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Would you consider owning a pet lizard?

What stereotypes fit you the best? (Must pick at least 1.)

Most stereotypes about geeks being introverts.

Also, white people can't dance. Because I can't.

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Why would you kill someone?

"Poison doesn't kill people, interaction between those chemicals and the body does." Should we outlaw momentum/movement? No. Should we outlaw chemistry? No. It all depends on where you draw the -arbitrary- line.

Defense I suppose, self or somebody I care about.

I never said outlaw anything, but if the person behind the gun didn't pull the trigger the bullet wouldn't be shot ergo the gun didn't really kill anybody it was simply used by the person so the person could kill the other person ergo people kill people, in the baser principle objects can't act unless a force acts upon them .'. an object never kills anything it's the force behind the object that does the killing, an object is just a facilitator not a killer.

My internet service is being a pain because of road construction, can you magically fix it?

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How are you posting then?

Defense I suppose, self or somebody I care about.

I never said outlaw anything, but if the person behind the gun didn't pull the trigger the bullet wouldn't be shot ergo the gun didn't really kill anybody it was simply used by the person so the person could kill the other person ergo people kill people, in the baser principle objects can't act unless a force acts upon them .'. an object never kills anything it's the force behind the object that does the killing, an object is just a facilitator not a killer.

My internet service is being a pain because of road construction, can you magically fix it?

That assumes that a person moves without a force acting on them; but a person is just physics and chemistry like any other object. Even in psychology we could go back and say that people don't kill people, childhood trauma kills people. It's completely arbitrary to assume that a person is a self-actuating force. A gun can kill a person if a rock falls on it in just the right way and happen to shoot someone even without a person causing it. It is possible. Therefore every single object kills people, and since people are objects the same logic applies.

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What faction in FE would you like to see get an SF emblem next? (like the Fates and G Merc ones)


...I don't know, really. I think I fit most stereotypes about me pretty well. I can't think of any that I don't fit, to be honest.

My internet service is being a pain because of road construction, can you magically fix it?

Nope, sorry.

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How are you posting then?

That assumes that a person moves without a force acting on them; but a person is just physics and chemistry like any other object. Even in psychology we could go back and say that people don't kill people, childhood trauma kills people. It's completely arbitrary to assume that a person is a self-actuating force. A gun can kill a person if a rock falls on it in just the right way and happen to shoot someone even without a person causing it. It is possible. Therefore every single object kills people, and since people are objects the same logic applies.

It cuts in and out.

The person still has the choice to pull the trigger or not. Not all children who went through trauma turn out to be murders it's a cop out, people choose to commit the crime regardless of the reason a person controls their own actions.

A gun can't kill something without a force, a force isn't an object by definition, in your scenario with a rock the gun didn't kill anybody, gravity did. Like I said the force behind the object is directly responsible for the deaths inflicted by the object ergo the force kills people, the objects are just facilitators

No offense, but I didn't join this thread for philosophical debates so I'm going to agree to disagree and ignore any further discussion on the matter.

Do you view a glass as half full or half empty? Even though the glass is always completely full.

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Can I do anything to help wiht my request?

Do you view a glass as half full or half empty? Even though the glass is always completely full.

I view the glass as twice as big as it needs to be.

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Can I do anything to help wiht my request?

I view the glass as twice as big as it needs to be.

I'm about as creative as a wrong, that's why I'm a simple image editor and not an 'artist', also why I tend to only do something in photoshop upon requests since 'inspiration' seldom strikes me. I'm not familiar with the character though so some information there might help give an idea of what to do with it though.

Does this help you answer Makaze's question?

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Favorite kind of flower?

I'm about as creative as a wrong, that's why I'm a simple image editor and not an 'artist', also why I tend to only do something in photoshop upon requests since 'inspiration' seldom strikes me. I'm not familiar with the character though so some information there might help give an idea of what to do with it though.


She's a vampire, if that helps. She's also kind of a grappler in Melty Blood.

Does this help you answer Makaze's question?

I'm in class atm so I can't view it, sorry.
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What is paradise?

No opinion.

I refer you to this post as something to try to disprove on your own time.

An idyllic place or state.

It's not a matter of time, time I have, it's a matter of wanting to. 'Debates' on the internet are as pointless as music and further more matters of philosophy are subjective and thus can't be proven right or wrong (I didn't click the link just assuming) so the only way to 'win' is not to play.

Should Shin be on Serenes while in school?

Edited by Dwlr
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Favorite kind of flower?

A black rose, unless you mean to eat then a standard red rose or maybe a peach blossom.

Have you ever ate a flower? (Broccoli is a flower though the florets aren't flowered so I don't really count it.)

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Shinpichu? No. It's a bad habit.

What is idyllic for you?

An idyllic place or state.

It's not a matter of time, time I have, it's a matter of wanting to. 'Debates' on the internet are as pointless as music and further more matters of philosophy are subjective and thus can't be proven right or wrong (I didn't click the link just assuming) so the only way to 'win' is not to play.

Should Shin be on Serenes while in school?

I meant it as a mental exercise. If you can come to a refutation in your own head, that is good enough, even if you never speak it. But it is important to consider it and acknowledge the argument to yourself. When you talk about subjects that depend on free will, you have to be able to justify the thing your discussion depends on. Disproving that post is necessary to discuss anything that depends on free will.

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Do you think the world would be better off if the Greeks had lost the Persian Wars?

Opinion on free will?

Based on my limited understanding of how the universe, it's most likely that it doesn't exist.
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Are you introspective? Why or why not?

Do you think the world would be better off if the Greeks had lost the Persian Wars?

Based on my limited understanding of how the universe, it's most likely that it doesn't exist.

I don't know enough about that to give an informed opinion. It depends on which society would have produced more scientific advancement.

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Opinion on Singing Tesla Coils?

Are you introspective? Why or why not?

Not really, and it's probably because I'm not generally interested in why things work the way that do as much as how they work.
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