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Have you eaten a horseshoe? (Ninja'd but I'll keep the same question anyway and generate confusion.)

Most recent video game you purchased?

Fire Emblem: Fates

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Does the horseshoe sound good or nasty?


As in a literal horseshoe?

Nah, it's a central Illinois thing. It's toast, meat (usually hamburger), french fries, all topped with cheese sauce. It's even got its own wikipedia page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_sandwich

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Most bizarre thing you've eaten?

Does the horseshoe sound good or nasty?

Nah, it's a central Illinois thing. It's toast, meat (usually hamburger), french fries, all topped with cheese sauce. It's even got its own wikipedia page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_sandwich

Sounds good. Reminds me of a Garbage Plate (from Rochester, NY) a little bit.

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Have any fun plans for the summer?

Thoughts on what you've seen about Zelda: Breath of the Wild so far? (if you have any)

I haven't seen much and I'm not really a big Legend of Zelda fan, but it looks interesting. It seems to be more focused on exploring giant maps, which I think is pretty fun.

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What are some of the very first video games you played?

What's your avatar from?

Harrison Wells from The Flash (2014). He's The Flash's mentor, essentially The Flash's answer to Batman's Alfred. Though Wells is significantly more extreme than Alfred.

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Cringiest thing you've witnessed?

Who are your top 5 favourite characters in Samurai Warriors 3?

I think you asked this before


But either way

1. Sanada Yukimura

2. Mori Ranmaru

3. Akechi Mitsuhide

4. Naoe Kanetsugu

5. Ina

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favorite game using a standard 52 card deck?

Plans you have for the summer?

besides a few parties, none

my friends and I are gonna try to go to Galloping Ghost Arcade again though, that will be hype~

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Least favorite FE character.

Most bizarre thing you've eaten?

I used to eat dog biscuits, when I was a kid.

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Opinion on Ests?

@ Rezzy: So what's your opinion/reaction to that video?

They should have used arrows or wind magic.

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What part of The South are you from?

What would you do if you saw a unicorn irl?

I think only a pure maiden can approach them, so I think I'd be out of luck.

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Have you read any of the Oz books?

Do you believe in ghosts?

Not really, I believe there's something of the human essence that remains after death, but not in a way that can really interact with the living.

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What is one life time goal you have?

Opinion on Ests?

Pretty neutral on them for most part, because they join at a time when you pretty much have an army going with most units promoted.

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Same question

What is one life time goal you have?

I'm living the life, after several years of working towards it. My life goal was simple, to have a nice, happy family and have the economic means to support us. In a hundred years, I want to die surrounding by my family, knowing I've left something lasting.

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Opinion of the Magic Weapon Triangle and Dark and Light Magic in FE.

Movie you've watched most recently?

I think it was the Disney Robin Hood movie with my son. The last one in a theater was Captain America: Civil War.

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Favorite movie you've seen recently?

Purely in terms of playstyle, which three fighting game characters would you like to combine into one?

I don't really know, sorry.

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Opinion on the Harry Potter series?

Favorite FE7 character?

Hmm, I like quite a few of them. Nino is one for sure, as well as Fiora, Canas, and Erk.

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