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What do you think of people who wear sunglasses indoors?

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In meatspace: basically everyone

On the internet: people full of themselves/unable to consider or accept other people's points of view.

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how do you think Toren feels about you not answering his question?

I'm fighting with my internet today so once again I totally didn't see his post. ;'(

@Toren I have played Ike's Fire Emblems

How little is too little clothing for a person to go out in public. (Not legally in your own opinion and either or both genders)

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How little is too little clothing for a person to go out in public. (Not legally in your own opinion and either or both genders)

I dunno. It depends on the circumstance, I guess. Like, on the time of year and the exact place in public. If you're at/near a beach I think it's okay to wear less clothing than usual, I think.
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v this question.

I dunno. It depends on the circumstance, I guess. Like, on the time of year and the exact place in public. If you're at/near a beach I think it's okay to wear less clothing than usual, I think.

I think as long as long as they're wearing pants it's fine (under innocuous circumstances), I think it should be the individuals choice more than a governing body's choice saying you have to wear at least X or it's indecent exposure. I think actions make the level of exposure more indecent than the clothing or lack there of.

Thoughts on dental implants?

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Opinion on the kids these days?

I try to avoid them so it's pretty low.

Assuming you were going to eat a person 1) Which gender would you prefer? 2) Which body part? 3) How would you cook them?

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Opinion on tipping?

Assuming you were going to eat a person 1) Which gender would you prefer? 2) Which body part? 3) How would you cook them?

1) Maybe male

2) legs

3) deep fried

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Opinion on tipping?

1) Maybe male

2) legs

3) deep fried

I guess it encourages the waiter/waitress to work harder if done properly, but they should be working their hardest anyway as it's their job so it shouldn't be needed. (With adjustment to their hourly)

So just like chicken then?

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What stock fantasy race would you want to be a part of?

When it comes to chicken I prefer white meat. Legs are dark meat.

Vampire if they count if not an Elf.

If you were starving to death on a deserted island with a friend, would you kill and eat them?

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Opinion on this video?

I'd be more likely to let them eat me rather than the other way around.

On the video or the subject? The video seemed to have unfortunate lighting. The subject is what it is I guess.

Do you taste good?

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Do you think that incest should be illegal?

I don't think so, but I don't have much reference for what tastes good or bad wrt human meat.

A conditional no. 1st cousins and closer relationships should have restrictions on having children due to the increased birth defect rate however a child with your second cousin only increases the birth defect rate to the same level as a woman having a child when she is over 40 and considering it's not illegal and not frowned on terribly for an older woman to have a child then at that point there should be no restrictions on their having children. As for closer relationships it's not hurting anybody else if they don't have children so let them do what they want, they can always adopt if they want children without gaining the higher risk for birth defects so it's fine. I for one approve of incest if it makes them happy.

May I have a bite?

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