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What are your thoughts on incest since you asked?

If there are two adults in a consensual relationship I don't see that the government has any reason to interfere or tell them that they can't be in that relationship.

How would you feel if I asked for a bite of you?

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How would you feel if I asked for a bite of you?

That depends on where you want to bite me. ;)

How do you feel about severed deer heads being left in the woods near a park where children play?

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That depends on where you want to bite me. ;)

How do you feel about severed deer heads being left in the woods near a park where children play?

where would you like me to bite?

Not good. They'd stink up the place, and I'd be concerned about possibly attracting dangerous wildlife or disease.

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Favourite contradiction?

I think as long as long as they're wearing pants it's fine (under innocuous circumstances), I think it should be the individuals choice more than a governing body's choice saying you have to wear at least X or it's indecent exposure. I think actions make the level of exposure more indecent than the clothing or lack there of.

Thoughts on dental implants?

Don't care.

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If you could relive yesterday, what would you have done differently?


If you could relive the previous year, what would you have done differently?

I would have learned more.

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Ninjas or pirates?

Not really sure on this one.

Ninja pirates of course. If I had to pick I'd go with pirates though.

If you were a robot would you want to know it?

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How would you react to a crying baby cockroach?


Run and get a big strong man to squish it. You'd save me from it right? ;)

Do you think the government has a cure for cancer and they won't release it to the public because of the money they make off cancer treatments?

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Do you think time travel will ever become a reality?

Run and get a big strong man to squish it. You'd save me from it right? ;)

Do you think the government has a cure for cancer and they won't release it to the public because of the money they make off cancer treatments?


I think that's a possibility.

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Do you think time travel will ever become a reality?

No, and if it did ever happen you'd only ever be able to move forwards not backwards. (special relativity versus absolute relativity that time moves slower as you approach the speed of light and that anything moving slower than the speed of light will not move faster than the speed of light, but that's not really "time travel" by my definition.)

Would you eat a dog?

Edited by Dwlr
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