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Are you more arrogant or more self-loathing?

...lord of the rings again.

Is it worse to be overly arrogant or too self-loathing?

Too self-loathing is worse. You can learn from arrogance by making mistakes, but you won't even risk making mistakes if you're too self-loathing.

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That doesn't seem much a matter of belief...but I don't really know the science well so I can't say.

I'm guessing they'd be around the same size as people on Earth?

Classic book you hated reading?

Well astronauts grow taller when they're in space, but considering nobody has been born in space there's no precedent for a child raised in space, however with the lower gravity they wouldn't be as restricted to a smaller height as their body would weigh less and blood flowing against the force of gravity would have an easier time ergo they should have the capacity to be taller, but that doesn't mean they would be and even at that it doesn't mean they'd ever be able to return to Earth considering how brittle the bones of astronauts become for awhile when they return.

Brave New World, I'd need a gram to give a da** about that book.

Do you believe it's possible or will be possible to inhabit the moon in full time residency?

Edited by Dwlr
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I accidentally a Coke bottle. Is that safe?


You accidentally did what with or to a coke bottle? Or should I ask where you put it.

How do you feel about pie? Is it a good idea?

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How would you feel if someone called you "ma'am?"

You accidentally did what with or to a coke bottle? Or should I ask where you put it.

How do you feel about pie? Is it a good idea?

I accidentally a whole coke bottle!

I like apple pie

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Same question. v

What things about you have always been the same and which have changed significantly?

Things that have always been the same:

  • Need for independence
  • Love for logic
  • Infinite introspection
  • Thirst for knowledge
  • Need to control everything
Things that have changed significantly:
  • Never let myself care about people
  • Justified my behavior through "honesty"
  • Looked down on weak people
  • Had a pessimistic outlook
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How would you feel if someone called you "ma'am?"

I accidentally a whole coke bottle!

I like apple pie


Accidentally a whole coke bottle what? Use your words. C'mon you can do it. I believe in you.

How do you feel about cheeses?

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What's your opinion on MATLAB?

Accidentally a whole coke bottle what? Use your words. C'mon you can do it. I believe in you.

I did do it, tho!

Same question. v


-Being lazy.

-Disliking yard work.

-My tastes in food.


-I think I'm less optimistic that I used to be?

-Less adventurous.

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What's your opinion on MATLAB?

I did do it, tho!

Never used it. Curse you internet.

I'm going to give up and am just going to assume there's a glass shard in your brain.

"What things about you have always been the same and which have changed significantly?"

Same: General disdain of people and general apathy towards most things.

Changed: Eating habits (you don't know how much you miss something when it makes you violently ill all of a sudden)

Do gun kills people?

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All objects kill people. Some by rolling down hills, some by falling over, some by tripping them, some by making contact. The probability of a gun killing someone is dramatically increased when combined with a person. So is the probability of a rock killing someone. The fatality of a particular object can be defined as a function of its probability of killing someone in various scenarios. Guns have a higher probability of killing people in practically all scenarios than rocks do, therefore guns kill people "more than" rocks do. But people kill people in more scenarios often than guns, rocks, or any object, and increase the probability of any object becoming fatal by folds. By this logic, we should outlaw people "more than" we should outlaw guns. Guns do kill people, but that statement is meaningless if you don't draw the line.

What do you think?

Edited by Makaze
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Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?

It's pretty cool, but I've never used it.

Have you?

Only a little...I'm trying to run it on my current machine but every time I try to use it it eats up like 50+% of my CPU.

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What do you think?

I'd say it's mostly the bullets that kill people rather than the guns. To respond to your statement I'd say the force behind the objects is actually doing the killing not the object itself id est in with the rolling boulder it's gravity not the boulder, the guns it's the person behind them etc etc.

Did you know I have 0 idea what to do with your request and have been staring at a blank canvas for hours now?

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Why would you kill someone?

Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?

Only a little...I'm trying to run it on my current machine but every time I try to use it it eats up like 50+% of my CPU.

"The usages are extended from the base meanings of the words, and are consistent with these meanings.

A "park" is a place set aside for a specific purpose.

The English word way is the equivalent of the Latin word via, meaning "road" or "path." Thus a "parkway" is a road (way) through a park. The road is used by cars, thus you can drive on a parkway, that is you can drive on the road (way) through the park.

The term driveway originated as the designation for the place you drive you car into at the house, like from the gate of the farm, or estate, to the house. When you got to the end of the driveway, you would park the car. ("Park," as in the meaning described above, because you are putting the car in the place designated for the car, that is the car park.)

The term driveway was thus established and continued to be used, even when people with tract houses had only a short "way" to drive to the house, so the place where you drive the car into by any house is called a driveway.

It is still consistent with the base meaning and broader usage of the term in that you "drive" into and onto the "way" designated for the car for that dwelling."

I'd say it's mostly the bullets that kill people rather than the guns. To respond to your statement I'd say the force behind the objects is actually doing the killing not the object itself id est in with the rolling boulder it's gravity not the boulder, the guns it's the person behind them etc etc.

"Poison doesn't kill people, interaction between those chemicals and the body does." Should we outlaw momentum/movement? No. Should we outlaw chemistry? No. It all depends on where you draw the -arbitrary- line.

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Did you know I have 0 idea what to do with your request and have been staring at a blank canvas for hours now?

I do now.

Edit: have you watched that YT vid about that kid who allegedly "dreams in code?"

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Are you allergic to anything?

What brought on your interest in coding?

Because my parents both did it(well, my dad does at least) and that's just the direction I've been drifting in most of my life.

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