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Favorite Final Fantasy IV character?

Are there any characters from Dissidia that you're interested in using, even though you've never played the corresponding FF that they're from? I remember you saying you'd most likely use Kefka and Cecil, but I'm curious as to which characters appeal to you but you are unfamiliar with. Maybe characters like Garland, Firion, Squall, Jecht, and Gabranth pique your interest?

Squall, Terra, Cecil, and Kefka, yes.

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Do you like SSBM?

Meh, not so much anymore, I played the fun straight out of it when I was anticipating Brawl and now I'm sick of it because of all the tourneytards that like it better.

Which water-droplet smiley do you like better: :drool: or :sweatdrop:?

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Oh, I forgot about making health better, definitely health.

Kinda meh, sometimes it upsets me other times I don't care. Though I'd definitely want it cured if it was possible.

Would you prefer to wear a normal suit or a Tuxedo?

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Favorite color in Magic the Gathering?

Why do you think I'm one of those typical RPG guys.

I don't. It's good that you aren't all "Warrrrrrrrrrrr Finul Phantsy sevun iz teh bestestest gaim evar whaoooooo lol Cloud Cloud Tifa Yuffe Sephy Sephy hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwawwwaaaahhhhhhhh CloudxSephy haaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaahahahahaaaaaa I wanna touch Tifa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Really, if you were like that, I'd slap you.

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