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What is your avatar from?

favorite Mystic arte?

Hubert's Instant Balls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV53cotWAr8

It's supposed to be Broadside Waltz, but it definitely sounds like Hubert's saying "Instant Balls". Have a listen and tell me what you hear. It's my favorite, since I'm so mature.

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most disappointing game

how often do you get hit by instant death spells in games

almost never i did get hit by sheer cold three times in or as so i guess 3 times

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Are there any SF members you want banned? (Don't mention names) If so, how many come to mind?

what do you think of Tokyo Mirage Sessions?

Quite weird and it's a big deviation from what I was expecting from the SMT x FE crossover. Well, hopefully it'll appeal to other gamers a lot more.

I will say though, I do really appreciate how they paid a lot of tribute to the very first FE in terms of their character choices and how they chose quite a lot of non-Smash FE characters to be in TMS (though I do think it's a bit weird that they don't have Marth, the series poster boy in the game except for 1-2 minutes of him being in a cutscene).

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Your opinion on the fire emblem series

Are there any SF members you want banned? (Don't mention names) If so, how many come to mind?

Uhm well, I don't think I'm in the position to want someone banned since I'm relatively new here, so I have to say no

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Favourite Disney film

How's Italy?

Well, I think it has some interesting places. Aside from the usual cities that people visit (Rome, Milan, etc.) there are countryside and seaside locations that aren't that bad to see. Obviously we have our problems (like the crime rate and too many immigrants), but is there a country who hasn't?

I think the majority of tourists that come here on vacation is attracted mostly by food by the way as I heard from some of them

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Opinion on kids and/or plans for them in the future?

Your opinion on the fire emblem series

It's one of my favorite series. It's one of the few I still follow a ton, probably tied only with the Tales series. As I've gotten older and adultier, I don't have as much time for video games, unfortunately.

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Favorite fire emblem OST

Opinion on kids and/or plans for them in the future?

I like them (until they piss me off too often). That said, I'd really wish to have someone who can call me father someday

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What is your avatar from? I don't think that's the Vaike.

Favorite fire emblem OST

Oliver's Theme, Power Hungry Fool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiUC4aXtC3Y

That being said, I really like Lost in Thoughts, All Alone is a close second, especially the Groans of increasing discomfort Conquest fast tempo version

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List in decrescent order the four verses of Lost in thoughts all alone (the first being the one you like most)

What is your avatar from? I don't think that's the Vaike.

He's Angra Mainyu (kinda.....) from Fate/Hollow Ataraxia. The illustration comes from Fate/Grand Order

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same question

favorite main character (of all the games you've played)

Tie between Luke fon Fabre (tales of the abyss) and Emil Castagneir (tales of symphonia dawn of the new world)

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Opinion on Breaking Bad

same question

Mmmmmmmh, as I don't have anyone in my mind in this moment, I'll go for Radiant Dawn's Ike (don't know if can be considered as the main character, but....)

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Favorite servants in Fate?

If you could have a mystical creature (griffin, dragon etc.) what will it be? And if it's a dragon, of which tipe?

Those good ol wise and ancient eastern dragons

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