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If you could be any appliance Brave Little Toaster style (essentially an appliance that has eyes and can move around and talk, and also has hands and feet if the appliance you choose allows for it), what would you be?

Do you like The Flash or Arrow better?

The Flash. I actually don't watch much of The Arrow (except for the Flash Crossover episodes). I'll admit, the CW version of Green Arrow seems cool enough, but since he's too much like Batman and I feel Batman is really overused and overdone in this day and age, I don't like him as much as other superheroes.

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If you could transform into any animal, what animal would you want to be able to transform in to?

One song that you would want to see a piano cover of?

I don't have a specific song I'd want a cover of, really.

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Opinion on roller coasters?

I like roller coasters, but I avoid the larger ones since I get sick to my stomach on them and the short ride isn't worth being sick the rest of the day.

Have you ever broken the law?

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If you were a mage/had mystical powers, what kind of powers would you want to have/specialize in?

Have you ever broken the law?

I've broken the speed limit and jaywalked before. I've also rear-ended someone.

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If you were a mage/had mystical powers, what kind of powers would you want to have/specialize in?

Necromancy, undead lackeys would be nice.

Do you like Ron Jeremy? (Like the guy not necessarily his work or anything.)

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Are YOU familiar with Ron Jeremy?

I know of him and he seems nice enough from various interviews, but I've not seen any of the films he's famous for. (I've seen him in television and other non-explicit movies) He had the weirdest cameo ever in Ghost Busters, wasn't that a PG movie and to have a porn star just seems strange.

Did you draw your sig?

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If you could revive one extinct animal species, which one would you choose?

I'm not sure what that is.

The German Bulldog.

It's when you take an image remove it's lower jaw and move it up and done to make a sort of crude talking animation.

Favorite type of dithering?

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Do you think that our dreams have significance to our lives?

It's when you take an image remove it's lower jaw and move it up and done to make a sort of crude talking animation.

Favorite type of dithering?

I see. Uh...I guess it's okay.

The only type I know is ordered dithering.

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