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Do you think that our dreams have significance to our lives?

I see. Uh...I guess it's okay.

The only type I know is ordered dithering.

Like dreams when you're sleeping on dreams like aspirations? Dreams from sleeping, no, aspirations, yes.

What is the maximum reasonable height a human could theoretical grow to be?

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Opinion on trains?

Like dreams when you're sleeping on dreams like aspirations? Dreams from sleeping, no, aspirations, yes.

What is the maximum reasonable height a human could theoretical grow to be?

Do you mean without encountering significant health issues? Probably around 7.5 Feet, but I don't really know.

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If taking 100% of the profit of a person's labor is defined as slavery, then at what percent does it stop being slavery?

Why shouldn't you take a date to Olive Garden?

Because I've never been?

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Opinion on trains?

Do you mean without encountering significant health issues? Probably around 7.5 Feet, but I don't really know.

They loud and annoying and I hate them, but they are a cheap form of logistics and thus necessary.

Nah I meant in the way that it's not likely an over-estimated maximum height. The answer is ~15ft conservative estimate, humans are limited by their cartilage and the blood flowing against gravity.

Is an Ape as large as King Kong viable? (That's a 25 ft gorilla)

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Do you have an opinion on the book "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by James Diamond?

If taking 100% of the profit of a person's labor is defined as slavery, then at what percent does it stop being slavery?

Beats me.

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Why these off-the-wall questions?

You shouldn't take a date to Olive Garden because when you're there you're family of course.\

It's mean to be a fun thread right? So why not have a little fun in it?

Also yes King Kong is theoretically possible however he'd be extremely fragile and not the sort of monster as he's portrayed.

What was the last movie you've seen?

Edited by Dwlr
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Are there any game series you've always wanted to play, but couldn't for one reason or another? (Eg: you or your friends didn't have the right console for it, you couldn't find it in any stores, etc.)

If you could transform into any animal, what animal would you want to be able to transform in to?

I actually have no idea. I mean, as a bird I could go to places easily, but I wouldn't be able to carry much (eg: I couldn't fly to work with my backpack). I'd probably chose an animal transformation with the most practicality. I guess in the end that'd be something like an eagle or hawk, so I'll go with that as my answer.

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Opinion on trains?

Are there any game series you've always wanted to play, but couldn't for one reason or another? (Eg: you or your friends didn't have the right console for it, you couldn't find it in any stores, etc.)

Not really, at least at this stage in my life.

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What is the most common recurring theme in your dreams?

Do you have an opinion on the book "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by James Diamond?

Beats me.

Never heard of it.

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Why didn't you answer the question I asked you earlier and answered one meant for me?

They can be annoying.

Because I totally didn't see your post between them. ^_^'

Also I don't have a wide enough breadth of fictional characters to find one that reminds me of myself.

Are you Joe Biden?

Are you excited that Eclipse approved the SotW?

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Have you ever travelled abroad? If so, where to?

What is the most common recurring theme in your dreams?

Hurrying last minute to finish assignments for classes I finished years ago. Edited by shinpichu
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would you go on a cruise?

Did you draw your sig?

yes, the day Lucina was announced for Smash 3DS/WiiU :D

From any of the ASTs or from one of their arrange albums like Best Arrange collection?

any AST~

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Why is the is indomitable?

Because I totally didn't see your post between them. ^_^'

Also I don't have a wide enough breadth of fictional characters to find one that reminds me of myself.

Are you Joe Biden?

Are you excited that Eclipse approved the SotW?

Don't care. This community focuses on sprites instead of graphic art.

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"I believe that the human spirit is indomitable. If you endeavor to achieve, it will happen given enough resolve. It may not be immediate, and often your greater dreams is something you will not achieve within your own lifetime. The effort you put forth to anything transcends yourself, for there is no futility even in death." -Monty Oum

favorite vegetable?

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