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Your definition of slavery?

A state where you, or the products of your own labor, are owned in part or in whole by another. If there exists a law that says I can take 10% of all you produce, then you are my slave. While it may not seem that bad, that is an illusion. The law has created an implicit hierarchy of sovereignty that allowed this to happen. You do not get to decide how much I take. I get to decide that because I am above you. I take 10% from you because I own you. If I wanted to, I could raise it to 20% without your consent. I could raise it to 100%. Whether I am fair or not affects how often you try to escape, but it does not change what you are. Is a slave to a generous master any less a slave? No. While everyone would prefer to have a generous master, a slave is still a slave.

What about you?

Edited by Makaze
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Free will is an oxymoron. Will, by its definition, cannot be free. Without constraints the will cannot pick a direction to go in. It's like water on a perfectly flat surface. It doesn't move without imbalance. There may as well be no will at all.

What makes you say that?

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When did you come to this conclusion?

I believe the common definition of free will is not true free will at all. We can't truly control our thoughts, our feelings, our desires, such things are out of our control, yet they are things that influence our decisions the most. What free will is there if we are really just nothing more than a result of self-conditioning, if all our ideas about ourselves, the concept of 'I' are just a simple product of biology.

Thoughts on this?

The reduction to the physical doesn't account for metaphysical arguments. Arguments from quantum mechanics could introduce the possibility of random events into the mix. This is my progression that makes free will impossible even outside the physical.

  • A being cannot create itself.
  • A being cannot choose its initial attributes. [from 1]
  • A being cannot choose its initial environment or the attributes of that environment. [from 1]
  • A being's first choice must be a reaction to the initial environment based on whether its initial attributes find the environment "good" or "bad".
  • The results of said choice will be fed into memory. Memory becomes a part of the being's attributes.
  • The next choice will be informed by the initial attributes, the memory, and the post-action environment.
  • P(5-6) will repeat for all subsequent choices, using the results from the previous choice to create a feedback loop.
Conclusion: All choices follow directly from initial attributes that a being could not have chosen. Free will cannot exist. [from 1-7] Edited by Makaze
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Have you ever travelled abroad? If so, where to?

Hurrying last minute to finish assignments for classes I finished years ago.

Why yes I have been to a foreign land, a land of mystery and intrigue, a land where it's cheaper to abandon your child at a doctor's office instead of hiring a babysitter (to ensure they get care while you're away), that land, that glorious magical land is Canada. *Fireworks explode in the background while O'Canada hums from all directions with it's haunting patriotic melody.*

You at least control this resource right?

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Do you like breakfast tacos?

silliest thing you've seen?


I guess maybe the derp roster on Smashboards was pretty silly. I dunno if it's the silliest, but I can't think of anything else?

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What do you think of firecrackers?

I don't follow.

I'm not into fireworks for the noise.

It's not much of a wish if you don't become independently wealthy from it while helping others ofcourse.

Do you enjoy chocolate?

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I never said someone was making you do it. You just had to kill someone out of a compulsion. Same question with modifiers.

I'd find some rapist who never got charged. Got one in mind.

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Opinion of eugenics?

I don't have an opinion on it directly, just the methods used in trying to achieve it. The gene pool doesn't really effect me considering I already exist and I'm a bit of a recluse so I don't deal much with other people at least I don't deal with other people without the mediation of an impersonal for of communication so the next generation shouldn't affect me too terribly much.

Opinions on weasels and the people who love them?

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Would you rather have super strength or super speed?

Super speed provided that super speed allows me to open a blackhole that could potentially swallow up the universe, but even if not I'd still probably take super speed to save money on gas and get places more quickly and also the ways you could mess with people.

If you could have a genetically enhanced mutant weevil and could hold the world's supply of cotton hostage what would you demand?

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