good deep inside him (especially in regards to protecting his sister and sincerely apologizing to Flash when he thought he was shot when trying to help him out regarding Cold's dad). Reverse Flash, well, I can't really say much without spoiling the biggest secret of season 1. Let's just say I really like how he can be such a good and inspiring person at times completely cruel, cold, and remorseless at other times.

Weather Wizard comes very close though, due to his epic theme song in The Flash (2014) and for being so ruthless of a villain.

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Would you do a sig for me? :D

Of course my shop is open to anybody who want to request something.

I haven't watched the Flash t.v. series quite yet I'm behind in my television watching, so I'm not sure if those have all been in the show or not, but is there any villain that hasn't been shown that you want to make an appearance in the show?

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Favorite rock song?

What are you preferences for women, looks-wise? (Eg: long, straight hair, innocent looking face, etc.)

My favorite women's hairstyle is long with full bangs, and my favorite look is slender with subtle curves, with sharp facial features (especially the chin) and able to pull off a villainess look really well.

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Got ninja'd mid-post.

@ Dwlr: Should I change my sig request to something else? I have a feeling that my current request isn't something you're willing to do (which I'm completely okay with).

@ Gemma: What are your top three favourite game companies?

I haven't watched the Flash t.v. series quite yet I'm behind in my television watching, so I'm not sure if those have all been in the show or not, but is there any villain that hasn't been shown that you want to make an appearance in the show?

Mirror Master and Captain Boomerang come to mind. Though technically, Captain Boomerang has shown up in The Arrow episode where Team Arrow and Team Flash team up to defeat him, but I personally want him to show up in a Flash episode, seeing how she' s a Flash villain and not a Green Arrow villain.

Oh yeah, and let's have Snake hands join Flash (2014)'s list of enemies:


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